mossberg cruiser vs shockwave

Something to consider. Just wait. MOSSBERG 590 SHOCKWAVE 12 GA, 14" PUMP ACTION FDE 6+1 - $ 489.99 SPECIAL Item:50653 MOSSBERG 590 SHOCKWAVE SPX 12 GA 14" Pump Action - $549.99 Item: 50648 MOSSBERG 590 TACTICAL 12 GA 18.5" BARREL 6+1 ADJ STOCK AND PISTOL GRIP INCLUDED - $ 579.99 Item: 50691 MOSSBERG 930 TACTICAL SPX 12GA SEMI AUTO 8 +1 RD - $ 989.99 Item: 85370 If you are going to hold your shotgun low at waist level when firing, a Shockwaves birds head grip is ergonomically superior to a pistol grip. Tons of fun if it fits a need for you, get it! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They have a long track record of producing firearms and their Mossberg 500 shotgun is a quintessential American shotgun. small things are hard to find Ryan , true that, The Shockwave in 12GA is a lot of fun as long as you have the physical stature to manage the recoil, which I dont think is too bad, but Im 63 and 240 lbs. I could even add a side folding AR stock adapter like the LAW adapter and have a side folding AR 15 stock on my Mossberg 500. Welcome to /r/Shotguns, Press J to jump to the feed. The Raptor birds head grip makes this gun much more comfortable in the hand and in recoil than cruiser grips. This might not work for everybody because without a shoulder stock, the push-pull technique is almost completely dependent on upper-body strength. As you can see on the target above, I pulled one of the seven-yard shots high and to the right, but everything else was in the scoring ring. Links to actual articles and vids would be much appreciated, in addition to your (collective) experiences. Thats what I use it for, fun. Not enough for a bear but more than enough for an attacking Homo sapiens criminal. The recoil from the powerful gun is sent straight back into your wrist and its not comfortable, to say the least. Yeah, its fun. This is a relatively short list in terms of Mossberg 500 stock options. It also looks like the same forend as on the 20 ga Shockwave. Mossberg 590 Shockwave - $300 (occasionally seen at $275 on sale) Crimson Trace LaserSaddle (LS-250G) - $200 (plus a $50 mail-in rebate, expires 30 April 2019) OpSol MiniClip - $17 Scabbard - $15-40, depending on the model you want MOLLE pouch - $10 Total: $492 (includes $50 mail-in rebate) This is done by shortening the overall length of your stock. unraid vs vmware. I firmly believe a shotgun is the best thing around to have, but at the same time I realise I'm facing a bit of a dilemma. The course consists of three rounds of nine-pellet buckshot at 15 yards and two rounds at 7 yards. The Shockwave Raptor grip makes the force move upwards rather than rearward. It sounds like youve already made up your mind and want the shockwave. Hes a lifelong shooter who just happened to be mediocre enough with a gun and a keyboard to combine the two and write. The Breacher Accu-Choke is one of the best Mossberg 500 upgrades you can add to your shotgun. The sling pin on the butt is extremely discouraging to me mentally to hold at eye level. Here is a quick list of standard upgrades you should think about: Now that you have the full Gun University take on the Mossberg Shockwave, its time to take another step by exploring recommended accessories you might need or want. When the lead has to fly you wouldnt notice that recoil much and no doubt gonna ruin anythings day you need to use it on. (Top opens) I also enjoy the mini shells 10 shots of 12ga, how is that not a win?? CAD $1,199.99. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. Grip strength and maybe even arm length are going to play a part, too. However, that shotgun is a lot longer than a Shockwave and therefore harder to discretely store, transport, or even conceal under a coat. Its a shotgun. Me, Okay. Mentally to myself, This is going to be fun. Understand, Phil was an armchair commando. Thats the tough question to answer. Chambered for 2 3/4" shells only, it feeds from detachable 5, 10, 15, and 20 round magazines. Mossberg 500 with Surefire Carl Bensen designed the Mossberg 500 in 1961. This piece of gear is brand new, and is a bit hard to find right now because its in high demand. The Mossberg Shockwave excels over the Remington version (yep, they followed Mossberg and made one of these too) in five design areas: The Mossberg Shockwave can not replace the utility of a full-size shotgun. HUGE kudos to Mossberg for making this an offering from the factory! Need help choosing the best weapon? Still packs a punch and recoil is very tame with either. Sure, its not as stable as a stock, but its a great pistol grip option when youre on a budget. Get a proper shoulder-stocked 500 for hunting or defensive use. And each time you fire and run the action, you have to line everything up again. The real potential with these, if were honest, is with a good brace and a folding buffer tube adapter. Details in the video, or scroll down for the full transcript. What I find amusing is that pretty much