which of the following sentences best describes readability

Which of the following sentences. For more information on dangling modifiers, see Chapter 2 Writing Basics: What Makes a Good Sentence?. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. To emphasize the subject in certain sentences, Naomi can invert the traditional sentence structure. Which of the following best describes brand equity? I finished one of the Great Courses on writing. Write the combined sentence on your own sheet of paper. 2. A D B!!! SmartArt offers different ways (Well cover exactly how to measure your readability score later in this article). Putting these scores in context, 12th grade marks the end of schooling. Thank you so much to all who helped. Or, We actually took the test and are giving hope to those who are severely struggling.. Horsham, Responses saved. Courtesy: National Human Genome Research Institute Which of the following sentences best describes the above picture? Its ADB for connexsus students. All Rights Reserved. When you are composing the first working draft of your message, you should write rapidly When Lauren prepares the first draft of an important message, she carefully outlines the message. A Words that are placed at the beginning or end of a sentence generally receive the greatest emphasis. When you find a few paragraphs have gone off topic from your subheading, you can choose to create a new subheading or delete the rambling text. Which of the following describes type style? Multiple Choice The terrified child hid underneath the table. When you have finished writing, ask someone outside your sector to read it. She then sends it to a subordinate who is working from home. A D B!!! At ProWritingAid, we use the Flesch formulas, which score your work from 0.0 to 100.0. Correct answer (1 pt) SmartArt offers different ways of visually presenting information, using shapes arranged in different formations. There are countless authors out there with great books still left inside them. Some people know how to use a lot of words without saying much. Unselected answer (0 pts) SmartArt helps you create charts and graphs based on data you enter. The Flesch-Kincaid score dropped by a further 1.8 points to 12.3 and the Gunning-Fog score dropped 2.0 points to 16.4. There are times when using the passive voice can help you better illustrate a point or tell your story better. nonnative speakers trying to interpret and translate messages. In this sentence, jogging across the parking lot seems to modify my breath. A D B!!! Revised sentence: Harland Sanders, the Colonel, began serving food for hungry travelers in 1930. Some sentences can be combined using an ed verb formstopped, finished, played. Short sentences can help improve readability. A sentence is not necessarily effective just because it is long and complex. Looking for sentences and phrases with the word which? This section examines how to connect ideas across several sentences in order to increase sentence variety and improve writing. This aids structuring by helping you think about what the reader needs to know first, and what the focus of the article should be. Thx peeps! Our rule of thumb is: If its complex, make it simple. To connect two sentences using an ing modifier, add ing to one of the verbs in the sentences (checking) and delete the subject (Steve). A D B!!! Skills: A functional resume is quite different from a conventional resume. Privacy Policy | Advertising Disclosure | Disclaimers | Terms and Conditions. Unselected answer (0 pts) to map out the best means of getting between two points Write and revise sentence structure by connecting ideas. Now read the revised paragraph with sentence variety: During my time in office, I have helped increase funding for local schools, reduced crime rates in the neighborhood, and encouraged young people to get involved in their community. A D B!!! 1. Which of the following will make your message more concise? Subheadings can also be a great tool for keeping your writing organized. A D B!!! A D B!!! O Readability is Improved by the use of expert language and jargon. It is possible they used a metal trolley to move the stolen goods, which was abandoned outside the building. He discovered a virus. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? Take a look at the following example: Original sentences: Harland Sanders began serving food for hungry travelers in 1930. Other questions on the subject: English. If youve ever read an obscure academic textbook or a boring corporate memo, you know what its like to read a complex puzzle of writing. receivers expectations. Teenagers exchange drugs and money under the railway bridge. Itsa grammar, spelling and readability checker that helps everyone in your organization to create internal and external content thats easy to understand. Looking at this . A, D, B is still correct in 2020. In the section taken from Disney, there are only two sentences, giving a Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of 25.7. She sees the flaws in marriage and her relationship. If you reelect me this year, I promise to continue to serve this community. Chapter 9: Writing Essays: From Start to Finish. I have reduced crime rates in the neighborhood. Notice that when the prepositional phrase is moved to the beginning of the sentence, the emphasis shifts from the subjectthe terrified childto the location in which the child is hiding. 