explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals

The Term Paper on Students Diversity and Teaching Practices, The Essay on Teachers And Other Teachers Have Taught Students One Teacher, Understand own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning, Roles and Responsibilities in Lifelong Learning, Evaluate own roles and responsibilities in lifelong learning, Teaching Role And Responsibilities In Education And Training, Students Diversity and Teaching Practices. Boundaries between the teaching role and other Professionals. How my role will involve working with other professionals and what the boundaries are between the teaching role and other professional roles Though this applies to secondary education the principles can inform teacher roles in the lifelong learning sector. Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in education and training. 1.3 Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity Things you might want to cover: Meeting individual learning needs, e.g. Terms by respecting them and exhibiting good practice such as making sure that the On post it notes, write ways in which you currently manage behaviour in the classroom/training room (2021, Jun 07). Describe, use and evaluate two different assessment activities used to check the learning of either individuals or a group of learners. Tutor presentation Individual research 3.2 Explain the . And this ensures that students can enjoy their education without facing challenges that could affect their education. In regards to disabilities, a teacher should make sure that learning materials does not discriminate against anyone, that they are adapted where necessary, for example, large print or audiotape format. 1.1. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria, Samploon, Inc. 2022. Eqa. Question 1 There are five steps in the teaching/training cycle; identifying needs, planning/designing, facilitating, assessing and evaluating. When a teacher becomes familiar with the personal needs of their learners, they can easily plan their day-to-day activities, so they can cater to all of them. Making sure the room is tidy open and free of hazards caretaker role and responsibilities in lifelong learning. Equality and diversity is the idea of promoting and accepting the differences between people. This could highlight early signs that a student is under performing and perhaps the need to liaise with additional support teams; it would also provide clear aims and objectives for the student. Describe points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners. Task 2. Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others. For example, I had a student who arrived to my class with a large black eye and numerous other injuries, based on the students profile I felt involving the safe guarding team was the best option. Another responsibility is contributing to a team of professionals in order to improve the experience and achievement of their learners. It is well. The principles include: a teacher must develop an awareness, understanding and professional respect of all the roles which support them in their effectiveness. & codes of practice relating to own role/responsibilities, 1.3 - Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity, 1.4 - Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs, 2.1 - Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment, 2.1b - Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment 2/2, 2.2 - Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others, 3.1 - Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals, 3.2 - Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles, 3.3 - Describe points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners. The teacher will achieve this by providing learning tasks, and outcomes tailored to meet the needs of students. Every teacher must believe and understand that all their learners should gain equal hopes, education and future ambitions from their learning. They also have to follow legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice and be professional at all times to inspire their learners. A teacher knows how to work well as part of a team. As a teacher I will need to evaluate the course and delivery throughout the course duration to enable continuous improvement of my teaching and the impact that it is having on my learner. However, there will be other levels of management that a teacher has to liaise with frequently. Their role is not just about teaching their subject or preparing learners for assessment, the focus of their role relates to inspiring their learners to change and develop their personal, social and professional skills to the best of their ability and to empower their learners to understand how to take responsibility for their own development. Privacy Policy 5 0 obj The teacher must remain professional, act with integrity and act with impartiality. All samples were added by students. ensure that I follow the curriculum and work to targets and deadlines. Research and implementing new teaching methods. <> We have to act within professional codes which involve knowledge of the Code of Professional Practice remember that a teacher and the students relationship has the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training: My role as a teacher will be to plan and deliver learning that provide extra support where necessary. quality. stream You cannot view this unit as you're not logged in yet. Therefore, promoting appropriate behaviour is crucial to a successful learning environment. Understanding Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Education and Training. Question 2 Students will have a wide selection of queries and issues and it is essential that teachers are able to refer students to ensure they receive the correct advice, no matter how well intentioned, being supportive and helpful can cause more problems than it solves if it concerns matters outside of our knowledge, skills and expertise. (Gould & Roffey-Barentsen, 2014, p. 25). By the use of inclusion with Learners through demonstration and observation, learners can become more fully involved. Understand ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment. <> A teachers role can be referred to as "a role which contains limitied teaching responsibilities and a role which represents the full range of responsibilities performed by those who are expected to attain the status of a qualified teacher" In my opinion the esponsibility of a teacher/tutor isto nurture any person from someone who knows nothing All learners, whatever their needs, should feel included in a learning environment where different teaching styles are used, and where they feel safe, accepted and valued. Other areas of support could include printed materials including Braille, audio visual materials, verbal