journey christian church staff

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Susanna Orensky. She has 2 beautiful girls and loves helping every child discover a faith in Jesus. (n=g,o=n.documentElement,p=!f(n),(e=n.defaultView)&&!==e&&(e.addEventListener?e.addEventListener("unload",da,!1):e.attachEvent&&e.attachEvent("onunload",da)),c.attributes=ia(function(a){return a.className="i",!a.getAttribute("className")}),c.getElementsByTagName=ia(function(a){return a.appendChild(n.createComment("")),!a.getElementsByTagName("*").length}),c.getElementsByClassName=Z.test(n.getElementsByClassName),c.getById=ia(function(a){return o.appendChild(a).id=u,!n.getElementsByName||!n.getElementsByName(u).length}),c.getById? (f[g]||"none"!==c||(""),""[g]=N.access(d,"olddisplay",za(d.nodeName)))):(e=V(d),"none"===c&&e||N.set(d,"olddisplay",e?c:n.css(d,"display"))));for(g=0;h>g;g++)d=a[g],"none"!""!||([g]||"":"none"));return a}n.extend({cssHooks:{opacity:{get:function(a,b){if(b){var c=Fa(a,"opacity");return""===c? Tammy joined our team in 2019 as the Journey Kids Director and became the Director of Family Ministries (leading children's ministry and student ministry teams) in 2022. Josh wasborn and raised in Tracy and formerlyserved as a student ministry pastor in the Bay Area with aMasters of Divinity before coming on staff at Journey in 2018. if( document.documentMode || /Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { } Susanna Consla Orensky, is a light-hearted, sci-fi fan, who loves painting, storytelling, board games, and campfires. "Mike Baker resigned yesterday as head Pastor of Eastview. *)\\)|)",P=new RegExp(L+"+","g"),Q=new RegExp("^"+L+"+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\. 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Let's work together on your Christ journey. Telephone: 207-773-6471 Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland 510 Ocean Avenue Portland, ME 04103-4936 Email Us ")},f),(m=i[o])||(m=i[o]=[],m.delegateCount=0,l.setup&&,d,p,g)!==!1||a.addEventListener&&a.addEventListener(o,g)),l.add&&(,k),k.handler.guid||(k.handler.guid=c.guid)),e?m.splice(m.delegateCount++,0,k):m.push(k),[o]=!0)}},remove:function(a,b,c,d,e){var f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,o,p,q,r=N.hasData(a)&&N.get(a);if(r&&({b=(b||"").match(G)||[""],j=b.length;while(j--)if(h=fa.exec(b[j])||[],o=q=h[1],p=(h[2]||"").split(". {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? 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Transit (Middle School) Sun @ 9:15am. if (event.persisted) { Shavon Starling-Louis (Co-Moderator of the 225th General Assembly) and I arrived in Juba, South Sudan on February 1. (c=b,b=void 0):b&&"object"==typeof b&&(e="POST"),g.length>0&&n.ajax({url:a,type:e||"GET",dataType:"html",data:b}).done(function(a){f=arguments,g.html(d?n("

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In his time as a minister he has served as Discipleship Pastor, Senior Minister, Teacher, Sunday School Director and Ministry Coordinator in Tennessee and Ohio. window.onpageshow = function(event) { We are passionate about creating compelling and irresistible environments where peopleespecially the unchurchedwant to come back week after week. if (iframeID) { Esther and her family began attending Journey in January of 2011, She and her husband Rolf began serving in various ministries as soon as they joined Journey. if ( /^((?!chrome|android). Dan and Holly have three amazing children who have grown up in the Children's and youth ministries of Journey. n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; He also enjoys the pastoral side of ministry by helping marriages that are in crisis, as well helping those who have lost hope. :\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/,C=n.fn.init=function(a,b,c){var e,f;if(!a)return this;if(c=c||A,"string"==typeof a){if(e="<"===a[0]&&">"===a[a.length-1]&&a.length>=3?[null,a,null]:B.exec(a),!e||!e[1]&&b)return!b||b.jquery? Our Community Groups are scattered throughout the area. Pastor Harvey received his ministry undergraduate degree from Florida Christian College and a Masters Degree from Reformed Theological Seminary. (.+)|)/;function ga(){return!0}function ha(){return!1}function ia(){try{return d.activeElement}catch(a){}}function ja(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g,h;if("object"==typeof b){"string"!=typeof c&&(d=d||c,c=void 0);for(h in b)ja(a,h,c,d,b[h],f);return a}if(null==d&&null==e? 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Hiking The Enchantments In September, Articles J