lost confederate gold in alabama

Postmaster General John Reagan, who was with Davis in Danville, added more detail, recalling that the gold was to be hidden in the false bottom of a carriage. Im not sure of the accuracy of this story but here it goes. There are rumors that caches of coins and silverware are buried on and around the plantation ruins. The chief wanted him to marry his daughter. A Colorado company, hired by a private individual, performed a geophysical survey and employed pulse induction instruments to identify the locations of the silver (and a small amount of gold). To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth! Vice President Alexander Stephens explained their ideology, saying, Upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the White man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.. De Soto ended up dying of fever. He also owned two plantations outside of what was called Savannah now central Alabama. Apparently in 1865, $100,000 of gold and silver was put into two large metal boxes by Confederate troops, and then thrown into the swamp. After depositing the Richmond bank funds in a local vault in Washington for safekeeping, Davis continued heading south with his wife, Varina, their children and a few others. And like all good stories of lost treasure, this one has staying power. From there, I am assuming the Bellview back then is Belleville today, just with a name change. She made her money by running a trading post and she was one of the only Indian women to have owned slaves. In June 1863, President Lincoln ordered two wagons with false bottoms to carry anywhere from 26 to 52 gold bars weighing 50 pounds each from Wheeling, West Virginia, 400 miles north to Pennsylvania to pay the Union troops . Digging Deeper: Lost Treasures of Oklahoma. For Semple, as with Tidball, history is mute on the activities of both men. I have talked to the guy who wrote what you found on #2. Millions of dollars' worth of gold was lost or unaccounted for after the war, and its possible location has been the source of speculation of many historians and treasure hunters. Finders Keepers' owners, the father-son duo of Dennis and Kem Parada, had spent years looking for what, according to legend, was an 1863 shipment of Union gold that was lost or stolen while on its way to the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia. There is also a story of a cross embedded with jewels that were put in a well by pirates that never came back to claim it. The gold from the Richmond bank was accounted for, but was later stolen by around 20 armed men in Danburg, Georgia. Some believe it was stolen by the Union soldiers who arrested Davis, while others speculate it was hidden long before his arrest, with the aim of keeping it out of the Norths hands. These were enormous-sized boxes measuring from 3 deep x 2 wide x 4 long. The below mentioned George Trenholm incidentally, accompanied Davis on part of his flight but dropped out prematurely due to ill health, which was taken as circumstantial evidence by his Union accusers, when they later accused Trenholm of theft. He took the bodies of the Confederate soldiers with him. The Mexican coins had been transported to Danville, Virginia, and when the Davis party was forced to move further south, primarily by wagon, the more than 9,000 pounds of silver would have considerably slowed down the procession. He immigrated here from Scotland. JavaScript is disabled. He told his friend all about the story of the two wagons, treasure, and the fight with the Union soldiers. Railroad Bill real name Morris Slater was a black train robber, murderer during the late 1800s. They left Richmond with a bunch of money, and when [Davis group] was captured six weeks later, they didnt have it. His work has been featured in psfk.com, foxsports.com, politicususa.com and hillreporter.com. It was an E-mail he sent to someone and it found it's way to being an article on several sites. In his 1938 book Flight Into Oblivion, the historian A.J. The area was then abandoned around 1830. The town of Louina lasted from 1834-1902. This story takes place around Florence, Alabama. Dauphin Island held many camps over the centuries including a British army camp, a Spanish army camp, a Federal army camp, and a French army camp. Finders Keepers asked the Justice Department for expedited processing, which can be granted in cases where there is widespread media interest involving questions about the government's integrity. Like most Southerners, who strongly believed their cause was right, Semple was ultimately forced to admit that the Confederacy no longer existed and could not be resurrected, that nothing more could be done. Hidden Treasure discoveries can happen anyt . The folk ballad by Lonnie Donegan was named after him. The townspeople decided to defend Newton but were worried that if they got defeated that the towns treasury would be looted. He enjoys sports, politics, comic books, and anything that has to do with history. There are many different stories of where on his plantation the gold was hidden. Demopolis is an abandoned town on the Tombigbee River, near the intersection of rout 43, and 80. In the 1966Spaghetti Westernmovie "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly," the protagonists get information about lost Confederate gold hidden in a grave at a cemetery. Maybe you could be the one who prospers from finding one of these lost treasure gems in Alabama! In the 1938 book, Flight Into Oblivion, by A.J. The duo focused on a spot where they say their instruments detected a large metallic mass. Where did the loot go? Hanna, The Long Surrender by Burke Davis in 1985, and in 2001, An Honorable Defeat: the Last Days of the Confederate Government by Williams C.. Two more Union soldiers were killed along with the two rebels that had been with Hansen. The story begins in Richmond on Sunday, April 2, 1865, when Confederate President Jefferson Davis received an urgent message from General Robert E. Lee while attending a church service. After the decision was made to disband the Confederate government on May 4, 1865, Davis entrusted $86,000 to two Confederate navy officials, whom he tasked with smuggling the money to England. Jefferson Davis stated in his 1881 book, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, that the transfer of the treasure was made to Mr. Semple, a bonded officer of the Navy, and his assistant, Mr. Tidball. Davis added only that the instructions to Semple were for him to attempt to deliver the gold abroad to the financial agent of the government. They filled two wooden boxes full. The true value of the treasure that left Richmondheld under the guard of Confederate Navy Captain William H. Parker and the young midshipmen in his commandwill likely never be known. De Soto and his men fled and left the treasure they had stolen from the Cherokees behind. