battle brothers nimble forge

Can also put in work against Nachzehrers, and other beasts that mindlessly charge Spearwalls. With heavy armor you will likely be slow enough to go last on turn 3. How meaningful this is depends on the weapon. Nomads tend to be dodgy, but not especially tanky, so accuracy perks can help against them. : 3v1: (3 1) * 5 = 10 surround bonus (20 with Backstabber). The formula is from the perspective of the defender, not the perspective of the attacker As per the above, Polearm unitsdo notget extra Backstab bonuses compared to a normal melee unit. If you use Adrenaline on turn 1 and have heavy armor, then turn 2 you can Spearwall and wait (to slow you down next turn). Test example of Duelist impactThe following is a test of Winged Mace vs. 30 enemies and adding the total mean hits to kill each enemy. The enemy will engage into you and there will be two of your bros to each enemy bro getting you 1 surround bonus. Low base HP and 3 stars in fatigue just mean that the stars in fatigue can't be used. As exciting as that sounds, the Shamshir itself is a rather poor Duelist option due to its low base Ignore% and low armor damage. Heavy armored characters usually go late if not last in the turn order. + Increases the range of tactical options+ Saves FAT (and INI) Additional bag slots are not always needed or justified, Items stored in the bag normally cost half as much FAT (favorably rounded down). Dont answer to twinkle toes, its not manly!. Many attacks from dangerous enemies such as Chosen, Unholds, Lindwurms, Two-Handers, Crossbowmen can pierce through armor. 10. It is not particularly strong in either case. You might want a backup Spear in case your first one starts breaking. Executioner can provide decent benefit against other human factions as well. Nimbleforged is a thing. For insurance, one could bring two stacks and use the last bag slot for a Bow or a Crossbow. Nimble usually performs better against weapons with high AID such as two-handed weapons or Crossbows, while Forge excels against repeated weak attacks. There is a danger in relying entirely on Indom to keep your brother safe. All of the MDF perks benefit from this interaction, and there is no such thing as too much defense. 30% Base Juggler, most 2-tile reach weapons, 2H Swords, Throwing Axes. Recover is a must, and Fearsome can do great. On other origins, Indebted backgrounds work as per normal with Student at level 11. Rotation can also help with mobility. Arena valueThe small scale of the Arena makes Overwhelm better there, especially against dangerous high tier enemies. It is not too hard to have cleared the map, including legendary locations, by day 150 or 200 with a team of mostly average to good bros. Generally speaking this should be avoided, but with some clever positioning and the right build/bro you can deal enormous damage with this playstyle. Immunity to Orc Young jumping Stun spam is nice too. and less useful against low defense Orcs. That being said, it can be used and it can do very well and it can be a lot of fun. The effect that Overwhelm applies is quite good. If they either don't have enough MDef to survive without Dodge (Reach Advantage and Gifted are good for this as well), or if they have so many stats that need patching I don't think I'll be able to level Fat enough, use Nimble. When no ally is within 3 tiles of distance, gain a 15% bonus to Melee Skill, Ranged Skill, Melee Defense, Ranged Defense, and Resolve. Click To Watch Free 'NAACP Image Awards 2023' Live Stream. Attributes are a type of gameplay mechanic associated with the level up system in Battle Brothers. If FW is something you would often use than this wont be a reasonable substitute, but as a panic option to save endangered bros you can carry a Smoke or two on the team and free up a perk slot away from FW. Early game: Battles are short and units are fragileBecause early fights are short you have plenty of Fatigue to burn, you could reasonably cast Adrenaline several times. Even though Dodge is technically a defensive perk, you can translate that extra defense into offense if you want to. Be thankful that they dont have Executioner. They also have Backstabber. Any shield smash cannot hurt you and getting more wasted enemy turns is great. Status avoidance and anti-NomadsSimilar to the Hexe Charm described above, using the wait function can allow bros to shave a turn off of status effects if they get hit after they acted and waited. As such, you can go first with Adrenaline, do your turn, and wait. Then if you get hit with a status one turn is removed when you actually end turn. While Gunners are a priority target and you want to avoid clumping and/or giving them free reign to shoot you, Dodge can help when they do get shots in. HH can work here. See the Game Mechanics section if you need further clarity on this. You can run a damage dealer that runs all of the accuracy perks and no damage perks. In this specific team composition, Anticipation can actually provide pretty good value. Footwork can only save yourself but Rotation can save yourself or save your buddy which makes it a lot more enticing. Pathfinder is a FAT perk as well as a mobility perk. Whether you go for a more defensive oriented super tank who rarely attacks or for a more balanced tank, Shield Expert is going to be good. Duelist also doesnt provide any value against naked enemies. Misconception Berserk is an auto-pick on every damage dealerNo. Vs. Friday's invite-only (and non-televised) awards dinner will go on as scheduled from L.A. Live Event Deck, a popular event venue located . An Orc Duelist needs Mastery to not be out of FAT in two or three turns. Vs. Dragon Quest X. Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland SP. A common strategy to fight Hexe is to have a bunch of Maces on your team to Stun your Charmed brothers (and the Hexe herself). Skills build up 25% less Fatigue. The Fatigue penalty from wearing armor and helmet is reduced by 30%. Legends Mod. Negating the wait penalty is great though. Ambusher poison is nasty, lowering your AP which blocks your offense, your unrooting, and Recover if you have it. Bonus is reset upon landing a hit. Gifted is worth 5 RES with Mind assumed, plus two other stats dependent on what your Bannerman needs. The stats of the brothers come into play when you have to answer the question "ok, who gets this forged set?" Fast Ad. But archers rarely if ever need more than a total of two quivers of arrows (twenty shots) or one quiver of bolts (ten shots). Then they die and decide Dodge stinks. A dead enemy is better than a debuffed enemyA dead enemy cannot hit you, and if you kill an Overwhelmed enemy before he attacks then Overwhelm didnt help you. With Fearsome, you can translate that pumped RES into some offensive debuff pressure on your foes. Rotation is often compared to Footwork and most agree that Rotation is better. Furthermore, an enemy dropping to Fleeing status yields a morale check on his team, and an enemy dying yields another morale check on his team, so dropping enemies to Fleeing first before killing them helps increase the panic wave spreading to their teammates. Anti-Barbarians: Chosen hit hardBarbarians are the most dangerous faction in the game right now because they like to swarm you with a bunch of dangerous 2Handers that do a lot of armor ignoring damage. While not influenced by perks, the in game tooltips struggle to tell the full story here. You can also use Adrenaline with a Mace Stun or Whip Disarm to make sure you can stop a key opponent before they get to act. Simply put, these changes increase 9L consistency in actually giving you a chance to save your bro. Having one or more bros capable of doing this does a very good job at keeping the Hexe distracted while the rest of your team clears out the mobs. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gamerofpassion_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gamerofpassion_com-leader-1-0');If you enjoyed the guide, consider leaving a thumbs up or comment so it gets more visibility. It also helps you gain and maintain Confidence status which boosts your stats. Despite the HP damage reduction, by lack of armor, Nimble is still vulnerable to poison effects after roughly [5-8] successful shots. Adrenaline gives you very strong opening turns or timing pushesThe most straightforward use of Adrenaline is to spend your first turn and round waiting. Relentless and wait synergyAs Resilient works well with the wait command, it can combo nicely with Relentless so that you can wait every turn while maintaining high initiative. However, archers could not wear heavy armor due to the vision penalties. Even so, regular Rondel Dagger attacks are weak enough that even with three attacks per turn it isnt very impressive. It doesnt have to be something you activate every turn for it to be good, and activating every turn will be too expensive to sustain for long. Without QH this would take two turns and is probably two slow, but anyone else can throw the Smoke to save whoever is in trouble. Throwing Mastery is very good. Named armors made even betterBecause Forge gets better the more durable the armor, it works especially well with very heavy (300+ durability) named armors. If you look at a lot of old guides, some will tell you that you only need 60 HP on your Forge units. If you dont have room for both Berserk and Frenzy you can also use just one of them and it can still be good. Is more Resolve better than a different stat booster?As a raw stat perk, Mind is going to have to be compared to the other raw stat perks. Nimble or Battle Forged are always picked and are must-have perks that dominate any character build. With each new character level reached by your mercenary he will gain 1 Perk point in addition to Attributes stats points. Famed 300 armors have a wide range of FAT costs that will impact Brawny value. Spearwall support: Knock enemies back outIf your Spearwall gets breached and you want to re-enable it and there is only one enemy currently zoning you, you can smack them away with your shield and then Spearwall up again. Berserk allows you to instantly attack again with your Frenzy buff, allowing you to get more mileage out of it. Not that Berserk is bad in these fights, but there are limits. In this regard, you can make a super tank who never levels skill because he isnt planning on attacking. It is also really nice to be able to switch between a Billhook and Warscythe depending on the situation. Alternatively, Dodge and Overwhelm are both good. Crossbowmen, having one less maximum range, can afford one less vision by day. Here are some of the common picks: Head Necromancer Dark Cowl (40/-0) Sallet Helmet (120/-5) Assassin Metal Mask (140/-6) Zweihanders Helmet (160/-7) Barbute Helmet (190/-9) Body Necromancer Dark Rugged Surcoat (60/-4) Assassin Robes (120/-9)* Leather Lamellar Armor (95/-10) Basic Mail Shirt (115/-12) Noble Mail (160/-15). Even with very skilled bros, you will get unlucky eventually, and sometimes early, so having the insurance of Mastery to guarantee you get your Spearwall value is important if you want to try and use it. Shieldwall + Indom is the best defense you can get in a turn, and you will need Recover if you want to do this more than once or twice per battle. This makes headshots weaker than expected, which disfavors Brow. Only high-rolled brothers from the most premium backgrounds are able to get enough HP/Resolve that levelling fatigue is useful (hedges, brawlers, wildmen, farmhands, premium combat backgrounds with tough/strong). However, Swords have a lower FAT cost than the above options and a bonus +10% accuracy. Spetum: Reach builds while SpearwallingSpearwalling with a Spetum does grant stacks, making it very easy to gain 25 MDF while you have Spearwall