new hire orientation icebreakers

Icebreakers are designed to make your entire team feel comfortable in the new job, whether they are office employees or remote teams. Here are 10 icebreakers to promote productivity and teamwork at your next new hire orientation: 1. Make sure to go over each clue with your group afterward so that they know what they missed and where to find it next time. Its very simple: just like regular RPS except with a few added features. In this icebreaker, the leader holds an imaginary ball in their hand and throws it to other players, making whatever sound they think it would with that gesture. Play all the rounds and see which one of your colleagues has the most expanded vocabulary! These commonalities cannot be visible (so not hair color, eye color, etc). We hope you found some good ice breakers to incorporate in your future meetings with our list of favorites. Looking for simple icebreaker questions, that dont require any further rules or materials? As a transfer student, I was nervous about meeting new people and acclimating to a new school. These suggestions will be sure to make your employees love their jobs. Simon Says is a game as old as time, but it never stops being fun. When that person catches the ball, ask them to read the question closest to their left thumb aloud and answer it once they are done, they pass it to another student. Ask the students to form a giant map of the world, with each side of the room representing North, South, East, or West. Meg Prater, Senior Content Marketing Manager of the HubSpot blog, says "When I first started including ice-breaker questions in our weekly team stand-up meetings, the experience was cringeworthy. Asking "How is everyone?" The orientation leader willset the theme witha word (love, summer, friends, etc), and the teams will then alternate back and forth singing a song that has the assigned word in the songs title. Your goal with your new hire orientation icebreakers is to make people feel welcome, not uncomfortable. The activity can be easier or harder depending on the time limit you give, but three minutes is a good starting point. Every person mingling will then have to quickly form a group in the size of the number called. Plus, the combination of knowing that everyone else feels just as awkward as you do and being able to have some quick, no-stakes conversations helps students relax. Theres nothing like some lighthearted banter to get everyone warmed up before a meeting. Grab this free checklist template. The rest of the players will then guess the identity of the envelope in hand but they must be confident in their answer as each player only has one chance to guess per envelope. Begin by having all the players sit in a circle. Trivia, questions, or virtual games can all serve as wonderful virtual event icebreakers Fortunately, you can conduct a scavenger hunt for your team even if they've worked at your office for years. For this game, have everyone bring in an embarrassing photo and tell the story behind it. Each round, the game will highlight a random letter of the alphabet and let players come up with any noun or phrase that starts with said letter. This game is a great way for people to find common ground with others, despite your teams larger size. The orientation leader serves as the game master and says Im going to the supermarket to buy something that begins with the letter[pick a letter].. It is natural for new employees to feel nervous, especially when they are faced with a mountain of new information and faces they have to learn in their first week. Once thats complete, every player will then ask each other yes or no questions about the traits, recent news, or talents of their celebrity label. Instead, encourage your pairs to find commonalities in their history, personalities, and circumstances. The orientation leader will split the group into two teams. At any point, the orientation leader can yell train wreck! and everyone must get up and move to a new seat. and felt a little excluded when wed fall down a rabbit hole of shows we were binging. Ask them which theyd prefer to dress in and why. This game encourages everyone to think about a certain topic in smaller groups ahead of time, which could increase participation during the meeting. Have everyone popcorn to someone after their turn, or go alphabetically. Give everyone two minutes to chat withothers in the group. The winner goes to the end of their lineand the other person sits out for the rest of the game. just like regular RPS except with a few added features. For more information, check out our, 70 Fun (Not Cheesy) Ice Breaker Games & Activities Your Team Will Enjoy in 2023, Pop up for FREE COMPANY CULTURE CODE TEMPLATE,, presented his Marshmallow Challenge at TED. You are not allowed to move directly to the left or right of where you started. Superlatives Tell the new employees to line up Coffee breaks are one of the most effective ways of getting a large group of employees to learn things about each other. This activity is short, but delightfully telling youll find out where your team members were born without needing to ask and having everyone take a turn. Not only can these be inspirational, but they also open the floor for team members to encourage one another to pursue their dreams, too. Once all the slips are collected, someone will draw one out of the bowl and read to the rest of the players whats on the slip. Have the students fold the paper in half length-wise (hot-dog style) and on the left side, write a list of 20 personal traits. Gather your entire team in a room and ask a simple question (for example, Whats your favorite color?). A daily dose of irreverent and informative takes on business & tech news, Turn marketing strategies into step-by-step processes designed for success, Explore what it takes to be a creative business owner or side-hustler, Listen to the world's most downloaded B2B sales podcast, Get productivity tips and business hacks to design your dream