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({google_ad_client:"ca-pub-0945725028962484",enable_page_level_ads:true}); Jeff. google037df74da6aab727.html Going to war can be incredibly expensive. Hansen then used the horses to trample the boxes deeper into the mud. Those two boxes of gold could still be buried deep in that bog near Athens, Alabama. A member of the society said there is no historical evidence that gold is buried in the area. Then, after the Justice Department ordered a more thorough review, the FBI said its records were exempt from public disclosure. A rich man named Hansen was a Confederate sympathizer who wanted to financially help the Confederate economy that was falling apart at the end of the Civil War. In the other were cash and gold reserves and jewelry, estimated to be worth around $1 million. The chief had a daughter that he wanted to be married off so that he could have a male offspring to carry on as chief when he died. Today the town has only two homes standing that are in use. He was off north to battle the Yankees near Nashville. So if youre in Randolph County Alabama look up that old ghost town that was once called Louina. He didnt even tell his son. All Rights Reserved. Confederate gold refers to hidden caches of gold lost after the American Civil War. Most if not all of them take place well into the war, and by then the confederate had serious cash flow issues. General Dukes Brigade. C.E. Here is an OP that I posted on it a couple of months ago, to include sharing a couple of photos of one of the coins that he was paid on 4 May 1865, once they crossed the Savannah River and Breckinridge was more . Check it out today its available on Amazon! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. John Willismith was a rich businessman who lived in Fort Payne, Alabama. Semple did seem to disappear into the night, for he had to avoid the attention of both the enemy and paroled Confederate soldiers looking to confiscate horses and wagons in returning to their homes. Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 4:27 PM. You are using an out of date browser. The trek south of the Confederate government has been well documented in a number of first hand accounts written several years after the war. When he was captured, he had almost nothing. They think that they found what could be the wreck site but they didnt attempt to salvage her. Bipartisan Senate group unveils rail safety bill in response to Ohio derailment, What to know about Shigella bacteria as drug-resistant strain spreads. You see people didnt trust the banks back then because they were often robbed and the insurance programs of the Federal Government were not that good. Henry refused and was subsequently strung up to a tree and whipped. Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. His wife gave in again and told the soldiers where another cask was buried. Hansen stayed with his friends for a few days hiding under the floor when Union Soldiers would come by. Is There Treasure Waiting For You In Alabama? He wanted to trap game on the tribal land so he asked the chief permission. Jefferson Davis , the first and only President of the Confederate States of America, circa 1865. That was generally what he had been told to do in May 1865, in what became known as the "Last Order" of the Confederacy. The Union Cavalry came upon them and they were both killed. The Fenian Brotherhood, which was preparing to attack Canada with a growing army, seemed to be an opportunity; and with the apparent blessing of Jefferson Davis, with whom he was somehow able to exchange messages, though Davis was securely locked up in prison at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, Semple became a courier for the Fenian movement. One account has the gold being stolen in the far south area of Brooks County where local lore has it the train was attacked by . One time in Montgomery, in the late '80s, or early '90s, I was finishing some sheetrock in a small business, in sort of a row of businesses in the same long building. He was worn out, saddened by the devastation that existed in his part of the state, and the difficulty he and his neighbors were having in restoring their lives and properties. What happened to the Confederate money? The legend of the Confederate gold is referenced in many films. Named after one president, Thomas Jefferson, he went on to marry the daughter of another, Zachary Taylor. The legend states that DeSoto and his men cant to the Bay of Espiritu Santa which is now Tampa Bay Florida. This ended in the Trail of Tears that forced the Indians out. I guess this happened more often than we would think. The Confederacys capital city was initially located in Montgomery, Alabama, but soon changed to Richmond, Virginia. So as you can tell it was a great hiding spot for soldiers. So do your due diligence before going on your treasure-hunting expeditions. The Nunez Ferry ran for 47 years from 1815-1919. The area was founded by exiled followers of Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 1800's. In popular imagination, the Richmond bank goldhas become part of the lost Confederate treasure, and there is some truth to that story, Rawlings says. Legend held the treasure was watched overby ghostly spirits. She says that some Confederate gold was hidden there and some is still being found today. The ferry was used