who plays vince casey in the archers

Neville Booth (bellringer) and his nephew Nathan (clear skies enthusiast and parish council candidate). Alice Carter, ne Aldridge (born 29 September 1988) (Hollie Chapman), the younger daughter of Brian and Jennifer, studied engineering at Southampton University. In 2020 Caroline Lennon played the part again, to record a message Siobhan had left on a CD for Ruairi to hear on his 18th birthday.[58]. Unfortunately Toms handling of both the pregnancy and the miscarriage ultimately proved to be the final nail in the coffin of any lingering romantic feelings she had for him. She works at the dairy at Bridge Farm, where Pat Archer is a good friend, and formerly worked behind the bar at the Bull. Sophie Barlow (Moir Leslie) a fashion designer who was once engaged to David and once involved much of Ambridge in her fashion shows. He never knew that he was finally to become a father. He is also Daniel "Dan" Archer (Harry Oakes, Monte Crick, Edgar Harrison and Frank Middlemass), son of the elder John Archer, was the first owner of Brookfield when the family bought it from Squire Lawson-Hope. The circumstances of Ruair's arrival briefly engulfed the village in gossip and, for some, scandal. The Archers is known for its silent characters, who often play important roles in the narrative despite not being played by actors. In April 2011 their daughter, Keira Susan, was born. After Nigel Pargetter's death, he began working at Lower Loxley, initially just to assist Elizabeth. Ian Craig is the husband of Adam Macy. Lilian Bellamy, ne Archer (born 8 July 1947) (Sunny Ormonde, formerly played by Elizabeth Marlowe) is the twice-widowed, gin-soaked, chain-smoking second daughter of Peggy Archer (and step-daughter of Jack Woolley). Nic died unexpectedly of sepsis in February 2018. Rairi Donovan (born 14 November 2002[25]) (Arthur Hughes since 2018) is the son of Brian Aldridge and Siobhn Hathaway. His subsequent marriage to Kathy ended in divorce but his third marriage, to his affair partner, country singer Jolene, was happier. He has two daughters from a previous relationship; Coriander, who goes by the name "Cas", and Leonie. Virtually silent: he once called out 'Yoo-hoo'. [43], Marjorie Antrobus - Archers' creator Edward J Mason had a real-life neighbour with that name - (Margot Boyd) was from a colonial background in Kenya; she was the widow of Teddy. He died in his sleep at the age of 98 in October 2019. Widowed, she shared a good-natured rivalry with Walter Gabriel, which often played into his unrequited advances towards her. Her first husband, Mark Hebden, a solicitor, was killed in a road accident in 1994 that also involved her best friend Caroline Bone (later Sterling). Pat and Tony had three children, John, Helen and Tom. However their misdeeds tend toward relatively harmless mischief-making rather than criminal activity (although on one occasion they committed criminal damage by vandalizing Rob Titchener's car and it was eventually established that they were the 'bunting thieves'). Sid Perks (Alan Devereux) was landlord of The Bull, Ambridge's village pub. They are numerous, and most only "appear" once or twice. In 1995 she married the new owner of the estate, Guy Pemberton (Hugh Dickson). Pip split from her first boyfriend called Jonathan, a boy she met at her YFC (Young Farmers Club) and began an affair with a much older man, a mature student at Borchester College called Jude Simpson. Elizabeth witnessed his fatal attempt to rescue a sheep in difficulty on Lakey Hill, despite her pleading with him not to. Jazzer started out as a general ne'er do well, engaging in burglary and drug abuse, before settling down a little and holding down two jobs. He disappeared to Australia and New Zealand for several years and was married (originally to gain a visa, though they subsequently fell in love), had a daughter (Meriel), and divorced before returning home. However, after finding out that Helen was driving he became more sympathetic and apologised to Tom. Polly Perkins, known as "Mrs P" (Pauline Seville), a close friend of Dan and Doris Archer and formidable mother of Peggy. Occasionally Jazzer manages to surprise everyone with a sensitive side, such as when he wowed the audience of Ambridge's Got Talent with his heartfelt rendition of a Scottish folk song ("Roses of Prince Charlie"). Subsequently Rob found himself becoming a pariah in the village, with Usha evicting him from the house he rented from her, Oliver banning him from the hunt, local shops refusing his custom and villagers openly expressing their distaste for him. After spells in London and Spain he opened a wine bar in Borchester in 1980 and later an antique shop (with Kenton Archer). On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. After a long and intense trial, during which the truth of Rob's abusive nature was exposed publicly, as well as the revelation that he had raped Helen, she was acquitted on both counts of attempted murder and Grievous Bodily Harm. Elizabeth's mother-in-law Julia lived in the family pile until her demise in 2005. It collapsed completely after Tim discovered Siobhan's affair with Brian Aldridge. Once again, Adam and Ian contemplated parenthood; in 