information from organisations, such as, Learn Direct, interpreter, Work Train or Information and Guidance for Adults (IAG Services). External agencies: when dealing with external agencies to The primary role of a teacher is to deliver classroom instruction that helps students learn. If learners know where they stand they will eventually stop pushing the boundaries. Samploon is a database of free essay samples. Retrieved from https://samploon.com/understanding-roles-responsibilities-and-relationships-in-education-and-training/, Teachers Ethical Convictions in Supporting Learners Argumentative Essay, Error Analysis of English Written Essays of Undergraduate Students, Inclusive Education and Physical Disabilities, Social Justice in Music Education: Choral Music Educators, Leadership Development and Competency Modelin Teaching, Impact of Task Based Language Teaching on Uplifting Writing Skills, Teacher Stress and How it Affects the Classroom Environment. contributing to planning, researching provision, sharing assessment outcomes, communicating student needs, negotiating support for students, contributing to internal quality assurance, liaising with referral agencies. A teachers main role is to motivate their learners, to develop their ability and ambition to learn. Equality and diversity is the idea of promoting and accepting the differences between people. As a teacher, you will rely on other professionals in your centre or organisation to deliver . I.e. This self-evaluation helps me improve my teaching skills, teaching preparation, and teaching materials such as lecture notes and lesson plans. I believe the best teachers continually seek to improve their teaching skills, preparation, and materials. Sit back relax and leave the writing to us. Those that need more instruction can sit closer to the teacher. Looking forward, I would like to expand on legislation and have a more in depth look at certain areas within the teaching role; such as planning and delivery. Ensure the security of learners whilst complying with the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998. It is also crucial to consider that each learner has something unique to add to the learning environment that can be helpful to other, What are teachers responsibilities to their learners? If a learner has visual difficulties, the teacher can sit him or her closer to the blackboard/whiteboard/flipchart. Once the rules are set the teacher shouldnt let things slide. Essentially this means that the child should not struggle in P.E merely because his or her teacher is not athletic or sport orientated. In order to facilitate learning. U1 AC 3.1 Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. Your main role as a teacher should be to teach in a way that involves and engages your student every session. This may be found in mathematics and art. Routledge. Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity. Careful planning ensures that every student is able to reach their full potential. The Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974, it is my responsibility as a teacher to be aware of risks of harm or injury, preventing accidents. Creating an all-inclusive culture for the learners is important, planning lessons that reflect the diversity of the classroom and ensuring that all learners have equal access to opportunities and participation. Gravells, A. Marking student work and recording performance. The area they are working and assessing or evaluating will identify if the aims and learning outcomes have been understand and achieved. Role of a Teacher: Deliver lessons effectively Plan engaging and relevant lessons Give regular feedback to learners Support learners with their studies Responsibilities of a Teacher: Keep up to date with subject knowledge Identify learners needs Plan and prepare all lessons and resources Mark assessments Furthermore, in order for, It is important to set the appropriate boundaries for learners. Both of these people have a huge impact on ensuring that they continuously evaluate the students ensuring they understand the concept. 3.1. 6 0 obj 1.3 Explain ways to promote Equality and Diversity. I will also We use cookies to optimise your experience of the site. The rule of thumb for such relationships is to be polite and respectful towards other professionals. Im not very good at keeping up with making notes while Im in class so thats where the auditory theory comes in where I prefer to listen to things over and over again until its embedded in my mind. Responsibilities throughout the stages of the teaching / training cycle The teaching / training cyle is in five stages: 1. It is important that a teacher identifies and meets the needs of every learner without discrimination by identifying their learners weaknesses and apply actions to overcome them. URRR 3.2 - Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professionals. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order, Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, Psychology, English, Economics, Sociology, Management, and Nursing. Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others. Managers and Supervisors: towards my manager, I will ensure They just don't teach us, English, Math, or History; they teach us about life and what's to come. THE NEEDS OF INDIVIDUAL LEARNERS AND POINTS OF REFERRAL TO MEET THEIR NEEDS: There will always be different strengths and weaknesses within a group of students. % Please let us know what annoys you most about being a teacher! Explain how the Teaching Role involves working with other Professionals Remarkably, when exploring the relationship that exists between the teaching role and other professionals, it should first be realized that there is no standard approach for teachers to develop relationships with other professionals such as management or colleagues. Watch out! Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals; The 'Team Around the Child' (TAC) concept can include any . They need to create a scheme of work and plan sessions and keep a record of attendance. endobj It is crucial to a happy, relaxed environment that prejudice and discrimination is eliminated. Lastly, safeguarding officers are crucial as they ensure that the rights of students, most of who are minors, are well safeguarded (Stronge and Tucker, 2017). By creating a safe environment learners will be more relaxed and motivated, be able to participate, voice their opinion, ask questions and be actively involved and achieve their goals. Student support worker Specifically, I do two jobs both in the Supported Learning . y/!njJfuuD\SzH02T>P 2RL[}I!U-jgB% n"|M%$4Xk:~Yuj,k^kA!BIPB1"SlwhRS`R Brief for Assignment 1: unit 008 (level 4): Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning. 8 0 obj Some People Prefer Work Or Activities That Mainly Involve Working With People. Lesson 2: 3.2. 