everyone has to hold the Shockwave out in front of them a fair distance to shoot accurately and the muzzle ends up about as far out in front of them as the muzzle of a standard shotgun with buttstock and 18-inch barrel. General Overview: Mossberg 590 Shockwave. comes to firepower . Before making noise with theShockwave, I did some dry practice. The 12 ga mini shells are about equal to a 20 gauge. Select what level shooter you are! Share on: The Mossberg Shockwave is a Mossberg 590 with a shortened barrel and the famous Raptor Bird's Head style pistol grip, instead of a shoulder stock. It has a 3 chamber so it can shoot 2 3/4 or 3 shells. My go to shotgun for self defense is the 590a1. The bead is just there to confirm and to help make small corrections. Admittedly, its a pricey stock, one of the most expensive on the market. rapid fire . However, it can be handy in areas where afull-size shotgun can not. 2023 Gun University, All Rights Reserved. The grip is nice and thick, checkered and feels good in the hand. That Raptor grip makes a difference! I would not hand this to my wife to fire though. Shortly after its release, Remington followed with their own version called the Tac-14 based on the Model 870. Mossberg 590 Shockwave Details Now let's get to the gun itself. Choke: Fixed cylinder It may very well be, but it has nothing to do with my question regarding the unaltered Shockwave & unaltered Cruiser. Several of us pounded a few hundred rounds of birdshot, buckshot and slugs without issue over the course of a few days. Here is a good video to show you how to clean it. I see the weight listed at 5.25 inches. 2009-2022 LuckyGunner, LLC. I think an AR-style rifle would be a much better choice. I included it because its likely one of the best pistol grips only options for a shotgunner on a budget. Sell to the uninitiated. Have any peoplke you know that are smaller used a 590 with recoil reducing stocks or grips like the Knoxx? Women are always leery of using a shotgun and worst when attempting to convince them to use a shot gun w/pistol grip. The Shockwave is a Mossberg 590 with a 14-inch barrel and a Raptor birdshead-style grip in place of the shoulder stock. Home Defense Tactical Tips with Manny Mansfield, The Backyard Sniper Lightweight Edition, Why Wont the Ruger Mini-14 Just Die? Mossberg are very much a legacy brand within the world of firearms. People need to worry less about barrel length and capacity and just get what they can find right now. Mossberg 590 Shock N Saw Shockwave 12 Gauge Pump-Action with Breacher Muzzle and Chainsaw $672.00 $499.99; In Stock Brand: Mossberg; Item Number: 50647; Remingtons on the other hand, is in front of the trigger guard and although it is not a real problem when youve got a buttstock to help support the firearm, it is downright awkward in this Shockwave configuration. Im partial to skeet loads for plinking and low brass game loads. Like any 500-series Mossberg, it has the receiver-mounted safety switch. You could always get both and satisfy both urges. I once lived out in the boonies, no one around, so I never worried about over penetration or a miss, now I live in a low rent apartment complex and the idea of having to defend myself with a firegum is frightening. Marshals. The stock is mounted on a five-position aluminum buffer that allows for immediate adjustment for size, clothing, or presence of body armor. Success Your Grade Has Been Added To Our Readers Score. Mossberg 88 Cruiser 20 Gauge Pistol Grip Pump Shotgun $299.99; In Stock Brand: Mossberg; Item Number: 32204; . You dont want to go any further before checking out what were about to say. The only problem is the higher price ! Reliability * * * * * My options for stocks and grips are nearly endless with the Ergo grip. Bonus: Lets say you want to make it shorter but keep a stock. 590. Cant we just have fun with our guns? Overall Length: 26.37 inches guns & The other half of the law enforcement shotgun qualification is five slugs between 25 and 50 yards. So I was thinking the other night while rummaging through the dumpster, What I need is a Shockwave , in .410 caliber and number 8 birdshot.. Take shotgun, make not shotgun, ??? Learn about FFL related topics like how to get your license and how to stay compliant. Thing is, between the $300 purchase price, $150 sight, and $250 brace kit youre looking at some serious cash for a non hunting mediocre defense gun when you could have just bought 3 maverick 88s. The Raptor Grip is made by Shockwave Technologies (hence, the name Shockwave) to offer a close-quarters shorter shotgun for . I tried to add this in an editno joy so here goes: Im interested in learning as much as I can about the reliability of running Aguila 12 ga. Minishells in the Mossy 590 Shockwave. Most notably, the lack of ashoulderstockmakes accurate shooting and recoil management difficult. Couple of quick questions..I saw the Mossberg Maverick 88 Cruiser is available in 2 different models: one with just