7. The car screeched to a halt just a few inches away from the young boy. This isnt something people want to do, even if theyre familiar with the subject or language youre using. Its important to realize that readability measurements arejust numbers based on how long your sentences are and how often you tend to use words with lots of syllables. 2. Revised sentence: Checking the computer system, Steve discovered a virus. Many people are surprised to learn that the average reading age of adults in the US is 7th/8th grade. Underage drinking typically results from peer pressure and lack of parental attention. If you spend your day chatting with other people in your sector it can be easy to forget that the way you talk with each other might not translate so well to people outside of that bubble. He is Colonel Sanders or the Colonel.. Here are some great ways to get you thinking of ideas for your own memorable media soundbites that will help your message stand out from the crowd and be remembered: Use Similes, Metaphors or Analogies:Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. H 0: There is no significant impact of sentence length on the readability of the web for screen reader users. Select one movement from the Progressive Era. Chapter 2: Writing Basics: What Makes a Good Sentence? The correct answer is Adjective. Make sure to keep the sentence you want to emphasize as the main clause. In this sentence, without whipped cream is the prepositional phrase. Slowly, she turned the corner and peered into the murky basement. We therefore formulated the following two null-hypotheses: 1. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? Other states are likely to follow their example. On your own sheet of paper, rewrite the following sentences as inverted sentences. Your email address will not be published. Unselected answer (0 pts) SmartArt enhances images and photographs by accenting them with colors and shading. image. [1] At our company, the receptionist answers the phone. A readability score is a measure of how easy your text is to read. A heading that guides readers to think in a certain way about a topic is referred to as a(n) ________. Incorporating appositives into your writing is a useful way of combining sentences that are too short and choppy. Best describe readability? d. flabby expression. 2.D Disclaimer: TCK Publishing and its website, TCKPublishing.com, provides information on writing, publishing, books, and advice to help you live a better and more successful life. Following this is a list of bullet points including the segment below. Due to the fact that we have just received your check, your account is up-to-date. See, were learning together! 3. Writers often mistakenly believe that this technique makes the text more clear for the reader, but the result is a choppy, unsophisticated paragraph that does not grab the audiences attention. 1 /1 point Hope I helped. For this exercise, well focus on the first two grade level scores - the Flesch-Kincaid, currently at 24.9, and the Gunning-Fog at 30.1. If you follow the guidelines in this article such as writing shorter sentences and using smaller words instead of complex or archaic words, youll find your readability scores will improve automatically. Which of the following improves the clarity of a message? As you can see, ReadablePro generates scores from a range of different readability formula. It's adb final I swear the teachers change them around every year that's why adb, ADB anon is incorrect the right answers are A,D,B, Ugh I failed because there's so many different answers, A A D B!!! The section of the policy begins by stating that We will not share your personal information outside The Walt Disney Family of Companies except in limited circumstances, including:. In addition to varying sentence structure, consider varying the types of sentences you are using in a report or other workplace document. It is a heading that guides readers to think in a certain way about a topic. D) measure the implementation and results against predetermined benchmarks. 2. Readability scores measure factors like sentence length and word familiarity. It was a period of civil war and the end of slavery. The second sentence emphasizes how the subject movesslowlycreating a buildup of tension. Steve Linney was part of the Readable team until July 2019. Readability is related to the level of complex ideas presented in a document. 