belle once upon a time actress weight loss

Hook is keeping her company below deck when Jekyll arrives with news about Mr. Gold stealing the serum in order to kill Hyde. ("Lacey"), Afterward, she and Mr. Gold leave and walk down the street chatting happily, which is secretly witnessed by Hook through a telescope in the clock tower. She is the main reality version of Wish Belle. Will grabs Belle's hand in an attempt to comfort her, though she turns around to stare longingly at the man who was once her husband. ("New York City Serenade"), As they depart for Sherwood Forest, a flying monkey attacks, sending Belle and various other members of the crowd scurrying back to witness the creature nearly knock into Neal, though Regina quickly dispenses of the being by turning it into a stuffed animal. Tv shows frequently just do "pregnancy" stories as thin women with bellies (which some women . At a witch's house, they perform a spell in the cauldron that conjures up a vision of where the clan lords have captured Merida's brothers and sentenced them to execution. Recalling that Hades seemingly grew weaker when Hook's brother moved on, she predicts helping souls leave is the key to defeating him. Hook makes himself known to her with the shawl in hand. They attempt to dump her down the well, but Mulan scares them away while sustaining a leg injury. As the two leave, a storm created by Ingrid traps them. Regina asks if it belongs to Belle. As she dies, Mr. Gold weeps over her still body. Because Merlin is unfamiliar with the magic on the prison bars, Belle helps him with a spell to break them. He assures her that once they stop Gideon, Mother Superior can be revived. He quickly overpowers her before the sea witch, Ursula, tightens her tentacles around Belle. She becomes interested in finding them, but her father doesn't want her to pay the price of magic. When he tries to kiss her, she is momentarily fazed before directing his attention to the antiquities book, which states the mirror of souls can prove if a person has evil in his or her heart. She hastily rushes over; warning the trio not to look in the reflection or it'll brainwash them. She regrets doing the exact opposite of what she once preached to Gaston about; having compassion and forgiving your enemies. After fleeing into the woods, Belle tries to convince Merida to listen, however, the bear is soon distracted by Mr. Gold's presence. She is the daughter of Maurice French and the late Colette French, Wife of Rumplestiltskin, brief fiance of Gaston Legume, step-mother of Bealfire/Neal Cassidy, step-grandmother of Henry Mills (via marriage to Mr. Gold Henry's grandfather), and Mother of Gideon Gold. ("Unforgiven"), In the pawnshop, as Henry studies the storybook for clues on the Author, Belle walks over carrying a snack as she inquiries about his research. With hidden nervousness, she allows Elsa to come with her. Belle remains motionless and unresponsive as Regina reveals the heart to Mr. Gold, before commanding her to forget everything and leave, which she does. ("Family Business"), When Sir Maurice requests the assistance of the Dark One in a war he is losing against the ogres in his town of Avonlea, Rumplestiltskin offers protection in exchange for Belle's servitude. However, Zelena offers a solution, the sleeping curse, to pause her pregnancy indefinitely. She points out that it won't always be so since his mother is changing for the better. Mount Olympus[1]Her Edge of Realms house (formerly)Her Storybrooke house (briefly)Jolly Roger (formerly)Gold house (formerly)Library apartment (formerly)Hospital psychiatric ward (formerly)Dark castle (formerly)Her castle (formerly) Mr. Gold admits it wasn't enough since he didn't believe anyone could love him, to which Belle asserts she knew what she was getting into with him and wasn't going to back out. To reveal the identity of the bean thief, David spots a chalice in the pawnshop and decides to utilize it. Belle then runs into Merida, who drinks a potion that turns her into a bear and starts chasing Belle. From browsing through a book about knots, she determines it comes from a ship. Later, Belle receives word that Anna has been found and is on her way to the diner, so she leaves the remaining work to the nuns. He believes the only way he can protect her is if they leave town, but Belle, realizing he wants to protect himself, parts ways from him. TV // February 06, 2018. Suspecting Moe has it, Mr. Gold kidnaps Moe and tries to beat the truth out of the man, while expressing a great deal of rage, blaming him for Belle's death. Later, Samuel makes an unexpectedly quick recovery, and he admits he came to rescue her on her father's orders. Latest appearance: She is the main reality version of Belle. Belle, upon noticing Gideon beside the fairy, lets him know that no matter what he's done to help the Black Fairy, he can always come back to their side. Mother Superior encourages her to join the others since they may need her resourcefulness, but Belle wishes to stay with Mr. Gold in case he passes away. Soon, they are approached by King Arthur and his knights, who believe they are prophesied to reunite them with Merlin. ("The Black Fairy"), When the Black Fairy is killed by Mr. Gold, the Dark Curse is broken, allowing Belle to regain her true memories. Later, she stops Mr. Gold from throwing Gaston into the river, after she tells him about the deal with Hades, by seizing the dagger. The only thing Belle asks of him is to not go after Zelena as she knows he is capable of being good. This cheers up Henry, who thanks her and endearingly calls her "Grandma", which makes Belle laugh and suggest he just refer to her by name. Realizing they have been duped, the group arrive too late to the station entrance, which has already been frozen shut by Ingrid. While Belle and the. Elsa suggests that she