by Confederate and Union troops during the Civil War. He was very skilled at evading the police. Generally, it went like this:An individual or his friends would get a tip or a hunchthat some vacant plotheld the secret wealthand out would come the shovels. When he was captured, he had his wifes shawl over his shoulders. Then check out 14 Lost Treasures of Wisconsin. A town was named after her that once was one of the largest towns in Randolph County Alabama. Sharps ended up falling off the mills roof when he was doing repairs in June of 1899. Lee warned Davis that his government should evacuate Richmond immediately, or risk being captured by Federal troops. [3][4], Davis did in effect take with him $528,000 in gold and silver bullion (some of it in Mexican silver coinage) when he fled the city on 3 April 1865 by train. Searching for more lost treasure? Every legend that has any long-term staying power has a modicum of truth in it, and certainly this one does, says William Rawlings, an author of numerous nonfiction books and novels about Southern history. var FIX=FIX||{}; One day a Union Officer became privy to Henry Nune and his buried treasure. Bushes envelop the pig farm, and the cemetery is wooded over. Most importantly, Davis only has a few dollars on him when he was captured, which led to a long-running question: where did all the money and gold go? I hope you have found this article of interest and if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them in the comments section below. Hansen ended up killing one of the Union scouts. The mountain I saw that looked like an overturned boat is just to the east of Belleville, off US 231. In the Civil War-era movie, Gone With the Wind (1939), Rhett Butler, played by Clark Gable, is rumored to have stolen the treasure. Unable to accept the end of the Confederacy and Northern domination over the South, he collaborated with other disenfranchised leaders exiled in Canada. Lachlan McGillivray was a wealthy fur trader back in the mid to late 1700s. Simply putting food on the table became an essential concern. They loaded the two boxes of treasure onto two wagons and headed for Columbia. Levi Colbert who lived from 1759 to1834 was the bench chief of the Chickasaw Nation. She questioned whether the agency is "acting in good faith.". Frank W. Pandozzi is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Clickbank, and MyTopo affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com, mytopo.com, and clickbank.com.Please visit my Affiliate Disclosure below for more information. After the War Between the States,many not only spent time rememberingthe "Lost Cause," they also stayed busy searching for its lost gold. Also, keep in mind whenever you want to go metal detecting make sure you know the laws of the state in which you are digging in and always ask permission before metal detecting on any private property. These states were opposed to the abolishment of slavery. So I can't totally discount the story. In April 1865, the Civil War ended for most Americans. The whole of this region was captured by the Northern forces early in the Civil War. Ole Louina was a community during early settlement of Randolph County which was settled after the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in 1814 when the Creek Indians were defeated by . Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, In the 1966 Spaghetti Western movie "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly," the protagonists get information about lost Confederate gold hidden in a . I got the Keel Mountain story from a treasure hunter in west Tennessee, and it was a small, one-paragraph statement. He landed in a swamp and drowned because he couldnt swim. Tag: alabama confederate gold. An ardent Confederate, Julia had made a difficult decision late in the war to leave Virginia for her mothers home on Staten Island, New York. Bill Kirby has reported, photographed and commented on life in Augusta and Georgiafor 45 years. There were , also, over 2000 Tallassee Carbines hidden and never recovered. Ultimately, he took refuge in the North at the home of Julia Gardiner Tyler. So get your picks, shovels, and metal detector ready as we go through the 15 lost treasures of Alabama. Alabama, The Heart of Dixie as its nicknamed was the 22nd state to be admitted to the Union on December 14, 1819. The phrase "Lost Confederate Gold" has a romantic ring. The legend of the Confederate gold is referenced in many films. (Published 1865)", Last Sighting of the Lost Confederate Gold in Georgia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Confederate_gold&oldid=1130607928, A series of western adventure novels written by, This page was last edited on 31 December 2022, at 01:37. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! The attack happened in March of 1865. He came to Alabama in 1815 and set up a ferry for crossing the Perdido River that has banks of the Alabama and Florida side. "[2], Amid the collapse of the Confederacy, General Henry Halleck, Chief of Staff of the Union armies, wrote on April 26, 1865, that Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, was fleeing with large quantities of specie. Those products, whether pictures of a service or a product contain links to the seller.What companies do I work with and promote?I work with Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Clickbank, and MyTopo, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to these websites.I also promote Solo Build It Site Built It, because it's the product I used to build this website. During the autumn of 1864 it was clear the Confederacy was losing the Civil War. The McGillivray plantation ruins lie 4 miles North of Wetumpka, Alabama. The Paradas accompanied the FBI to the site in Dent's Run, about 135 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, but say they were confined to their car while the FBI excavated. The end of the Confederate gold is buried in the other were cash and gold reserves and jewelry, to... Its nicknamed was the 22nd state to be admitted to the guy who wrote you... 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