5-D I try to use personal language as much as possible in my writing. In this chapter, you will follow a student named Naomi who has written a draft of an essay but needs to refine her writing. Notice how they add additional information to the text and provide a sense of flow to the essay, making it less choppy and more pleasurable to read. A D B!!! Readability is related to the accessibility of information in a document. receive your message, the more likely it is that you will Why fix what isnt broken? I was debating from people saying it was ADB or ABD but I went with ADB and it is correct 3/3 100%, hi this is a psa if 50 people already said the right answers you do not have to confirm it again, A Read the following sentences aloud and consider the effect of pausing after the adverb: Cautiously, he unlocked the kennel and waited for the dogs reaction. DEBATE CLOSED! With long words producing a cost to readability scores when you do use them, and evidence that the unnecessary use of long words can lead to lower estimations of intelligence of the writer, the message is simple. Read this excerpt from Naomis essay: This section examines several ways to introduce sentence variety at the beginning of sentences, using Naomis essay as an example. Solemnly, the policeman approached the mayor and placed him under arrest. What is the purpose of inserting SmartArt in a Microsoft Office program? Martin should use some bullet point lists in his report. Try Readable for 7 days entirely free, or cancel any time if you don't love it. If you're writing fiction, blog posts, or other content targeted towards an audience without technical or specialized knowledge, you should use accessible language. It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. distracting yourself from doing any real work, New study shows font readability is very individual, Longest word(s) by syllable and by length. Another useful technique is to connect two sentences using a modifier, a relative clause, or an appositive. More happy readers = More impact and more money. A D B!!! Have a plain writing section on your website. ur welcome. Goodwritingrequirescommunicating your ideas so well to your readers thatthey can quickly and easily understand what you mean. If you have to use a complex or strange word you know many of your readers will not understand, you need to define that word for your reader immediately (usually either in that same sentence or the next sentence). It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. Many amateur writers think they need to use complicated language to impress their readers. D Although these scores are higher than the recommended 8, given the legal terminology and necessary clauses that privacy policies need to include these scores are still pretty impressive. prefer messages that are easily understood. I just made it up.). If you can get your reader to laugh, theyre a lot more likely to stick with you for the long haul. This will make it harder for the reader to follow, especially if they are going to be reading on a smaller device such as a phone or tablet. [3] Past experience indicates that a So let's take a look again. Unselected answer (0 pts) to map out the best means of getting between two points Social reforms occurred in response of the abuses of big business. Unselected answer (0 pts) to add shapes and images in Microsoft PowerPoint Revise each item either by making two complete sentences, or by adding a conjunctive adverb or semicolon. I bet most of the people who watched the election coverage when Ronald Reagan was running remember this line well 30 years later. I just made it up). I try to shoot for at least a 60-70 score on the Flesch-Kincaid readability scale (which rates on a scale from 0-100, witha score of 90-100 being easily readable for the average 5th grader). Your job as a writer is to connect with readers. Which of the following techniques should Martin utilize in order to design an effective report? (1 point) Readability is the key to engaging content that boosts your SEO rankings, increases engagement and improves conversion rate. For some tests such as Flesch- Kincaid, calculate word length on the number of syllables. Copyright 2011 - 2023 Readable. If the relative clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence, it does not require commas around it. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? Readability is determined by the receiver's IQ. Which sentence best describes the contrast principle and why it is important? Like any repetitive task, reading text that contains too many sentences with the same length and structure can become monotonous and boring. Notice that not only does it take more words to write in the passive voice, its also just a very awkward way to organize ideas. Many more web visitors will have cognitive difficulties or a learning disability. concise, and tactful language. So, shortening your sentences really can have a huge effect on the readability of your text. Oh, it was eaten by Bob.Notice how the passive voice downplays the importance of the actor (Bob) and highlights the importance of the object (the apple). Instead, break your text up into meaningful chunks. The following is a sentence from an email from an administrative professional to a manager: "We usually undertake the verification of all documents at least once every month." We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. This section discusses how to introduce sentence variety into writing, how to open sentences using a variety of techniques, and how to use different types of sentence structure when connecting ideas. Which of the following best describes a descriptive heading? Napoleon, whom the French admire, died at St. Helena. Contrast affects the readability between . Unselected answer (0 pts) SmartArt allows you to search for photographs using the Microsoft Office database. Prewriting helps you organize your ideas. Your email address will not be published. Want to create or adapt books like this? I was impatient and fell for the ABD! In the nearby schoolyard, children played merrily during their lunch hour, unaware of the riches that remained hidden beneath their feet. It is a heading that guides readers to think in a certain way about a topic. Using a mixture of different sentence structures reduces repetition and adds emphasis to important points in the text. and sentence structure. (1 point) Readability is all about how easy or difficult it is to read something. 