11 0 obj 1, Explain what your main role & responsibilities are as a teacher/trainer in Education and Training (1.1) My role as a Teacher As a teacher, one of my main roles is to motivate my learners, to develop their ability to learn also to develop my learner's aspiration to learn. As a teacher, I have to be a proficient in the familiarity of my teaching areas, and be expert enough to be able to explain and teach them. Then I make notes for future reference. It must allow teachers and students themselves to monitor learning. Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals. Give practical support where needed. Evaluate At each of the five stages of the teaching / training cycle there are many responsibilities countered by relevant boundaries. endobj Learning support assistant to help with. As the end of college approaches however I feel that this was certainly the most relevant philosophy topic that we have studied so far.Adorno, essentially outlines the requirements for a good teacher and also the environment of teaching and learning that they create in the classroom. The teacher must challenge discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping and encourage the group to mix. endobj As a teacher/trainer I will need to be able to adapt my style of teaching by being a friend, counsellor, mentor to ensure that my learners are, As a teacher I am responsible for the evaluation of course work and all aspect of the learning process to gauge whether improvements can be made. 6 0 obj Understand the relationships between teachers and other professionals in education and training You can: Portfolio reference a. In order to keep up with the changes, they need to ensure that they meet the highest possible standards. The relationship between the teacher and management is a direct reporting relationship. I would also use appropriate language and show interest in what the pupils are saying and support them with school activities., It is essential for the teacher not to display favouritism and to be approachable to all learners. Use an extract from your teaching practice portfolio and reflect on how your feedback has informed your learners progress and achievement and how feedback from others has informed your own professional practice. Identify 5 professionals a teacher would encounter 2. the effect and safety aspects it may have on the other Learner's. appr 3.1 Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals Although I deliver the training for Learner's, I am not a qualified electrician or an IT technician! Day to day assessment is a crucial phase of effective teaching, it comprises of the teacher and the teaching assistant in the class focusing on how learning is progressing in that particular lesson, defining where improvements can be made and recognising the next step for the child, my role is working in partnership alongside the teacher who will help, support and work collaboratively with me as this will result in a valuable exchange of ideas and joint problem solving to enhance the future learning of the children we work with. Analyse the purpose of assessment and produce a written justification of your chosen assessment method. For the purpose of this assignment I will explain the main role and responsibilities as a teacher or trainer in education or training context. It is well with thee. Essentially Adorno requires the teacher to be an intellectual i.e. Working effectively as In order to do this teachers are responsible for promoting a safe supportive learning environment as well as promoting equality and diversity. Principles and Practices of Teaching & Training, London: Sage Publications Ltd. Stronge, J. and Tucker, P., 2017. Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training. Additionally, teachers are required to work with the awarding body. 12 0 obj 6. Oral, Written, and, The IFL devised Codes of Professional Practices The LLUK (Lifelong Learning UK) suggest Professional Standards for, As a teacher I should observe and be in accordance with The Institute for Learnings code of Professional Practice, ifl.ac.uk came into law on 1 April 2008. It is my duty to handle classroom, prepare lessons, prepare teaching materials, assess learners, identify needs, evaluate them and their delivery, maintain learners record of progress and facilitate learning. The initial task was to produce a job description on my ideal job. Communicating with administrative personnel, Contacting companies to procure equipment and resources, Obtaining technical support from colleagues for unfamiliar equipment, Engaging in team-teaching sessions with other professional colleagues. xUKo@[])}EAVET@rR!8-5ih;3;.>D(DE0*:(;Gu'"=,FKN*A-Rk+*%j`4dEj For a teacher, there will be many internal and external people that they will need to develop a professional relationship with to execute their duties. They also must be committed to their own professional learning, seeking to expand their skills and to deepen their knowledge as a teacher. %PDF-1.5 Identify needs 2. 3. Have the ability to listen, be knowledgeable, support and guide. 3.2 Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles. Each learner should be treated equally. Working effectively as part of a team and sharing valuable ideas and resources (Or you can watch the first 40 seconds again), Now we will take a look at working with other professionals Now we will take a look at working with other professionals. Researching and developing new teaching materials. <> Any inappropriate behaviour should be dealt with in a respectful way, so not to undermine the learners or the ground rules mutually agreed. When seeking their A perfect example is the use of projectors, which can only be fixed by ICT experts. 11 0 obj It is hard to ascertain that a student has fully understood a certain concept (Stronge and Tucker 2017). Boundaries are essential while teaching and are often implemented by the teacher to ensure a professional relationship is maintained, for example, ensuring that as a teacher you "preserve a degree of 'professional distance'" (Gould & Roffey-Barentsen, 2014, p. roles, responsibilities and relationships in, CAC GHB - 626 Through the love of God our Saviour, How the teaching role involves working with other professionals. Similarly at each stage the teacher has to perform within certain boundaries., My role as a teacher will be to plan and deliver learning that will not only inspire and motivate the learners but it will also develop the knowledge, vocational skills, study skills and life skills the learners will need to help them succeed. Learners, to develop their ability and ambition to learn cycle ; needs. Skills and to deepen their knowledge as a teacher should be to teach in a way involves... 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