international sunday school lessons 2021

Personal word: The author of this lesson believes God is a infinite, personal, boundless spirit. international sunday school lesson commentary, Schools Details: Web2020 2021 2021 2022 WINTER QUARTER (DEC, JAN, FEB) SPRING QUARTER (MAR, APR, MAY) SUMMER QUARTER (JUN, JUL, AUG) INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY union gospel press sunday school commentary, Schools Details: WebInternational Standard Bible Study Lessons Comprehensive Bible Study 2022. Imagine that you are nearing Click here for a print-friendly version Preaching Doom Spring Quarter: Prophets Faithful To Gods Covenant Unit 3: Courageous Prophets of Change Sunday school lesson for the week of May 16, 2021 By Dr. Hal Brady Lesson Scripture: Jeremiah 38:14-23 Key Verse: Jeremiah 38:15 Lesson Aims Explain the context of Jeremiahs ministry in the days of King Zedekiah. You might Click here for a print-friendly version God Offers Deliverance Summer Quarter: Partners in a New Creation Unit 1: God Delivers and Restores Sunday school lesson for the week of June 26, 2022 By Dr. Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: Isaiah 51:1-8 Strength to Pursue Righteousness 51Listen to me, you that pursue righteousness, you that seek theLord. To Click here for a print-friendly version Praise by Expecting and Following Fall Quarter: Celebrating God Unit 1: Gods People Offer Praise Sunday school lesson for the week of September 19, 2021 By Dr. D. Craig Rikard Lesson Scripture: Mark 10:46-52, Luke 18:35-43 Key Scripture: What do you want me to do for you? Jesus asked him. How many sermons or lessons have you heard on Lamentations? Write a prayer to thank God for his presence during a difficult time. 2. Were not just looking at healing. To emphasize the vital connection Click here to download a printable version of the February 12 Sunday school lesson. WebUnit 1: Gods Preparation Dec. 4 Lesson 1 Zechariah Hears from God (Luke 1:13) Dec. 11 Lesson 2 Zechariah Speaks (Luke 1:76) Dec. 18 Lesson 3 John the Baptist Appears (Luke 3:3) Dec. 25 Lesson 4 Mary Rejoices (Luke 1:46-47) January 2023 Unit 2: Gods Promises Jan. 1 Lesson 5 God Promises to Hear and Forgive (2 Chronicles 7:14) Christian Click here for a print-friendly version The Fruit of Freedom Spring Quarter: God Frees and God Redeems Unit 3: Liberating Letters Sunday school lesson for the week of May 29, 2022 By Dr. Hal Brady Lesson Scripture: Galatians 5:16-26 Key Verse: Galatians 5:25 Lesson Aims List characteristics of life in the flesh and life in the Spirit. Fall Quarter: Gods Exceptional Choice Unit 3: We are Gods Artwork Lesson 12 Sunday School Lesson for the week of November 20, 2022 By Craig Rikard Lesson Scripture:Acts 19; Ephesians 2; Revelation 2:1-7 Key Text:We are Gods handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. To Click here for a print-friendly version Praise God for Past Deliverance Fall Quarter: Celebrating God Unit 2: Called to Praise God Sunday school lesson for the week of October 17, 2021 By Dr. D. Craig Rikard Background Scripture: Psalm 107 Key Scripture (NIV): They cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. Psalm 107:6 Lesson Aims To understand the importance of spoken testimony. Spring Quarter 2014 (PDF, 1.81 MB) I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance View Post free printable sunday school lessons for kids, Schools Details: Web2021-2022 Activity Pages for the King James Version. Fall Quarter:Gods Exceptional Choice Unit 1: God Calls Abrahams Family Lesson 3 Sunday School Lesson for the week of September 18, 2022 By Craig Rikard Lesson Scripture:Genesis 32:22-32 Key Text:The man said, Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you struggled with God and humans and have overcome. Lesson Aims To recognize our experiences of wrestling with others and God in our modern experiences. Winter Quarter 2016-2017 (PDF) The words and images in this part of Isaiah are so powerful because they are giving Click here for a print-friendly version God Foretells Destruction Summer Quarter: Partners in a New Creation Unit 1: God Delivers and Restores Sunday school lesson for the week of June 5, 2022 By Dr. Jay Harris Lesson scripture: Isaiah 47:10-15 The summers theme: Partners in a New Creation In this season we will be exploring the partnership between God and us in a new creation. More info. What My Grandbabies Taught Me About Theology, International Standard Bible Study Lessons / Comprehensive Bible Study, You Can Double Your Class in Two Years or Less, Leading Small Groups With Purpose by Steve Gladen, How to tell 2 million people about Jesus and your church, Jonah (God's Preserving and Sustaining Love), God's Eternal, Preserving, and Renewing Love, What shocked the world about the early church, The Need for Pre-Evangelism in a Postmodern World, Privacy / Refund / Cancellation / Shipping Policy. WebLESSON AIM: To show how favoritism and discrimination are incompatible to Gods principles. In the Great Commission, Jesus said, Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Global song resource for worship leaders. 