herself was sealed in the urn, by Anna, who was under Ingrid's spell, so her sister may fit the criteria. Despite Maurice urging her to go home so the rest of them can hunt down the ogre, Belle manages to stop them from killing the ogre. After her brothers are freed and the clans recognize her as their Queen, Merida sees Belle off in a boat. Grabbing Baby Hood, Belle falls into the portal, with Zelena jumping in after her. ("The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart"), The next day, Belle is working at the pawnshop when Hook comes in to ask her about why true love's kiss didn't work for her and Mr. Gold. Troubled by the find, she tests the gauntlet out and it leads her to the real dagger. Gideon, in pain over feeling the Black Fairy squeezing his heart, is unable to tell her because of what the Black Fairy is doing to him now. Having no knowledge of what transpired between him and the fairy, Belle tries to be sympathetic to whatever pain Rumplestiltskin is in and what he wanted from the Black Fairy, but she insists that sacrificing a child is not the answer to his problems, however, Rumplestiltskin dejectedly remarks that no one understands his pain. Suddenly, a bullet ricochets into her shoulder from behind. She explains that, because she and Mr. Gold are no longer together, she needs another place to live for the time being. Dreamy thinks it's the perfect opportunity for Belle to have a real adventure. After letting out a spray of water from a slashed pipe, the beast's bodily flames are doused out. She unknowingly falls asleep while doing research at the library, in which she finds a book in the dream world version of the library that tells her to "follow the ribbon" if she wants to defeat the Dark One. But this summer, things changed quickly for the actress, when she was cast as Anna -- one of the main characters from the massive hit/cultural sensation Frozen -- for a major arc on Once Upon a Time. He says it's possible, but mentions that it doesn't keep a person immune from death. Turning the dagger over to him, she then returns to the pawnshop, where Will left a rose for her outside the door. Even Emma refuses to believe Regina, who causes a building tremor out of frustration and then magically dissipates away. Belle doesn't believe he's the real Hook until Ursula notes that if Mr. Gold was disguised him right now, he would have likely already killed Will. Upset no one believes her, Belle acts out violently and has to be sedated by the nurse. Later, Belle witnesses David and Mary Margaret announce they are naming their son after a true heroNeal. She realizes from this that she not only has to die for Mr. Gold's desire to be mortal to come true but that also Mr. Gold must believe the power of their love will persist even after her death. Belle is still unsure if she wants to give her husband another chance, but she recalls how the dream world version of her son looked at Mr. Gold with such hatred, and she believes this relationship can be different in the future. She claims Rumplestiltskin mentioned her, to which Belle is pleasantly surprised, though he says that never happened. ("I'll Be Your Mirror"), Upon seeing the effects of Mr. Gold's aging spell on one of the nuns, Belle concludes her husband might use the same spell to speed up her pregnancy so he can cut away their son's fate with the shears. Later, she spends time with Will at the pawnshop when Hook arrives with Ursula seeking help to restore a shrunken Jolly Roger to normal size. In an unknown library, Belle and her husband are pleased when Gideon announces he has been accepted into Elphame Academy. Mr. Gold vows, if he survives the battle, to love her in the way he never could before, and he asks her to meet him by the wishing well after the duel so he'll know she loves him and wants to be with him. After serving him tea, Belle theorizes he collects things to fill a hole in his heart. At the pawnshop, Belle reveals to Elsa and Emma that they can defeat Ingrid's curse with a hair strand from someone who has already been affected by the same spell and making a counterspell with it. This imperfect teacup becomes representative of the unlikely and imperfect relationship that forms between them. Belle takes it with her as she leaves to find the others. Regina mentions they knew each other, and asks Belle about Mr. Gold and the dagger. At Henry's revelation that the Snow Queen has an ice cream truck, everyone splits up to search. He reveals Mr. Gold killed Milah by ripping out her heart and crushing it. With Gideon later tied to a chair, Belle attempts to ask him about where his heart is hidden and tries to spur him into resisting the Black Fairy's control again. She wishes to go with him, but he regretfully says the potion is only enough for one person. ("Shattered Sight"), After Belle awakens, her husband suggests packing for a trip to New York so they can have a proper honeymoon. One morning, she opens up the library as Hook meets her there after parting from Emma, who goes on sheriff duty. November 27, 2016, 11:09 PM. After he does, Belle orders him onto watch duty while she goes into the Snow Queen's lair. Upon arriving at the outskirts of the palace, Regina discovers a protection spell, cast by whoever is currently residing inside, is keeping them from going in. Mr. Gold, insisting he cannot be a hero, confesses to crippling himself during the Ogre war because he was scared of dying. When Arthur comes to check up on their progress, Belle mentions how great it is to work with Merlin's books as it's almost like working with the sorcerer himself. ROBERT CARLYLE. After Zelena reveals Mother Superior's whereabouts to Regina and Emma, Belle explains to them about what happened with the nun and her role in allowing it to happen, although she is not proud of what she did in order to protect Gideon. She is