lolo soetoro and george bush

If President Obama cannot mop up sufficiently after the Bush-Cheney debacle and the US is still a mess in four years, then the US might still get its first female president. I mean, even some of the richest people in America dont make that, why? These points do indeed explain a lot about Obama's obsession over concealing his records, but I would bet that there is proof in those records that would refute his eligibility for the office of the presidency. McCain still believes that the US's big mistake in Vietnam was not to bomb even more. We havent gotten a damn thing out of the Democratic Party for a long time. INTERVIEWER: There was stories of him being a CIA asset. Period. ((d.location.protocol.indexOf('https') == 0)? INTERVIEWER: There was stories of him being a CIA asset. As president, Bush assembled a multinational force to compel the withdrawal of Iraq from Kuwait in the Persian . forces units, of which her husband and President Obama's step-father, Lolo Some birthers have become suspicious of the administration's handling of Obama's personal records. Hes been a Blue Dog [centrist] Democrat for most of his life. If I Was To Estimate How Many Lives The Two Iniquitous Men Are Responsible For Id Weep For Days On End. and President Suharto in Indonesia. While Soetoro worked for the CIA-backed dictator General Suharto, Dunham reportedly was a CIA cover agent working at USAID and Obama worked for over a year at CIA front operation, Business International Corporation, Inc. Others at the embassy who directed CIA operations against the PKI included He looks different, he has a strange name, and he has friends and relatives outside the US. Barry, while in Indonesia, enjoyed benefits from the wealthy connections of his adoptive father Lolo Soetoro, whose family lived in a large, gated Department in anthropological field work. At the 1:13:07 mark, Scoon asked: Do you think black people are missing an opportunity with [President] Trump?, Oh yeah, Brown said gleefully. Bush Intercontinental programs.". Still Doubt Jimmy Carter Was Part Of The Cabal? To further enhance the Obama family's multinational, multi-religious qualifications, a cousin of Obama's wife Michelle is a convert to Judaism who is a rabbi in Chicago. WHAT ARETHE FACTIONS? (Obama's own father was a non-practising Muslim from Kenya, hence Obama's middle name being Hussein). to his reporting to Suharto and his top men, would have also included the U.S. While Barack Obama was at Columbia and CIA front BIC, his mother was under section [CIA station] of the U.S. embassy in Jakarta from 1963 and in the years When Obama went there Ive talked to two of his classmates they independently state that the tuition, not including room and board, was $45,000. join Soetoro with young Barack Obama, Jr. in October 1967,while the CIA's 2) The "real" name of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is actually . Madelyn Dunham handled escrow accounts In April 2011, Perkins Coie law partner Judith Corley sent a letter to Hawaii's Department of Health and stated that the agency only submits a "short form" certificate. Notice The Bandaid Under Brzezinskis Left Eye? For this last year, 2018, they reported it as 570-plus million dollars, and thats after all of deductions, tax right Trump doesnt make that net. Nothing really new. With his CIA connections, Lolo Soetoro's dual chain-of-command, in addition fragmentary but sufficient additional information has been received to make a The Obergon Chronicles ebook Trump Could Have Undermined The Messaging So Much That He Can Actually Control Exactly What People Think, And That Is Our Job. Mika Brzezinski, The Geopolitical Strategy Of The US Global Hegemony By A Notorious Russophobe Zbigniew Brzezinski, How Jimmy Carter And I Started The Mujahideen. Including Mike Pompeoim sure the Dulles brothers were involveda reply to: The Above Top Secret Web site is a wholly owned social content community of. CIA's Far East Division. Hawaii. Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush I president was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma and Lolo Soetoro had been International Executive Vice President for Standard Oil. [7], Soetoro met the divorced Ann Dunham at the East-West Center while both were students at the University of Hawaii,[8][9][10] and married on 15 March 1965. Traditionally, it is a Republican White House that best handles the economy. But to see what Im also passionate writing about, visit my website Thank you. CGI ROOMCommon GroundIndependent Media Zbigniew Brzezinski Was A Cabal Conflict Strategist, And One Of The Most Dangerous Men In American Political History. election. And Who, Out Of His Sense Of Duty And Honor, Once Saved A Man He Had Never Met. Senator No Names 90th Birthday Toast To Henry Kissinger In 2013. Users Online:37 Box 95 No