2019, surrogate and friend Lexi gave birth to Alexander Macy-Craig (Xander). In 2011 she was responsible for an outbreak of E-Coli at Bridge Farm. It took Kathy some time to trust a man again, and Kenton showed uncharacteristic patience in enabling her to rebuild her self-confidence. Ambridge was one of the first parishes to have a female incumbent. She returned in 2010 for Phil Archer's funeral, and in 2014 after Ruth's miscarriage. She is an erratic bowler, who often has to be stopped from excessive sledging. Their first child, Martha Carter, was born prematurely in March 2021. She ultimately returned to Ambridge several months later, got a job at Grey Gables and moved in with Roy Tucker while also making amends with Helen and the rest of the family. In late 2012, financial troubles reflecting earlier reductions in milk prices forced the couple to move back in with Emma's parents. Known for many years as just 'Mrs Pugsley' until her marriage to Titcombe. Over recent years he has become increasingly caring, for example driving up to Northumberland to bring his widowed mother-in-law to stay, and renting a piece of land to Joe Grundy to allow him to keep the barn he had erected without planning permission. He returned to Ambridge as soon as he heard about his father's accident. Daniel was expected to go to university to read Law in his father's footsteps, but upset his mother by joining the Royal Tank Regiment, though later she accepted his choice of career. Sadly, Kirsty miscarried and Tom lost all enthusiasm for baby food, returning from his travels instead with a passion for fermented food, something not widely shared in the family or the village. She returned home when her mother died suddenly in December 2005. She had previously worked for several years at the village shop and post office, and as Tom Archer's assistant in his sausage-making business. Betty died suddenly before Christmas 2005. Before she was injured in an explosion and fire at the Grey Gables Hotel in March 2020 Lynda had been campaigning against Lilian Bellamy's plans to revamp The Bull under the title "The B @ Ambridge". Usha was also regularly on the receiving end of 'helpful' advice about her unmarried status by her Aunty Satya (Jamila Massey), an occasional visitor to Ambridge from Usha's home town of Wolverhampton who attempted to match-make for her on numerous occasions, with cousins from home. She became involved with him after her father, Jethro, employed him to remove the range in their home. He has had a remarkably quiet childhood as Brookfield has been less important in the village with Bridge Farm elbowing other farms out of the spotlight. Filled with remorse, Pat had strongly disapproved of Sharon, John's girlfriend, and this discovery turned into an obsession which caused problems for her family. Susie Riddell had previously voiced Kate Aldridge but left the series to pursue other projects before returning as Tracey. Sergeant Harrison Burns (James Cartwright) is a member of the local police force. Coriander has a son called Oscar. After many years of close friendship, Peggy married Jack Woolley. David Archer (born David Thomas Archer, 18 September 1959) (Timothy Bentinck, formerly played by Nigel Carrivick) is the second son of Phil and Jill and, as the only child of the four to show any interest in, or aptitude for, farming, has assumed responsibility for Brookfield Farm. In 1979 Christine married George Barford, a gamekeeper, which was seen as a class transgression, even though her uncle, Tom Forrest was also a gamekeeper, and colleague of her future husband. Hayley worked at Lower Loxley as nanny to Freddie and Lily Pargetter, and then as a rather amorphous children's visitor specialist. The family moved back to Ambridge shortly thereafter. Clarrie spends much of her time sorting out problems created by her husband and sons. The series is led by known actors, including June Spencer as Peggy Woolley, Jill Archer as Patricia Greene, Angela Piper as Jennifer Aldridge, and Judy Bennett as Shula Hebden-Lloyd., Tony Turner plays Vince Casey in the radio drama The Archers. Nigel and Shula found themselves in court in 1984 for taking a car they erroneously believed to be Beecham's. After moving to The Laurels retirement home she was a silent character for several years before her death was finally mentioned on 13 August 2008. He was, having concealed his marriage from her and wanting only a fling. Tony Archer (born Anthony William Daniel Archer, 16 February 1951) ( David Troughton, formerly played by Colin Skipp) is the youngest child and only son of Peggy Archer (and step-son of Jack Woolley). [19] As of 2021[update] she is a vegetarian, climate change activist and opponent of hunting. During their marriage he was unrequitedly enamoured of Jolene Rogers (later Perks, now Archer), his partner in a country and western double act. No mean cook, Satya often arrives bearing food parcels for her culinarily inept niece. It was also revealed shortly afterwards that the previous year, while still manager of the mega dairy, Rob had blocked a nearby culvert to prevent a build-up of rainwater from flooding the dairy and was therefore responsible for the massive flood that had engulfed Ambridge and nearly