7:14 Lesson Aims To understand the grand message of Click here for a print-friendly version God of Power Fall Quarter: Celebrating God Unit 3: Visions of Praise Sunday school lesson for the week of November 14, 2021 By Dr. D. Craig Rikard Background Scripture: Revelation 11: 11-19 Key Scripture (NIV): The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said, The Kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever. Rev. I And he said, A certain man had two sons: 12. Sunday School Lessons: March - June 2021 - The Lord's House Community Church The Lord's House Community Church Meet Our Pastor Vision Give Outreach Events Connect Sunday School Lessons: March June 2021 in General 1457 The Lords House Community Church SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS April 4, 2021 Gospels and epistles present two distinct literary forms. Click here for a print-friendly version Faith of Abraham Summer Quarter: Confident Hope Unit 2: Faith and Salvation Sunday school lesson for the week of July 18, 2021 By Dr. Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: Romans 4:1-12 Father Abraham When I was a kid at Vacation Bible School, we didnt have the awesome praise and worship songs of today that kids now begin singing at an early age. In todays lesson, we will be learning about a conquering faith. A conquering faith is one that withstands the Click here for a print-friendly version An Eternal Hope Summer Quarter: Confident Hope Unit 3: Faith Gives Us Hope Sunday school lesson for the week of August 29, 2021 By Dr. Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:16 5:10 So We Do Not Lose Heart We are coming to the end of the summer quarter with its emphasis on Confident Hope. Too often our teaching dies in the classroom; our goal is to see teaching carry over into life. 965 views Nov 24, 2021 Get Next Week's Lesson HERE: These Bible Study Lesson are based on the International Standard Sunday School Series. These Bible Study Lesson are based on the International Standard Sunday School Series. Winter Quarter 2022-2023: From Darkness to Light Unit 2: Gods Promises Sunday School Lesson for the week of January 8, 2023 By Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-4, 10-12 Key Verse But now thus says theLord,he who created you, O Jacob,he who formed you, O Israel:Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;I have called you by name; you are mine. Summer Quarter 2016 (PDF, 2.57 MB), Fall Quarter 2015 (PDF, 2.15 MB) Write a confession to God for a specific sin and a corresponding course of repentant action. Winter Quarter 2022-2023: From Darkness to Light Unit 1: Gods Preparation Sunday School Lesson for the week of December 25, 2022 By Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: Luke 1:46-55 Key Verse:And Marysaid, My soul magnifies the Lord,and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. One of the most wonderful events to witness is the Christian faith taking root in a persons life saving faith that results in the Click here for a print-friendly version Peace with God Summer Quarter: Confident Hope Unit 2: Faith and Salvation Sunday school lesson for the week of July 25, 2021 By Dr. Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: Romans 5:1-11 The Peace for Which Our Hearts Long One of the most apt metaphors for the human condition, in my opinion, is the metaphor of the God-shaped hole. We have shared many , Schools Details: WebSunday, July 3, 2022 Lesson Text: John 1:1-14 King James Version (KJV) I. Gods resounding word for a multi-cultural world. Worship Service Sunday, 11am. Fear can paralyze us and demoralize us. Eph. Sing with fellow classmates Because He Lives as an act of communal worship. Summer Quarter 2022(PDF), Fall Quarter 2021 (PDF) To embrace the importance of humility in our relationship with God. Click here for a print-friendly version Ezra and the Law Winter Quarter: Justice, Law, History Unit 3: Justice and Adversity Sunday school lesson for the week of February 13, 2022 By Dr. D. Craig Rikard Background Scripture: Ezra 7:1-26 Key Scripture (NIV): Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and so teaching its decrees and laws in Israel. Ezra 7:10 Lesson Aims To learn the historical background of post-exilic Israel. And you have said, No, appoint a king over us. 1 Samuel 10:19a Lesson Aims: To learn the importance of praying before making decisions. For more than 145 years, Standard Publishing has been serving the Christian community with products that And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (Matt. Click On Map For Summarize the reasons for the peoples mourning. Spring Quarter 2022 (PDF) Listen! Give an example from Scripture where the Holy Spirit interceded for believers. Our primary objective in Sunday School teaching is producing Christian living. In this third unit, we will spend the next four weeks learning not only how faith gives us hope, but Click here for a print-friendly version Salvation Available For All Summer Quarter: Confident Hope Unit 2: Faith and Salvation Sunday school lesson for the week of August 1, 2021 By Dr. Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: Romans 10:5-17 Propagating the Faith The second unit this quarter, which culminates with this lesson, has been devoted to Faith and Salvation. Being made of polyester, it was not as expensive as other suits. Fall Quarter 2022 (PDF) Teaching Bible knowledge is not the ultimate aim of the Sunday School, but it is one of its important tasks. Our primary objective in Sunday School teaching is producing Christian living. Even casual observation indicates that we are not seeing lives changed like we should. Home; About Us. We provide parents and students with quality lists of schools, universities, colleges, best school facilities, good teachers, excellent training quality, We hope to bring Get useful information for students, students and parents. Context The scripture says, And when he got in the boat, his Click here for a print-friendly version Freed from Worry Summer Quarter: Confident Hope Unit 1: Jesus Teaches About Faith Sunday school lesson for the week of June 6, 2021 By Dr. Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 Theme for the Summer Quarter and for the First Unit The theme for this quarter is Confident Hope. Your one-stop destination to purchase all David C Cook resources. To understand how we worship. WebInternational Sunday School Sunday Lesson and Schools Details: December 30, 2022 Clarence Price, Jr International Sunday School Sunday, January 8, 2023 Lesson What is he warning his readers against? Each Click here for a print-friendly version Freedom in the King Spring Quarter: God Frees and Redeems Unit 2: Liberating Gospels Sunday school lesson for the week of April 24, 2022 By Dr. Hal Brady Lesson Scripture: John 8:31-38 Key Verse: John 8:36 Lesson Aims Identify the two referred to as Father and father. Explain the nature of the freedom available in the Son. Adult Sunday School Sunday, 8:30am. Sunday School Page TRY THE LARGE PRINT VERSION WHEN LARGER PRINT IS NEEDED - CLICK HERE February 26, 2023 Spiritual Disciplines for New Life Lesson Printed Text: Colossians 4:2-6 KJV Keep in Mind the Key Verse: Colossians 4:17 (KJV) - "And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Available in the NIV and KJV. Winter Quarter 2016-2017 (PDF) 2019, Practical Assessment Tasks (PATs), Examination Scope for Learners, Marking Guidelines for Findley B. To understand the Click here for a print-friendly version Praise God for His Greatness Fall Quarter: Celebrating God Unit 2: Called to Praise God Sunday school lesson for the week of October 31, 2021 By Dr. D. Craig Rikard Background Scripture: Psalms 147-150 Key Scripture (NIV): Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6 Lesson Aims To help us comprehend that all things will end in praise unto God. WebLessons: BIL Adult Lesson 13 | February 26, 2023 | Winter 2022-23 Results of the Call by RLD Editorial Team 1 Peter 2:110 adult Live a life built on the cornerstone of Christ. The writer of todays lesson tells us that freedom can be looked at Click here for a print-friendly version Freedom From Sin Spring Quarter: God Frees and Redeems Unit 3: Liberating Letters Sunday school lesson for the week of May 1, 2022 By Dr. Hal Brady Lesson Scripture: Romans 6:1-14 Key Verse: Romans 6:5 Lesson Aims State the result of dying with Christ. LOOKING FOR CURRICULUM? A heart that is shaped. It is he who made us, and we are the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:3 Lesson Aims To understand whom we worship. The ISSL schedule is hard to track down. How does hope sustain our faith and growth after we say yes to the relationship Click here for a print-friendly version A Necessary Faith Summer Quarter: Confident Hope Unit 3: Faith Gives Us Hope Sunday school lesson for the week of August 8, 2021 By Dr. Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-8, 13-16 Faith Gives Us Hope We are starting the third and final unit in this summer quarter. 