6 answers; English; asked by Anonymous; 4,819 views; The following items are run-on sentences. But can a simple number really tell you how good your writing is? Jeff snatched at the bread hungrily, polishing off three slices in under a minute. The aim of punctuation is to help your reader understand what is being said. Then, as she writes, she labors over each sentence, pausing to choose just the right word. Skilled communicators use the passive voice to If you are having trouble figuring out why these sentences are similar, try underlining the subject in each. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Many new authors just write as if the reader obviously knows whatOnga are (trust me, they dont). Read the following example: Original sentences: Steve checked the computer system. Hi Patricia, you might find this ebook self-publishing guide helpful :) We also have a lot of other posts and resources for self-publishing, so if you have any specific needs or questions just let me know! :), I have so much to learn, however, this article puts a lot of things in perspective. This gives you a relative clause (who lives in Seattle) that can be placed next to the noun it describes (the managing director). Note that an adverb used at the beginning of a sentence is usually followed by a comma. Some of the most common are the Flesch formulas, the Dale-Chall formula, and the Gunning fog formula. Illegal: DAB. If you make your reader go too far without a rest stop, theyre going to get grumpy and give up (and they may not even know why). is correct for all you Connexus users.lol dont listen to the rest. What is the purpose of inserting SmartArt in a Microsoft Office program? This is another reason why we recommend a reading age of between 9 and 15 years old. If your readability score is poor, heres what you can do: Look for complicated words that you can replace with simpler ones. Look at the following example: Jogging across the parking lot, my breath grew ragged and shallow. Regardless of what you think of Donald Trump, I bet you know his answer to that question (Mexico?)! If your readers have to frequently reread sentences to understand them, look up words in a dictionary or have some kind of secret insiderknowledge to understand what you mean, readability suffers and so do your readers. You can use lists to organize large groups of information. Reading your work should feel effortless. There are many different types of readability tests. All of the following played a major role in causing the depression of 1837 except. Naomi has used two adverbs in her essay that could be moved to the beginning of their respective sentences. Using pictures, graphs, charts or other visual elements can help your reader better absorb and retain the information youre trying to share. A D B!!! Another great article for writers. 1 /1 point A D B!!! In the media, these highly memorable phrases are called soundbites. As with the ing modifier, be careful to place the word that the phrase modifies immediately after the phrase in order to avoid a dangling modifier. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. At 25 words, sentences become difficult, and 29 words or longer, very difficult. But, what if your score is much higher than this? There are plenty of tools and websites you can use to measure the readability of your work. 1 answer; American History; asked by CM; 447 views Spoke Mandarin at school III. Providing subheadings allows them to absorb more information more quickly. Relative clauses are a useful way of providing additional, nonessential information in a sentence. a. pet and wildcat banks. P.S- Thanks to everyone that put A, D, B, you guys were right. You want your readers to effortlessly follow along as your writing guides them through your stories and ideas. A comma indicates that the reader should pause briefly, which creates a useful rhetorical device. Studies also show that sentences of 11 words are considered easy to read, while those of 21 words are fairly difficult. If you want your message to be remembered by millions of people, you need to create short, easy-to-remember phrases that will stand out and get stuck in the minds of your audience. These include: All of the help you work out where to focus your attention when it comes to shortening content. the average length of your sentences (measured by the number of words), Nobodys got time for jargon and unnecessary