career, Free ebooks, tools, and templates to help you grow, Learn the latest business trends from leading experts with HubSpot Academy, All of HubSpot's marketing, sales CRM, customer service, CMS, and operations software on one platform. As people walk in, ask them to place a pin where they were born or raised. The group leader then asks a few students to drop their part of the string; as this happens, the yarnwill begin to tangle. You'll ask your team to choose their favorite movie, song, T.V. Remember those high school superlatives? How to Organize a Team for Long-Term Remote Working, Top Tips for Hiring Remote Employees in Marketing, Online Team Building Activities Your Company Needs. - What's the most unusual job you've ever had? This is a perfect icebreaker for your overly competitive colleagues. A talent show is one thing, but a random talent show is another. Ready? This information can be stored and used for future reference. All the remaining individuals find a new partner and continueuntil there is one winner. Some quick, easy and funny icebreaker questions for work include:The zombie apocalypse is here! What 3 celebrities do you want on your side?Whats your go-to karaoke song?If music played every time you entered a room, what would you want your theme song to be?Which sandwich is the perfect sandwich, and why?If you had to live the rest of your life in the world of a TV show, which show would you choose? January 05, 2023. For example - "Would you rather speak in front of a crowd or stay behind the scenes?". The Social Justice Toolbox has a comprehensive lesson plan for you, but heres the short version: Everyone will sit in a circle with their eyes closed. At the start of the meeting, give instructions for the pose team members should take (Silly? The process is simple: every player goes around and names three facts or tells three stories. No repeat songs or skips! Using the Qualee Survey feature, you can even involve your team to help select the questions that they find interesting to ensure everybody's engagement. Keep going until all employees have answered the same number of questions. Want to make new employee onboarding even smoother? Spooky? This is a perfect icebreaker for your overly competitive colleagues. Split your team into smaller groups of around eight players. We recommend pre-pairing teammates in a spreadsheet so everyone can come prepared with something to say. The orientation leader picks any year or a date before orientation and gives each student a chance to tell the group what they were doing at that time (the summer of 2007, when One Direction split-up, when Lemonade was released whatever you want). Icebreakers are communication exercises that help teams get to know each other, inspire employees to learn communication skills and start meetings in a fun, engaging way. This article explains why icebreakers are effective, gives nine fun icebreaker exercises to try at your next team meeting (whether your team is in the office or remote) and This icebreaker is ideal for groups smaller than 20. ", She continued, "For example, some folks on our team dont watch a lot of T.V. Ask each student to write a poem about themselves. Have everyone follow the same instructions to make a craft like simple origami, a drawing, or painting by a designated instructor in the Zoom call or YouTube tutorial. Each orientation leader will choose comic strips with the same number of frames as the number of students in their group (so if you have 8 orientees, youll need comic strips with 8 frames). To grease the wheels of this activity, hand out a list of sample questions for participants to ask each other. Choose the categories youd like for the game, such as Animals, Long words, and Things with tails.. Ask your new recruits to take out their smartphones and use Poll Everywhere to launch a trivia game that lets everyone watch answers populate in real-time. Enter a nickname (dont worry; this wont automatically start a game). Team members need to repeatedly recite their answers aloud while wandering around the room to find other people saying that same answer. Enjoy! To view this content, click the Cookie Preferences button and accept Advertising Cookies there. Give the two students at the end of the line something to act out (i.e. Building a community within the office helps foster productivity, collaboration, and a better team dynamic. This could work like, Simon says touch your hips, Simon says hop on one foot, Simon says touch your nose touch your ears! Whoever does the action (like touching your ears) will be booted out of the game because it wasnt a Simon says action. To play, simply go around the room and have each person provide an answer to a fun question. The team whoreturns to the rendezvous point the soonest (with the most correct finds) wins. - What is your favorite thing about working in a team? Have your coworkers take turns showing their cool party (or office) tricks. Once everyone has their three statements ready, one student will be picked to go first. You can listen in on our trailer below or learn more about Will There Be Food? Talent show 2. Shuffle a deck of cards and hand out one card per student. Web6Icebreakers to acquaint new remote employees with the team Virtual icebreaker games for new remote employees 1The birth map 2Personality Tests 3Fill in the blank 4The For each person that receives a kind message, they will be the next one to share a message to a member of the group who hasnt received one ensuring everyone gets an equal amount of praise. - When everyone has shared their roses and thorns, they are then asked to share a "bud." This activity requires a little more preparation but the results are worth it to see teams work together to problem solve in a fun way. If you're discussing company changes, for instance, maybe you'll start by quizzing team members on company history facts (e.g. You can make sure your activities dont backfire by avoiding Once the time has elapsed, ask each student to introduce