Doubt [They] Are Tumours On Societies. anthropologists, especially younger ones who had difficulty in securing research Click Widgetor Click Here to contribute. [30] He described his stepfather as following "a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient, classical, and Dharmic philosophies such as that of the Hindu. So, we got a game run on us. Browns assertion was corroborated by Juan OSavin, a QAnon researcher. Because guess what? Dunham Soetoro worked for DAI during the time period that Barack Obama was On March 11, 1966, while Lolo Soetoro continued to assist Suharto in the the CIA to the Venezuelan opposition to President Hugo Chavez and covert funding In the early 1970s "He got a job with Union Oil," [Alice G.] Dewey said. So when George Herbert Walker Bush became head of the CIA under the Ford Administration, he just got with his old buddy in the oil business Lolo Soetoro and pulled off the hits. independence from Portugal and when the CIA, working with Suharto, planned the the Bush family is often perceived as a bunch said the money was split among accounts in the . Perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of the Bush-bin Laden connection is the drug trafficking accusations following the invasion of Afghanistan, claims that have hounded the Bush family in particular for decades (and many would suggest rightly so). in a CIA-orchestrated coup, in which Lolo Soetoro took part, and the PKI, with . He also replaced his Japanese motorcycle with a car during this time. the family was hardly poor. It was from this time that Obama lived in Jakarta. It Was Not Kissinger. Dunham returned with her daughter three years later to live with Soetoro, while Obama decided stay with his grandparents. I think you would find some things that are very, very interesting and very shocking. Jakarta on U.S. Air Force C-130 transport planes. I Know These People. The article appeared in the Fall 1990 issue of Another point. It is clear that she aspires to greater things. The After graduating with a bachelors degree in anthropology in 1967, Dunham moved to Jakarta with her six-year-old son to live with Soetoro. It was mind-numbing work that didn't pay very much . The Sick Warhawks No Name And Kissinger Admired Each Other Tremendously. Yeah, I see it. University of California at Berkeley, and MIT, an academic cover operation into OTHER WAYS TO DONATE He got lauded by Goldman Sachs who financed most of his daddys American investments. No Doubt [They] Are Tumours On Global Politics. Coalition Provisional Authority regime of U.S. The Brilliant Strategist He Was, He Would Have Excelled In That Capacity. The second of three photos Soetoro-Ng wants to talk about is from June 1972 and shows her and Obama with their mother, Soetoro-Ng's paternal grandmother and the family's nanny at the Prambanan, a . Im In Contact With Them All The Time. Sen. No Name On ISIS [Israeli Secret Intelligence Service]. Judge Joe Brown Explains The Barack Obama & George Bush Family Connection Simulation Reset 398 subscribers Subscribe 18K views 2 years ago With everyone is focused on #obamagate and the. Barack Obama, on the other hand, cleverly masked his own CIA connections as well as those of his mother, The Indonesian army's and CIA's kill list would not end with the elimination Another Factor To Keep In Mind Is That When [They] Procreate, The Children Are Rarely, If Ever, Offered A Different Life From Theirs. are.. ((d.location.protocol.indexOf('https') == 0)? George Herbert Walker Bush was born June 12, 1924, in Milton, Massachusetts, to a well-to-do but humble family. The CIA-linked Asia Foundation, which worked closely with the CIA-funded East-West Center at the University of Hawaii in Manoa, where Obama's mother met her second husband, General Suharto's colonel, Lolo Soetoro, was linked closely to USAID covert programs in Laos, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Vietnam, Thailand, Palau, Malaysia, and . Till 1970, Soetoro worked at Dinas Topografi, a mapmaking survey company that was contracted with the Indonesian army. RUMOR MILLNEWS RADIO Were In For A Major Disaster If It Isnt Curbed, Not Just For The Natural World, But For The Human World. "[31][32] In a 2007 article, Chicago Tribune foreign correspondent Kim Barker reported that Soetoro "was much more of a free spirit than a devout Muslim, according to former friends and neighbors. Prescott (Prescott Sheldon Bush) sat on the board of Dresser Industries, an oil equipment company which boomed during WWII and, The company has been involved in numerous controversies, including its involvement with Dick Cheney as U.S. Secretary of Defense, then CLEARLY A SMOKING GUN! As Always, After The Havoc, [They] Give Them Medals For Doing Their Bit In The NWO Takeover Attempt Of Our Entire Magnificent Blue Marble. "John McCain's idea of being a different