caused the death of his boss. Richard, a commuting accountant, rarely gets a mention beyond his involvement in the cricket team. Subsequently, he came close to having a relationship with Debbie Aldridge, but Pemberton assaulted her after she confessed that she could not love him. Affected by severe depression at the time of John's death, she discovered at the end of 2011 that he had fathered a child. Alan Franks (John Telfer), the latest in a series of eccentric village vicars, was appointed to Ambridge and neighbouring parishes in 2003, moving from Nottingham where he had previously worked as an accountant and a non-stipendiary minister. The accident occurred as part of The Archers 60th anniversary broadcast on 2 January 2011. The show is the longest-running radio show, with 19,894 episodes as of 30 December 2022.. Pip has a clear interest in farming, and also caring for the environment. Jennifer Aldridge, ne Archer (7 January 1945-22 January 2023) (Jennifer Piper) was the elder daughter of Peggy Woolley by her first husband, Jack Archer. With the additional help of family support and counselling Ed has made major steps towards recovery, demonstrated by his increased dedication to Oliver Sterling's dairy farm. In 2005 Peggy tried to persuade her husband to agree to his affairs being governed by power of attorney. A few years later, the same actress played the vicar, Janet Fisher, but after Fisher had in turn been written out, Barlow herself reappeared in August 2006. In the series, Vince is upset with Ben archer as he has created a misunderstanding between Beth Casey, his former partner, and Chelsea's using a past issue. The decision to remove Bert from The Archers followed Eric Allan's decision to retire. She had a relationship with Carl, a man who seemed too good to be true. He jilted her at the altar. She occasionally visits home; and the installation of a new webcam also allows Debbie to talk and appear to everyone via computer. She returned to Ambridge but endured a disastrous relationship with local businessman Cameron Fraser (which led to Elizabeth having an abortion) before finally marrying Nigel Pargetter after a relationship some years before. John was killed in a tractor accident. Josh Archer, played by Angus Imrie, [11] made his first appearance during the episode broadcast on 13 September 1997. [12] He was originally played by Cian Cheesbrough. [12] Josh is Ruth and David Archer's eldest son, and Pip and Ben's brother. Growing up, Josh helps his parents out around the farm. (Played by Stephen Kennedy.) In May 2007 Constanza gave birth to a cria, which Lynda named Salieri, reassuring one acquaintance that the legend of Salieri murdering Mozart was a myth. The main characters in the story 1 Aldridges 2 Archers - Bridge Farm branch 3 Archers - Brookfield Farm branch 4 Carters 5 Franks 6 Grundys 7 Lloyds/Hebden Lloyds 8 Pargetters 9 Perks 10 Snells More items Nigel (who also had a never-seen sister, Camilla who was married to a man named James) had only intermittent help from his beloved mother, Julia; more often she was a source of anxiety and friction (due to her dislike of Elizabeth, which, happily ceased once Freddie and Lily were born), but she died suddenly in November 2005. His untiring support for Adam's gran Peggy while she cared for Jack revealed him to be not only a rock of sense but genuinely caring. A former chair of the parish council, he is known for his 'NIMBY' views and collection of garden gnomes. Susan wanted him to be a white collar worker but he decided that he was a pigman at heart. In 2018, Shula stunned Alistair when she told him their marriage was over. bbc.co.uk. In this romance she calls him "Tiger" and he calls her "Pussy-cat". Despite Betty's sudden death, Hayley remained unhappy at living with her father-in-law and wished that she and Roy had a home of their own. His mother rather desperately encouraged this, to Neil's disapproval, but the couple soon found themselves incompatible, and Christopher finished the liaison. Rebecca Fuller is known for Raised by Wolves (2013), Dysphoria (2022) and The Archers (1950). Father of Clarrie. She studied at Oxford University and was leader of a rewilding scheme aiming at improving the natural life around Ambridge along with Pip Archer and Rex Fairbrother until moving to Scotland for a new job. During their engagement Jess had a baby, which she claimed was Rob's until he consented to a DNA test, which proved otherwise, and they were soon divorced. The episode featuring her death was first broadcast on 22 September 1955. Adam was adopted by Roger Travers-Macy, Jennifer's first husband. Tony started narrating the character Vince Casey in 2020., The Archers is a British radio drama series aired on 1 January 1950 on BBC home service. Lynda Snell MBE (born 29 May 1947) (Carole Boyd) lives at Ambridge Hall with her husband, Robert Snell. Jill is an active member of the Women's Institute, opened up a holiday cottage business, and is teaching her grandson, Josh, how to keep bees. She started dating Tom Archer following a Valentine kiss after they grew closer in the weeks after her mother's death. Growing up, Josh helps his parents out around the farm. Betty was a popular villager who supported the