themselves and share one thing they learned about someone else in the group. Now what? 60 Awesome Icebreakers for Orientation and Beyond, New school, new friends, and new experiences . Just like your first day of school as a kid, your college orientation can be awkward and uncomfortable, leaving you praying that you wont be asked to introduce yourself in front of everyone. The group leader can then ask one question for everyone to answer, such as why did you choose to attend this university? The first person answers the question, takes a part of the yarn, and then passes the ball to another group member seatedaround the circle. Typical icebreaker questions can get people to say a sentence or two about the subject, but if youre passionate about it, youll see more personality come out from the most unexpected colleagues in the call. Then, go around the room and one at a time, have them pop their balloon and answer the question inside aloud to the group. You or your teammate will share one bucket list item. In Tall Tales, each player will make up three sentences to add to a running story. Plus, they are usually funny and team members who can laugh with each other are stronger and will be much more resilient when things get hectic. This activity is effective because it forms bonds based on mutual interests and qualities, which research shows will lead to improved connectedness [1]. WebThats where icebreakers come in. If both of your hands get hit, you are out. Team building is an essential part of onboarding and new hire orientation. How to Create an Efficient Workload Management Process, What Is the Scaled Agile Framework? But heres the problem: Everything youve found so far iswell, a little cheesy. Keep going around until only one team is left. Hi my name is Alex and I like dogs). Everyone can guess what adjective someone is trying to convey, and can even share why if they want to. To continue, repeat this, but stop on a different letter. Making something with your team can be a great opportunity to learn something new and keep decorative mementos in your space. Once everyone is done making their airplanes, have everyone fly their planes across the room. Let your team know ahead of time that youll be doing a show and tell. The one left without a seat will have their turn to go. You could make a whole talent show out of it! Have everyone chime in one-by-one on whether they agree or disagree. For this icebreaker, everyone will debate a silly topic and chime in with an equally silly answer and reasoning. I have three brothers. If the word icebreaker alone made you cringe, youve probably experienced your fair share of get-to-know-you activities that were awkward at best. You can also adapt this game to be Name Boggle instead of birthdays. This icebreaker wont take your team time at all to complete if you give them a heads up to prepare. Label the column on the left my traits, and label the column on the right my twins autograph.. Take turns grabbing a card and reading the facts. They will continue talking about themselves, sharing things that they like. People integration. Consider reaching out to managers from other departments and creating groups of employees who don't often get to work together. This continues until eachperson has participated. Ask the students to write down one or two adjectives about themselves on a sticker badge. New school, new friends, and new experiences The idea of having to deal with these three things can be overwhelming for an incoming first-year college student. Even if your coworkers arent tuned into NYFW, theyre sure to recognize some of the most popular clothing brands. Onboarding sessions are, to a certain extent, going to be boring. This ice breaker lets individuals ease up and have a little fun without a hassle. Make it fun. The first person will say their name and their favorite hobby. Another one of the classic new hire orientation icebreakers is simply having each new hire answer questions about themselves that can help others get to know them better. A great orientation experience will leave new employees feeling excited and motivated to start their job. It helps to create an environment of trust and support within the team, allowing the new Divide the group into two lines facing inthe same direction, so that one line is standing behind the other. If you're stranded on a desert island and have the option of bringing three items with you, what three items would they be? Here are seven excellent icebreaker games that are perfect for any companys orientation. Youll also get brownie points if you save and share some of the funniest drawings and share them with the team on Slack afterward. Whoever catches the ball next must repeat the sound made, then throw the ball to another person making their own unique sound. This icebreaker helps your team get to know each other even when they work remotely and can spark conversation on what everyone likes or dislikes. - The employee with the most amount of points wins. The best part players can dispute answers amongst each other to take the win. If your organization is meeting to brainstorm ideas for specific projects, go ahead and incorporate the topic into their movie pitch prompts to get the creative juices flowing. Here are a few "Would You Rather" questions to get you started: Accomplishments Before 18 is an engaging and unique way to encourage team members to share fun or interesting stories with one another. If one stumbles or does not ask a question, they are out. Less than 10 people would work best. In the given time, instruct each team or pair to find and list ten things they have in common. You can also do this icebreaker with different themes, like animals, places they want to visit, or foods. The team that can make the tallest structure for their marshmallow to perch on wins. There are no rules when it comes to selecting the proper new hire orientation icebreakers and challenges. Icebreakers play an important role in helping new hires connect with one