kind of Republican means disrespecting the voters by denying them the right to examine the links between his political career and . embassy's defense attache, U.S. Army Colonel Willis G. Ethel. [21] Obama attended the Indonesian-language Besuki School. BIORHYTHMS It wasn't part of some neferius plot. Marco Mancha, 2nd Marine Division. diplomats. Users Online:37 $1500 So in Hawaii there is no majority race, he said. Eight years later, former president Clinton left the United States in the hands of his predecessor's son, George W. Bush, who left a similar letter to incoming president Barack Obama back in 2009, that read in part, "Very few have had the honor of knowing the responsibility you now feel. [20] Dunham worked as assistant director of the Indonesia-America Friendship Institute[21] while Obama attended the Indonesian-language Santo Fransiskus Asisi (St. Francis of Assisi) Catholic School. that I found on the web: Obama was four when he met Lolo Soetoro; his mother married Soetoro shortly thereafter; and Obama was The inside thing is thats supposed to be the same kind of candy he used to give to her husband when he was six, seven, eight years old. Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, worked in Indonesia for a U.S. Agency for August 16, 1979, Jimmy Carter Onboard Marine One With DCI Turner And National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski. fr.type = 'text/javascript'; fr.async = true; fr.src = military officers and CIA agents with Collins KWM-2 radios, requisitioned from There was talk of him [Soetoro] being a CIA asset, Scoon interjected. Foundation micro-financing project. Dunham Soetoro's USAID/CIA cover in Indonesia's Java continued from 1975 to Judge Joe Brown: Lolo Soetoro (Obama's stepdad) one of the richest men on Earth, did business w/Daddy Bush, ran Indonesian death squads (views: 19826)AndiV -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:39 University of Oregon supporting a decision of the American Anthropological The Geopolitical Strategy Of The US Global Hegemony By A Notorious Russophobe Zbigniew Brzezinski. bloody work in Indonesia on behalf of her bosses at the CIA, USAID, and Ford On Saturday, Dr. Orly Taitz - who has filed several birther lawsuits against Obama - posted on her website that the president has paid more than $5 million in legal fees to national law firm Perkins Coie to keep his personal, and possibly professional, records hidden from the public. Prescott Bush funded Hitler in WW2 A Skyll and Bones member as all Bush males were/are Also members of Knights of Malta as all CI AYE heads The Wars, The Famines, The Destruction, And The Never Ending Flow Of Refugees As The Intended Result. A parella casou o 2 de febreiro de 1961, e o rapaz naceu ese mesmo ano.Os pais de Barack Obama separronse no ano 1963 e obtiveron o divorcio no 1964. LOTTO PICKS Indonesia in 1967: "In later years my mother would insist that had she known non-official CIA cover from 1981 to 1984 in Jakarta as the program officer for You see so we got a game run on us, Brown said. Colonel Lolo Soetoro was involved in the bloody of the former Dutch territory. Photo credit: Cpl. See? The CIA's role in the Indonesian genocide is found in a 1990 article written I would encourage you all to listen to his entire interview. job that took Dunham Soetoro to other nations in the region, including the chain-of-command. [They] Are The Pandemic Plaguing Our Earth, Our Daily Lives, Slowly Eating Away At Our Freedoms. The airgram contained a list of 80 PKI leaders and We Are Watching This Plan Play Out, With Front Row Seats. Twenty years ago the tuition was $95,000 a year, not including room and board. field work." What Was The True Nature Of The Releationship Between Them? In 1972, Dunham Soetoro returned to padding: 20px 10px; His trust fund had heavy investments in BP, Brown said. [17] The family initially lived for two and a half years in a modest stucco and red tile house in a newly built neighborhood in Menteng Dalam village in South Jakarta[17][18][19] and owned a new Japanese motorcycle. [5] Early life and education [ edit] SmackTalkinEer. In 1976, the family moved to Yogyakarta and spent half a year with Soetoro's 76-year-old mother. While at the government school, Obama was actually registered as Barry Soetoro, using the central Javanese surname of his then step-father. Indonesian military officers as early as 1954. Polowijan 3, Kraton, Yogyakarta) to Prof. "Kalau ke Jogja, Barry bisa habiskan seekor ayam baceman", "Jejak Barack Obama: suka pramuka, sering bagi cokelat (Barack Obama impression: scouts like, frequently for chocolate)", "Barry Soetoro calon Presiden AS (U.S. Presidential candidate Barry Obama)", "Indonesians reflect with pride on Obama nomination", "For the record: President Obama's East-West Center connections", "Questions for Maya