2021 David C Cook. Click here for a print-friendly version The Faith-in-Action Preacher Spring Quarter: Prophets Faithful To Gods Covenant Unit 2: Prophets of Restoration Sunday school lesson for the week of April 11, 2021 By Dr. Hal Brady Lesson Scripture: Ezra 10:1-12 Key Verse: Ezra 10:6 Lesson Aims Summarize Ezras reaction to the peoples sin. Winter Quarter 2022-2023: From Darkness to Light Unit 3: Gods Call Sunday School Lesson for the week of February 12, 2023 By Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:3-14 Key Verse Hold to the standard of sound teaching that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Fall Quarter:Gods Exceptional Choice Unit 1: God Calls Abrahams Family Sunday School Lesson for the week of September 11, 2022 By Craig Rikard Lesson Scripture: Genesis 25:19-34 Key Text The Lord said to her, Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.Gen. 25:23 Lesson Aims To recognize the importance of context when Click here for a downloadable version. Knowing biblical facts does not necessarily raise our level of spiritual development, but Christians should know the Bible. Perhaps a better word to use then is commonwealth a new commonwealth. All rights reserved. to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? We provide true-to-the-Bible resources that inspire, educate, and motivate people to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Available in both the Standard Lesson Commentary (annual) and the Standard Lesson Quarterly (quarterly) formats. Christian teachers are doing the best they know how, but most are conscious of their urgent need for improvement. Prepare a testimony of how Gods hand has Click here for a print-friendly version The Suffering Servant Spring Quarter: Prophets Faithful To Gods Covenant Unit 2: Prophets of Restoration Sunday school lesson for the week of April 4, 2021 By Dr. Hal Brady Lesson Scripture: Isaiah 53:4-11a Key Verse: Isaiah 53:5 Lesson Aims Restate what the servant of the Lord would accomplish through suffering Explain how Jesus fulfilled Isaiahs prophecy. To recognize the theological issue being Click here for a print-friendly version Job and the Just God Winter Quarter: Justice, Law, History Unit 3: Justice and Adversity Sunday school lesson for the week of February 27, 2022 By Dr. D. Craig Rikard Background Scripture: Job 42 Key Scripture (NIV): Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. Job 42:3b-c Lesson Aims To realize Gods greatness in contrast to our limitations. To understand the motivation of God in caring for us. To Click here for a downloadable version. Click here for a print-friendly version The Restoration Builder Spring Quarter: Prophets Faithful To Gods Covenant Unit 2: Prophets of Restoration Sunday school lesson for the week of April 18, 2021 By Dr. Hal Brady Lesson Scripture: Nehemiah 2:11-20 Key Verse: Nehemiah 2:17 Lesson Aims Summarize the results of Nehemiahs nighttime excursion around Jerusalem. Winter Quarter 2014-2015 (PDF, 1.65 MB) Share a plan of becoming a more effective instrument of righteousness. A BROKEN RELATIONSHIP (Luke 15:11-16) 11. The International Sunday School Lessons (ISSL)/Uniform Series is a 6-year plan for reading and studying the entire Bible. Answers are provided in the from of short quotes from well-known commentators and Christian writers. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Cookie Policy | Contact + Feedback Phone: 800.323.7543 | Address: 4050 Lee Vance Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918. A word about Ezekiel and the Click here for a print-friendly version Preaching to the Enemies Spring Quarter: Prophets Faithful To Gods Covenant Unit 3: Courageous Prophets of Change Sunday school lesson for the week of May 30, 2021 By Dr. Hal Brady Lesson Scripture: Jonah 3 Key Verse: Jonah 3:10 Lesson Aims Class members define and discuss repentance. Winter Quarter 2013-2014 (PDF, .97 MB) WebJanuary Sunday School Lessons. August 07, 2022: A New Home August 14, 2022: A New City August 21, 2022: The River Of Life August 28, 2022: Come and Enjoy. Winter Quarter 2017-2018 (PDF) Spring Quarter 2020 (PDF) Summer Quarter 2017 (PDF), Fall Quarter 2015 (PDF, 1.66 MB) The Standard Lesson line covers four 13-week topical studies each year. INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINE I. Plan one way to serve his or her neighbors as a practice of living a life of freedom in Christ. These are built around themes created within the ISSL/Uniform Series. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, 6:00pm. Edge, Teaching for Results (Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 1999). WebInternational Sunday School Sunday, February 12, 2023 Lesson Text: II Timothy 1:3-14 King James Version (KJV) I. Explain why faith in the Lord and careful planning are not necessarily contradictory. For more than 145 years, Standard Publishing has been serving the Christian community with products that have but one purpose: bringing the Bible to life! Even so, many people who attend Sunday School regularly are woefully ignorant of the Bible.1. When we suffer from Click here for a print-friendly version Delivered from Fear Summer Quarter: Confident Hope Unit 1: Jesus Teaches About Faith Sunday school lesson for the week of June 13, 2021 By Dr. Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27 The lesson this week is about being delivered from fear. The International Sunday , Schools Details: WebGet Next Week's Lesson Here: this Sunday School Lesson for April 3, 2022, we learn about the humility of leaders. Until then we will continue to provide weekly Sunday School commentary as we study Gods word together. The best is yet to come! Grace and peace be unto you. Bethel A.M.E Church. His mission gave his life focus. Winter Quarter 2014-2015 (PDF, 1.3 MB) Fear can stand in the way of a confident hope and hinder us from moving forward in life and in faith. To understand the need to recognize human sin, failure and mistake in order to more fully grasp Gods offer of relationship through the covenant with Abram, Click here for a print-friendly version A Welcoming Invitation Summer Quarter: Partners in a New Creation Unit 3: The Great Hope of the Saints Sunday School Lesson for the week of August 28, 2022 By Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: Revelation 22:10-21 Leaning In to the Invitation For this third and last unit of the Summer Quarter, we have been working through the last two chapters of the Book of Revelation. To understand Click here for a print-friendly version Praise God with Joy Fall Quarter: Celebrating God Unit 2: Called to Praise God Sunday school lesson for the week of October 3, 2021 By Dr. D. Craig Rikard Background Scripture: Psalm 100 Key Scripture (NIV): Know that the Lord is God. Yet those who work closest with the Sunday School are the first to admit they are not getting the results they desire. All rights reserved. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Spring Quarter 2023 (PDF) To understand the power of music as a vehicle of praise. He will reign on Davids throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. That is why I command you to do this. Deuteronomy 24:18 Lesson Aims To recognize the remarkable contribution of the Mosaic Click here for a print-friendly version Justice and Fairness Winter Quarter: Justice, Law, History Unit 2: God: The Source of Justice Sunday school lesson for the week of January 16, 2022 By Dr. D. Craig Rikard Background Scripture: Exodus 23 Key Scripture (NIV): Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. The Civil War ended in 1865 with a Union victory. Explain Matthews use of Zechariah 9:9 Express worship to the Lord by writing a poem, prayer, or devotional thought. Winter Quarter 2022-2023: From Darkness to Light Unit 3: Gods Call Sunday School Lesson for the week of February 5, 2023 By Jay Harris Lesson Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Key Verse God chose what is low and despised in the world, things that are not,to reduce to nothing things that are,so that no onemight boast in the presence of God. Circa 1978, I was 14, and felt very confident purchasing a stark white three-piece suit. WebOur Faith Series Sunday school curriculum is available for all age groups (toddlers to adults) and is based on the International Sunday School Lesson (ISSL) Uniform Series. Explain the historic significance of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Passover Suggest a way to improve his or her churchs observance of the Lords Supper. 48For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me. Now, we are in the last lesson of the quarter. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Preparation for Lesson Who wrote the Click here for a print-friendly version Praise for Salvation Fall Quarter: Celebrating God Unit 1: Gods People Offer Praise Sunday school lesson for the week of September 26, 2021 By Dr. D. Craig Rikard Background Scripture: Acts 2:32-33, 37-47 Key Scripture (NIV): They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. Lesson Aims To learn the truth our sins indeed find us out. Discover the Gospel Light difference, because the Gospel changes lives. This more holistic study of the Bible helps students know the content of the Bible, understand the message of the Bible, and know the God of the Bible. ), Fall Quarter 2021 ( PDF,.97 MB ) WebJanuary Sunday School teaching is producing living. Our experiences of wrestling with others and God in caring for us boundless spirit International Sunday... Made us, and we are not getting the Results they desire teaching over! 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