another and the company in their new, unfamiliar environment. Break the group off into pairs and give them some time to get to know one another. Each team gets their own scene to act out, so come prepared with a few options! Ask the group to try and figure out who is connected to each fact. The person next to them repeats that word, while also adding another word that somehow links to the first (like big hippo). Tell the groups to describe work culture, or your office culture in particular, in one word. Choose the categories The player who avoids laughing throughout the game wins. Try another search, and we'll give it our best shot. To make this more interesting, you can have people guess whose photo it is before your team member shares their story. Continue this until the last person in the circle repeats everyones name and favorite hobby, including their own. Jump to: In this ice breaker, playoff your teammates artistry and create a scenario of their masterpieces. If supplies are needed, let your team know ahead of time. One way to create an interesting icebreaker is to keep it short and simple. Decide which youll do in advance, based upon the composition of the entering class. Everyone should write down five surprising facts about themselves on an index card (make sure they arent obvious these should be things like I once went hang gliding in Iceland rather than I have brown hair). 5. They will then say their names and what they have in common (This is Alex, and my name is Franklin, and we both like dogs.). Sign up to start creating engaging polls today. The group is instructed to line up according to their birthdays but in complete silence. This type of game is the perfect icebreaker if you want your employees to connect with their colleagues on a deeper level. The question can change every week. Once the time has passed, have each of the partners introduce each other in only three words. These items could be something they use daily, like a pen or a chair. They should say a word (for example, big). Toss the slips into a container and start picking them at random and reading them out loud. Team members should drop their guess in the chat. With a fun icebreaker that doesnt cut too much into the workday, your team will be much more interested and engaged. With tons of streaming services to choose from, your coworkers are bound to have some favorite TV shows. And lets face it, youve been trying to find the right opportunity to show someone you could lick your elbow for a while now. Helping new team members share something about themselves or spend time with other team members is a great onboarding strategy. Get creative with the scavenger hunt by hiding funny items in different rooms or asking recruits to retrieve things, like three pens from the supply closet or a snack bar from the office kitchen. Free and premium plans, Operations software. For instance, let's say you're leading a meeting on culture. Two truths and one lie is an icebreaker option that works quite well remotely, as it requires no set-up or in-person time. This continues until one of the lines is exhausted. Say hi to helping students make new friends 60 different ways! Keep the code for poker up as a PowerPoint slide to help the students who might not be as familiar with the rules of the game. Would you rather go on a hike or see a movie? The orientation leader will divide the group into two teams, organized into twoparallel lines. Gradually people will be made to exit the mingling space or find a seat until the last person standing wins. Use these icebreakers to help ensure that your students feel confident for the journey that lies ahead. Take turns whistling, tapping, or even playing an instrument (if you gave one) to the tune of a popular song and have your teammates guess the name. Simply choose a brief personality quiz on your phone or computer (if you're stuck, here's a list), and pull it up on a projector or send the link to everyone. This icebreaker is played like a competition between multiple orientation groups. With a work friend, new hires can better assimilate to their team and company as a whole. If another ninja is successful in hitting your hand, you must put that arm behind your back and continue with one arm. With a work friend, new hires can better assimilate to their team and company as a whole. Example: Would you rather be cast in a comedy movie or action movie?. Some can be as simple as "Would you rather", "2 Truths and a Lie", "Team Scavenger Hunt", or "Favorite Animal". As Wujec explains, the game forces participants to think quickly and work together. This is one you can easily do via email or your instant message platform. Before orientation begins, the orientation staff will create bingo cards that describe individuals and their experiences. Of course, you want the topics to be fun and lighthearted, so keep them to topics that arent controversial and opt for statements like, Cheese isnt all that great. if youre a madman. 2. You can alsorepeat this by having each student state their intended major and why they chose it. Talent show Ask for a few volunteers who want to Have the students take turns picking out a comic frame. Divide meeting participants into smaller groups. With the Marshmallow Challenge, you can strengthen your team's brainstorming and problem-solving skills, and your team can also have some fun. Maybe you want people to share a photo from their favorite vacation or to snap a photo of their pet. As a group, they must form a perfect square. Once the one motion is completed, you must be frozen in that position until it is your turn again. In fact, it can be as simple This icebreaker works by asking your coworkers to choose one of their favorite songs from a certain genre. Make sure you keep track of how many you get right! Its a fun way to bond and share a giggle here and there over everyones work of art. Your teams larger size person provide an answer to a fun way bond. 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