family even when Mike was violent and depressed. [59] When Amy asked Carl about moving into together, he broke up with her. In a standing joke, he is often described as excessively talkative (which is ironic, given his status as a silent character). Realising the error of his ways, he went on to gain a degree in business studies at Felpersham University. Subsequent to Lilian having a brief affair with Matt's estranged brother Paul, (which she did not find out Matt knew about until later), Lilian arrived home from a holiday to discover that he had emptied out all of their joint holdings, ransacked their house of valuables and fled to Costa Rica. Tony is an actor who has played the character of Vince Casey in the series Archers since 2020. Amy qualified as a midwife in Manchester and then worked at Borchester General Hospital. However, Debbie subsequently discovered that Simon was being unfaithful,[24] and they divorced. Fallon Rogers (born 19 June 1985) (Joanna van Kampen), Jolene's daughter from her first marriage (to Wayne Tucson). Kirsty was good friends with Tom's sister, Helen, but they fell out when Kirsty discovered that Helen had known before the wedding day that Tom had doubts. Vince and Elizabeth areparentsof their children and have been married once during their careers. Christopher Carter (born 22 June 1988) (Wilf Scolding, formerly played by Will Sanderson-Thwaite) is the younger offspring of the Carter family. The following year Crawford was indicted for fraud, having made a business guarantee he knew was false. When the village cricket team opened itself to female players she joined the team, eventually winning an election to become team captain. Feeling unable to return to university, leaving her father so soon after Betty's death, she decided to transfer to Felpersham University, planning to return to her studies in September 2006. [29][30] They were both born on 12 December 1999 via Caesarean section because of Elizabeth's heart condition. He saved the hall for his family. She has since undergone breast reconstruction surgery to restore listeners' empathy with her (not entirely successfully), and coped rather better than David with the sudden transformation of priggish daughter Pip into a very stroppy seventeen-year-old with a much older boyfriend, Jude, who eventually dropped her. Ed Grundy (born 28 September 1984) (Barry Farrimond) is the younger son of Eddie and Clarrie. Ben ], since young children rapidly adapt their accent to their surroundings. When Tom took the blame, Tucker forbade him from continuing a relationship with Brenda, his daughter. As the story progresses, we can see Vince is looking forward to building a good relationship with the archer dynasty by lending David money to reconstruct Brookfield. Jolene Archer, formerly Perks, previously Tuson, originally Rogers (Buffy Davis), widow of Sid Perks, whose third wife she was, and landlady of the Bull. Numerous animals have been repeatedly referred to during The Archers' run usually played by the special effects department as necessary: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/profiles/3dXcdbXfwsp4qTCXY28Lx5x/ian-craig. [20] and a former partnership in Tom Archer's sausage business. According to a BBC survey she is the most annoying character on the show, although this is regarded as praise by the production team, since she is intended to be. Until she gave her notice in January 2007 she worked as a cleaner at Brookfield. Tom Archer (born Thomas Archer, 25 February 1981) (William Troughton; previously Tom Graham)[8] is the younger son of Tony and Pat. As Jack's condition deteriorated, and after much sensitively presented soul searching on the part of Peggy, he was moved into residential care at The Laurels in 2009, and then suffered a stroke. After initially repressing her grief Kirsty eventually agreed to take compassionate leave and grieved properly. It was her pregnancy (by Helen's boyfriend Leon, though this was never revealed to Helen) and subsequent termination, that precipitated Helen's decision, at thirty, to have a baby by donor insemination. For example, when local vet Alistair owed him a gambling debt, Matt said that he would reduce the amount he owed in exchange for the administration of performance-enhancing drugs to one of his racehorses. In early 2006 Sid and Jolene were concerned that the decision of Caroline Pemberton to sell her controlling interest in The Bull would threaten its future but were relieved when Lilian bought her share. Though most people were welcome to the change, Peggy Woolley was not, something she showed by refusing to attend the service and opting to worship in Borchester. Thoughtful and provocative, Tregorran was such a popular and charismatic character that listeners at Archers public events still ask about him and about Carol Grey, whom he eventually married. Much taken with studying feminism in the mid-1980s she came close to having an affair with her lecturer, Roger, just before Bridge Farm entered the process of becoming organic. Pemberton unsuccessfully attempted to end the Grundy's tenancy of Grange Farm following their farm fire in 1996. After finding that Kenton had had a one-night stand with a customer of his bar, she threw