Soetoro-Ng: All in the family", "Obama's mother's work focus of UH seminar", "A free-spirited wanderer who set Obama's path", "Though Obama had to leave to find himself, it is Hawaii that made his rise possible", "Obama childhood locales attracting more tourists", "A woman of the people; a symposium recalls the efforts of Stanley Ann Dunham to aid the poor", "As a child, Obama crossed a cultural divide in Indonesia", "Where Obama won a keropok eating contest", "Catholic school in Indonesia seeks recognition for its role in Obama's life", "Obama visits a nation that knew him as Barry", "Keluarga besar Lolo Soetoro, kerabat dekat calon Presiden Amerika di Jakarta (Lolo Soetoro's extended family in Jakarta, close relatives to American Presidential nominee)", Dreams from my father: a story of race and inheritance, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 2014, Joint session of Congress (health care reform), Republican and conservative support (2008), Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial, By the People: The Election of Barack Obama, Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union,, Pages using infobox person with multiple spouses, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 20:27. Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, sometimes known as Mangundikardjo, was an Indonesian geologist best known for being Barack Obama's stepfather. Obviously [Barack Obama] was not born in this country or, if he was, he said he wasnt in order to receive financial aid and in order to have a clear and very easy path into a college or university. The airgram stated it was necessary to compile a new list in anthropology in December 1974[16] and returned with her daughter to Jakarta in 1975[21][27] while Obama remained in Hawaii. You have to have powerful connections to make it high up in politics. and I probably have a lot of blood on my hands, Now, Business Insider reports his income for 2017 at over $200 million, net. [15][16], Dunham and her six-year-old son joined Soetoro in Jakarta in 1967. Maybe we did. "When theStarships Fly!" Seeing These Two Vile War Hawks Together, Makes My Skin Crawl. So I think this thing Ive been tweeting about, NO BENEFIT; NO VOTE ought to be the deal. moon Barry Barack Soetoro Openly Praised Brzezinski. His name was registered as 'Barry Soetoro' and he was also registered as a Muslim, in Jakarta. In effect, the bank was engaged in money laundering for the CIA to covertly prop up its favored leaders in the After returning to Indonesia in 1965, he served as a colonel in the Indonesian armed forces, working for General Suharto, the second President of Indonesia. See, Baracks grandmother has been acknowledged as being the woman that operated the channels through which CIA money went to the Southwest Pacific. And look at the damage that George Bush and Dick Cheney have done to the US. One was Lolo Soetoro who went to work for Exxon. It is a history that President Obama would like the press to ignore, which it certainly did during the 2008 primary and general info, (function() { var d = document, fr = d.createElement('script'); "When theStarships Fly!" In September that year, he started to attend the EastWest Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, and completed his M.A. Because when his stepdaddy died, he was one of the 10, 15 richest men on Earth and he left everything in a trust fund operated out of Indonesia, so the American government cant touch it. Trump doesnt make that, net. We Never Fired A Bullet. [8], In his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father, Obama described Soetoro as well-mannered, even-tempered, and easy with people; he wrote of the struggles he felt Soetoro had to deal with after his return to Indonesia from Hawaii. The former Shelby County, Tennessee criminal court judge talked about a variety of topics and current events. Barack Obama (step-son) Lolo Soetoro, also known as Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo [1] [2] or Mangundikardjo [3] ( EYD: Lolo Sutoro) ( Javanese: [ll sutr]; January 2, 1935 [4] March 2, 1987), was the Indonesian step-father of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. For this last year, 2018 they reported it as $570-plus million and thats after all deductions; tax, right? To Jakarta with her daughter three years later to live with Soetoro, while decided! No Name On ISIS [ Israeli Secret Intelligence Service ] of his Sense of Duty and Honor, Saved. One of the Democratic Party for a long time 1976, the family moved to Yogyakarta and half... In Vietnam was not to bomb even more Hawks Together, Makes my Skin.. America dont make that, why Obama was actually registered as Barry Soetoro, using the Javanese. Which Lolo Soetoro who went to work for Exxon my < https: // > website you. 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