the daughter of Maurice abd the second wife of Rumplestiltskin, the mother of Gideon, step-mother of Neal Cassidy, Henry's step . After getting free of their binds, Belle and Ariel rush to the mines, where Belle shoves a mine cart to stop the men from smashing the box. Succumbed to old age Elsa dupes them by handing over a pouch full of rocks and takes the real pendant to continue tracking her sister. Belle suggests she can babysit again if needed, though Zelena states that it's not necessary. Emma plays a camera recording, filmed when she was in a foster home, which reveals her then foster mother was the Snow Queen. Lost's Emilie de Ravin on Her 'Belle' Transformation Erin Hill Feb 10, 2012 Former Lost star Emilie de Ravin returns to ABC as Belle in the Feb. 12 episode of Once Upon a Time. As Mr. Gold explains the realm his mother took their son to, a cloaked figure walks in and lowers his hood to reveal himself as Gideon, their grown son, before he greets his parents ambivalently. Belle, later known as Belle French,[2] also known as Mrs. Gold[3] and briefly known as Lacey, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. She explains it did the first time, but because Mr. Gold was scared of a life without magic, he pulled away, causing the darkness to regain its grip on him. Belle is upset at this, but when Gaston sympathizes with her and even offers to leave to ease her discomfort, she decides to go on a walk with him. Merlin confirms he can remove Emma's darkness, but the darkness may have taken root inside of her where no one can see it, and for him to remove it, her heart must be ready to be free. Mr. Gold then claims that, while she won't come back to him out of love, she eventually will out of necessity if she wants her child to be safe. She also thinks no one will invade the town, and believes Mr. Gold doesn't need her. ("Beauty"). Nonetheless, this declaration whittles Emma's doubts. Realizing Mr. Gold is actually waking up, Belle takes off to the pawnshop, but she finds him gone from the cot. TV // February 07, 2018. ("Operation Mongoose Part 2"), In the aftermath, Belle joins everyone as the weakened Apprentice gives them instructions on how to find Emma with his wand. Pawnshop co-owner (formerly)Librarian (formerly)Castle servant (formerly) He suggests that she take a break, and then he switches on the vinyl player to play the same song he and Belle waltzed to in the Sorcerer's mansion. Leroy is quick to accuse Regina of wrongdoing, and Belle follows suit in agreement as do the other residents. ("Quiet Minds"), Following her escape from the Wicked Witch, Zelena, Belle reports to Aurora, Prince Charming, Prince Phillip, Snow White and Regina about Neal's sacrifice to resurrect Rumplestiltskin. Inside, as she chatters on about the scenic ocean view, he magically freezes her in place and switches out the fake dagger in her purse with the real one. When Mr. Gold surprises her with his presence, Belle figures out both he and Will somehow worked together to regain her heart. Defying her father and fianc, she agrees to the terms of the deal. He insists having power is not a bad thing, and they can have both, though Belle states she only wanted his love. She takes his decision warily, especially since he tried to kill her twice prior, though Hook states that he means to use this time to make it up to her. She is more trustworthy of him since their phone conversation and believes that he wants to help her regain memories. She thinks he doesn't believe her about the fireball just like everyone else, though Greg admits he saw it too. Species: Belle tries to reach the stone, but it shatters, so she rushes to Anna, who slips and falls unconscious. She asks why he would go to such lengths for her, he guiltily recalls the past times he tried to hurt her and his wish to make up for it. Emilie de Ravin While an ambulance is called, Mary Margaret soothes a panicked Belle, and later hands her over to a nurse at the hospital. When Mr. Gold forgives her, Belle expresses remorse for keeping a secret from him as she knows he would never keep something from her. Back to the best version of me. ("Swan Song"), Shortly before leaving for the Underworld, Mr. Gold tells Belle of what he must do, and he promises to be away for only a day to retrieve Hook. "Morpheus" returns to congratulate Belle for not falling for Mr. Gold's lies again, explaining that this was a test and that now that she's passed, he'll wake her with true love's kiss. After Emma succeeds in doing so, she brings Ingrid to the station for questioning. He asks for permission to use a bit of dark magic to take care of Gaston, but Belle decides to help Gaston move on. [5] Many years after their departure from Storybrooke, Belle, Mr. Gold, and their much older son Gideon visit a river near a bridge. Emilie de Ravin He talks about being unloved and unloving since love has always given him pain, but she was the one who brought light into his life. Catching her off guard, Rumplestiltskin accosts her for snooping, and though he did say that she could, this was to test how she would react in his absence. , so she rushes to Anna, who goes on sheriff duty prison bars, Belle and her are! Waking up, Belle takes it with her as she dies, Gold... The deal tests the gauntlet out and it leads her to pay the price of.... Quot ; pregnancy & quot ; pregnancy & quot ; pregnancy & quot ; pregnancy & quot ; &... He quickly overpowers her before the sea witch, Ursula, tightens her tentacles around.... With bellies ( which some women one believes her, Belle helps him with a spell to break them he. Having compassion and forgiving your enemies that turns her belle once upon a time actress weight loss a bear starts... To Anna, who drinks a potion that turns her into a bear and starts chasing.... 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