buzzwords, Get straight to the point. a. Tone. "The award ceremony was held last week because very few employees were on leave.". Lets say youre writing a novel set in a strange universe where people use a form of currency called Onga (yes, I know its a strangename. By splitting up the text into five shorter sentences, the readability scores dropped drastically. One technique you can use so as to avoid beginning a sentence with the subject is to use an adverb. Well-organized writing saves the reader a lot of time and energy. Contrast creates a sense of balance between design elements. The prepositional phrase is underlined in each: The bandaged man waited in the doctors office. While formulas differ, one common component of all readability formulas is sentence length. For our example, institutions, applicable, prohibited, information, and delivery were identified as the longest words by syllable count with institutions as the longest word by letter count. You should too. In the following example, an ing modifier indicates that two actions are occurring at the same time: Noticing the police car, she shifted gears and slowed down. That means the average person reading your content has the reading ability normally expected of a 12-14 year old. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. Which of the following helps make a letter more concise? By being really strict about your message(s) and the bare bones of background information required for engaging with those messages, you then have criteria for what to keep and what to cut. Contrasts, Conflicts, or Paradoxes: Our food is fresh. Its not enough for your writing to have all the information your readers needs! A D B!!! Which of the following sentences is concise? c. Van Buren's 1840 reelection. Shorter words are easier to read and understand. A) it ensures that everyone follows treaties B) it maintains good relations and keeps discussions open*** C) it mediates conflicts and supports international. We recommend aiming for a reading age of between age 9 and 15. D. a,d,b is correct The ppl up here lying to others when they roply got the answers from someone and came on here just to troll. It features multiple skills sections: The first is the summary of qualification section, which describes your best skills and explains why these skills are mentioned. Its waylonger than it needs to be. To organize information A detailed job description is enclosed with this letter. If your audience is very broad then avoid including any specialist jargon or acronyms. With increasing limelight on privacy policies, some corporations have tried to make sure their policies are reader-friendly. Ashley introduced her colleague Dan to her husband, Jim. Bring me the file which is on the table. Dont be tempted to cram too much information into a single paragraph. It's A, D, B don't listen to the other answers. Readability matters. First, lets talk about why readability is so important and why it should be a top priority for any writer. If youre writing nonfiction, consider using subheadings generously throughout your work. (1 point) It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. The terrified child hid underneath the heavy wooden table. 3. correct: ADB Thats what readability is all about for me. A D B!!! The red truck sped furiously past the camper van, blaring its horn. Which of the following bets describes the Progressive Era? You can use an endnote (I personally hate endnotes. The conversion of documents to PDF files using Adobe Acrobat helps in better distribution. 70 or higher is great (That means 7th graders can easily understand you writing). Improving readability is one way to adjust your documents to the Which of the following is true of the sentence? This great quote from Ali makes excellent use of simile and rhyme to make it even more memorable. Experienced writers incorporate sentence variety into their writing by varying sentence style and structure. Chapter 5: Help for English Language Learners, Chapter 6: Writing Paragraphs: Separating Ideas and Shaping Content. : Create the Perfect Pitch, Title, and Tagline for Anythingby Sam Horn. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of westward expansion under the idea of manifest destiny. It was a period of westward expansion under the idea of manifest destiny. ABD is incorrect, 1/3 >:/ Chapter 4: Working with Words: Which Word Is Right? If your work is too hard to read for your audience, they won't engage. A D B!!! It can be fulfilling solving that puzzle, but most readers wont see itthat way. May it rest in piece.). Make all corrections on the sentences below . Sources: theguardian.com, oxfordjournals.org, wsj.com, princeton.edu, theoatmeal.com, Readability news readability readable. Sentence: Harland Sanders began serving food for hungry travelers in 1930 9 and 15 years old not effective! Than this is being said the policeman approached the mayor and placed him arrest! Bandaged man waited in the doctors Office used two adverbs in her essay that could moved... Sentence best describes the contrast principle and why it is to read for your writing guides them your... 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