a pistol grip and one with synthetic stock. My first experience with any recoil reducing stock was the Blackhawk Compstock, at the time I didnt believe these things work. Will the knoxx bleacher grip fit on mossberg 500 flex pistol grip shotgun, Will the Knoxville breacher fit on mossberg 500 flex, the Knoxx breacher grip would be an ideal grip for a MOSSBERG 590. Of course, this isnt a slug gun, but I just had to try. Its a toy, not a legitimate self defense tool. Maybe a few bucks more if you want to fix the safety. I have wanted a small shotgun for a long time and the shockwave satisfies most of the aesthetics that I look for. The Mossberg 590 is a pump action 12 gauge shotgun that is heavily based on the 500 series. That stock looks amazing! I like how compact the gun is, as is. Mossberg 590 Shockwave Crimson Trace Laser 20 Gauge Firearm $ 531.49. My local FFL checked with the Pontotoc County sheriffs dept when I bought mine online. The recoil buffer does its job extremely well. Mossberg has been around since 1919, and along the way, they've designed numerous weapons, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns. I would score it at least three points down. Told him so. So is the Mossberg Shockwave shotgun worthy of your time, or have Mossberg had their better days already as a brand? I am also omitting the 7 shot models because Im pretty sure they are the same length as the 18.5 options just with a longer tube. copperass salmon fly. The Blackhawk Compstock is a traditional stock that looks plain, and unassuming. Packing date on the box is 11/06/2020 so pretty recent manufacture, So they give you a bead sight, but I guess thats just for decoration. Theres also another difference that makes the Mossberg 500 platform perfect for this Shockwave firearm configuration (its almost impossible to talk about a Mossberg 500 anything without comparing it to a similar model Remington 870). We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. If youre looking for a tiny firearm that fires shotgun shells (and doesnt require NFA hassle or breaking the law), then the Mossberg Shockwave is for you! Im 72 and have weak shoulders so the Shockwave seems the likely choice, but thought about it in a 20 ga configuration. One thing I did was get an OpSol Mini-Clip (cheap) and installed it on the shell lifter so that I could use Aguila 1-3/4 shotshells in either buckshot or rifled slugs I think the magazine holds 9+1 and they would be quite effective at household ranges. The safety on the Mossberg is a thumb-style safety on the top rear of the receiver. Is it worth it? But is the Shockwave able to measure up to the newer, more innovative brands? I knew my more tactically woke friends would harangue me if I reviewed one. The downside to it is rougher edges and a rougher action (that does smooth out after a bit). They both use the same interchangeable barrels and stocks. Pretty sure I see these shockwaves all over the gun show circuit there. I put a laser on mine and Im lights out with it at decent defense distances. We did a write up on the. The choke is fixed cylinder bore as you would expect. I believe the 590 Shockwavesreal potential will be realized with the addition of the Crimson Trace Laser Saddle. Ill have to wait to purchase one until Oklahoma straightens out the language in its statute regarding, sawed-off shotguns for that to happen.. AR pistols are dumb (the stock crap) but at least they can basically function as an SBR without the NFA shit. The capacity. The password should contain at least 8 characters with at least one number or special character. Way more than enough rounds in the tube. As a truck gun or used in a confined space, it packs a serious wallop. They are just non-NFA firearms. The Shockwave comes in 12 gauge or 20 gauge. On the traditional side, shooters claim a traditional stock points better and make instinctive shooting easier. The judge with 45 Colt can be very accurate. Shockwave vs 18.5 vs 20 is something Ive stumbled on quite often, and I see a lot of opinionated remarks about which barrel length is best for home defense, so Im going to try to avoid that here. This just may be for you but, only if youre big enough to handle it and shoot it. The traditional side, shooters claim a traditional stock that looks plain, and round. Punch and recoil management difficult stock mossberg cruiser vs shockwave looks plain, and 20 round magazines track record producing. Enough with a gun and a folding buffer tube adapter a few hundred rounds of birdshot, buckshot and without! And unassuming, only if youre big enough to handle it and shoot it your. Press J to jump to the feed most notably, the lack of ashoulderstockmakes accurate and... The Top rear of the best pistol grips only options for stocks and grips are nearly endless with Ergo. 500-Series Mossberg, it has the receiver-mounted safety switch it has the receiver-mounted safety switch a brace! 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