him out. David's wife Ruth had meanwhile in exasperation at David's apparent affair fallen in love with the farm's contractor Sam. After finally realising the degree to which Carl had abused her trust things seem to be improving at home. He became concerned about the environment and tried to become "green". He was cleared at trial. She finished her degree in the summer of 2015 and accepted a post with an international agri-business with which she could gain experience of farming around the world. Eileen Titcombe (formerly Pugsley) housekeeper at Lower Loxley. On New Year's Day 2007, whilst driving drunk, she knocked down Mike Tucker[7] but Tom, a passenger in the car, took the blame. In April 2016, after meeting secretly with Jess, Helen stabbed Rob after he refused to let her and Henry leave (placing a knife in her hands, goading her to end her own life, then lashing out at Henry when the child interrupted the confrontation). Although she came to accept him after Helen made a drastic move and left her family home and moved in with Rob in February, she had questioned whether Rob had played a part in Helen quitting her long- running job at the Ambridge Organics store. [26] His persistent Irish accent despite his having been born and raised during his earliest years in Germany and, after only the briefest of stays with his Irish grandmother, educated for several years since then in England was criticised in the BBC's Feedback programme as implausible[when? Jazzer McCreary and Ed Grundy were involved with Fallon at various times. He began seeing Alice to the barely concealed delight of his social climbing mother and the scarcely concealed horror of Alice's mother, Jennifer Aldridge. After the suicide of her gamekeeper partner Greg Turner in 2004,[6] she suffered from anorexia nervosa, but recovered after a time at a specialist clinic. On 9 March 2021 she gave birth to a baby girl, Martha. After a spell at the University of Exeter she returned home to get away from a relationship with Canadian lecturer Simon Gerrard (Garrick Hagon); years later Debbie got involved with Simon again and in spite of Brian's forebodings they were married. He was patriarch of the Archer family. [18] Despite being severely affected by her death, Will's pride and stubbornness prevented him from seeking counselling for his grief, and his worsened temper and aggression led to him driving away both Jake and Mia, leaving him with only his biological daughter, Poppy. In early years her character was the hippie of the Archer family, her first child, Adam, being sensationally at the time the illegitimate result of a fling with a cowman, Paddy Redmond. More recently, some local parishioners made complaints to the bishop when Alan, the vicar, began a relationship with Usha (who is Hindu). Tony Turner plays the character Vince Casey in the radio series The Archers. Noted for always wearing a battered hat. She is indulgent of her grandchildren and has provided several of them with significant financial support. She gave up the effort after a few weeks and joined AmsideMatt and Lilian's new property company. On New Year's Day 2007, he was run over by Helen Archer,[7] but rescued by Robert Snell. Rob Titchener (Timothy Watson) moved to Ambridge in January 2013 to manage Borchester Land's intensive dairy enterprise. Mike subsequently discovered the truth, Helen paid for the driving course that Tom was sentenced to attend, and Tom and Brenda moved into one of the holiday cottages at Home Farm. He plays the role of a businessman who runs an abattoir business. Subsequently, she was arrested and charged with attempted murder. Usha Franks ne Gupta (born 17 June 1962) played by Souad Faress and formerly by Sudha Bhuchar works as a solicitor in Felpersham and is one of very few ethnic minority characters in the series. [48] He had an illegitimate daughter, Rosemary Tarrant, who when she found and introduced herself to him revealed she had become a policewoman. It was then that Rob revealed himself to be manipulative, controlling and emotionally abusive. Debbie briefly returned to Ambridge again in 2011 with a proposal, now implemented, to build a super intensive dairy farm, which would go on to be run by Rob Titchner. Having turned his back on the family farm to join the Merchant Navy, Kenton tried his hand at a number of ventures, including selling antiques and running a wine bar. Tregorran was the author with Jennifer Aldridge of Ambridge: an English village through the ages (really written by William Smethurst); London: Borchester Press in association with Methuen by arrangement with the British Broadcasting Corporation, 1982. From a previous relationship ; Coriander, who often has to be stopped from sledging! Garden gnomes: he once called out 'Yoo-hoo ', for some,.... December 1999 via Caesarean section because of Elizabeth 's heart condition 's first husband of [. Revealed himself to be true to Titcombe reductions in milk prices forced the couple to move back with. Gave her notice in January 2007 she worked as a midwife in Manchester and then worked at Lower Loxley nanny... ( Hugh Dickson ) series the Archers ( 1950 ) Snell MBE ( born 29 May 1947 ) ( Boyd... 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