going. Since Polearms require very little FAT to use, it nearly guarantees that your Rotation will be available when you need it. SomeWyrdSins 1 yr. ago. If you like to play that way then this guide can still help you achieve those goals, but it isnt specifically catering to that playstyle. Each point of RES reduces these chances by 1%. This is a nimble tank build for beginners who is having hard time finding a tank material but desperately needs tank/banner tank who will last till late game. Honor Guard is 55. An early Taunt user is going to want a Heater Shield purchase and defensive perk support. You do want to be smart about it though. Even if you try a second time and land the hit, you are at the mercy of the turn order and if an enemy gets the next move there is a very reasonable chance he takes the newly unoccupied high ground tile. Pathfinder makes it easier to skip RecoverPathfinder saves FAT over the course of a fight and can make a big difference to the viability of a fully Fatigued unit still operating decently without Recover. The Warriors cannot push if there are no empty tiles to push people back into. Fire Pots are usually used early in the fight, but Flash Pots and Smoke Pots may be better held onto until the right moment meaning they will take up bag space. Student also lets you reach further down the perk tree without committing to a real perk above. The high AID potential of Duelists make them especially strong against armored but low hp enemies such as Ancient Dead and most humans. Defensive Polearm: Shield swap shenanigans are possibleSince Polearms cost only 5 AP with Spec they can operate similar to the pre-nerf Quick Hands builds but without QH. Reach Advantage is +5 per hit but worth nothing if you miss. + Saves lives by bailing out yourself or other endangered bros+ Provides tactical flexibility and security+ Can be used offensively Expensive to use, you may not have enough FAT when you most need it With smart play and good positioning it usually isnt needed, Costs 3 AP and 25 FAT and ignores Zone of Control Can be used to swap with NPC units such as Dogs or allies Can be used multiple times per turn if AP/FAT allow Cannot be used by or with bros who are rooted or disabled (stun/vines/net/sleep/etc.). However, Spears do gain +20 accuracy, and Spearwall does benefit from the Duelist bonus (it will not make Spearwall amazing or anything). Although the effect is good, Overwhelm can be awkward, and theres some issues to be aware of. In that sense you might as well use a Heater instead unless everyone in front is shielded. There is diminishing returns on Berserk across the party. Shield Expert is therefore highly recommended if you dont want to lose your fancy shields. The shield defense bonus is increased by 25%. You can outspeed them with a slower bro if they wait and you dont, and you both use Adrenaline. FW can let you get away. Clearly, the differences between Indom and not are astronomical, with the effect being more pronounced against dangerous enemies that deal a lot of armor ignoring damage. Test case is a Chosen with Spiked Mace vs. a Forge bro. Theres some hidden resolve modifiers that play a big factor here (see Game Mechanics). Well, no, that isnt really necessary. Low HP backgrounds: 9Lives can helpSome backgrounds start with very low HP (sub 50). Notably Ancient Dead and some large Beasts because their RES is too high. Understanding how the AI works makes FW less relevant as a panic button because you will get better at preventing those panic scenarios from happening in the first place. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. Doing this does prevent the Bannerman from moving that turn however. Fearsome is great. It is better to use the 320 piece if you dont mind the cost. However, given the chaotic nature of the battlefield, multiple brothers contributing damage, and damage rolls being variable, it is hard to predict how often Executioner helps or does not help. Expected armor saved thanks to Forge is shown in the last column.AttackerBaseForgeDiff.Diff.%+ArmorAmbusher17.5721.644.0723%108Guard6.457.711.2620%121Chosen2.622.840.228%78. WhipsWhip Disarm is a great control ability that is nice to have available for your team, but the Whip itself is a very weak weapon. Again, both have pros and cons. Make no mistake, spending a whole turn on Recover is a huge cost. Fencers can also easily activate Berserk for Recover efficiency. Since Underdog doesnt actually increase defense but rather decreases opponents skill it gets around the soft cap, making it extremely valuable on any tank who already has enormous defense. However, Duelists are fairly perk starved and CS is a bit of a luxury that can be hard to fit in. So all that really leaves for Forge to care about is Hexe Charm. because they wouldnt make sense) Most likely does not effect Fire Pot initial throw (needs confirmation) For a full injury list, refer to thiswiki page. Injury delivery: HH increases injury ratesHH on appropriate high AID weapons tends to increase first injury rates with or without CS considered, compared to the same weapon/build that doesnt have HH. A higher base RES will also make a bro more likely to succeed a Rally check from your Bannerman (see Rally for details). For example, you start the turn with the Banner out, QH to Hook/Whip/Net, do the thing (4 or 5 AP), and then use the remaining 4 or 5 AP to bring the Banner back out allowing you to maintain the Banner buff that you want to have while also having the ability to use other weapons/items. On bros with low Fatigue, Executioner like KF can make more sense than Berserk as the value is not contingent on having enough Fatigue to capitalize on Berserk. Hidden resolve modifiers that play a big factor here ( see Game section. So all that really leaves for Forge to care about is Hexe Charm so all that leaves. 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