aldebaran in natal chart

Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Some are all good. Bob Marley (07); Jamaican singer-songwriter who brought Reggae to a worldwide audience. Julio Iglesias (10); Spanish singer. This is the nature of Aldebaran. Convicted of treason but later exonerated. Aldebaran is the 14th brightest star in the sky. In the same way the Syriac word Iyutha, which we have seen for the star Capella, seems to have been used also for Aldebaran. Alexander Graham Bell (29); Innovative Scientist and inventor of the telephone. Peacocking his power with fine clothes like those Hip-hop stars decked in gold bling, driving their puffed-out chariots with the scary bull bars on the front. When Taurus was the sign of the spring equinox, Aldebaran was one of the four marker stars for the year, the others being Regulus in Leo, Antares in Scorpio, and Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinis, which is just below Aquarius. Antoine Chanzy (36); French general and governor of Algeria. But really, Aldebaran and Antares are two sides of the same coin. New York Ms Magazine Editor-in-chief. J.F.Ks son had Aldebaran MC and tragically died in a plane crash. With Sun or Moon, culminating or rising: Great honor through violence with difficulties and casualties. [1] Jackie Kennedy Onassis had Jupiter on Aldebaran, but it is much safer there. Stephen Sondheim; Award winning American composer best known for his achievements in musical theatre. In 2018, an asteroseismic study determined a mass of at least 5.8 0.7 Jupiter masses for Aldebaran b, also concluding that, while the planet is now likely very hot the estimated temperature is 1,500 K due to its proximity to the giant host star it probably had a similar temperature to that of the Earth before Aldebaran evolved away from the main sequence, and was possibly habitable billions of years ago. The tendency to accidents depends on the rest of the chart and if there are other elements to cool the hot-bloodedness of this placement. Dated a string of famous, powerful and wealthy men. They are easily pulled and seduced into scandals with the opposite sex. Died in plane crash with wife. Aldebaran, designated Alpha Tauri ( Tauri, abbreviated Alpha Tau, Tau), is an orange giant star located about 65 light years from the Sun in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. Cyril Fagan (17); Sidereal Astrologer. Gordon Lavers (39); Blind Australian Composer. It is an 11th magnitude star separated by 117 from Aldebaran. The Romans called them Suculae, the little pigs, which had various explanations. Committed suicide the night before he was due to be hanged. Jimi Hendrix (22); Consider the greatest electric guitarist of all time. Thank you for your excellent post, and I look forward to the next one. Amassed a huge personal fortune from confiscated Jewish property. Antares, for the other side in the conflict, went into religious Sagittarius in 1272 AD and showed its superiority, perhaps, since the Crusaders never did dislodge the Saracens. The last one means the star that goes ahead. In local lore, the star gives light for seven women giving birth, represented by the Pleiades cluster. These four were equidistant in the sky, and at that time were reliable indicators of the four seasons. Web* ALDEBARAN Gemini 9 "Another red star, traditionally known as 'the Torch'. Three of her four siblings are dead, her brother committed suicide. Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri ( Tau), is an orange giant star in the constellation Taurus. In 1718, the English astronomer and mathematician Edmund Halley studied the records of the lunar occultation of the star that occurred on March 11, 509 CE and was seen from Athens, Greece. Part of the lesson that Fomalhaut offers is to balance the energy between body and soul, and to use our talents for the greater good, rather than for personal gain. the stars in the head (except Aldebaran) resemble Saturn, and, partly, Mercury; and those at the top of the horns are like Mars. By the Kabalists Taurus is associated with the Hebrew letter Aleph and the 1st Tarot Trump The Juggler. In all the ancient Zodiacs, Taurus is the beginning sign and marked the Vernal Equinox from about 4,000 to 1,700 B.C. If at the same time Mars or Saturn is with Antares (opposite) the native is liable to be hanged or killed by a sword thrust. Captain Admiral William Bligh (27); Commander of HMS Bounty when the infamous mutiny took place. Symbol, a Temple or Wagon Regent, Prajapati, the creator. All of these examples had Neptune in aspect to a personal planet or an angle. None of the five companions have been confirmed as physical companions to Aldebaran. An old Bohemian title is Hrusa. He is alleged to have had sex with the corpse of his sister before he photographed it as a piece of art. If in conjunction with both Sun and Mars, great liability to pestilential fevers. We can all connect with the powerful energies of Regulus when it meets with the Sun from August 22nd-25th. If you need help understanding your birth chart, check out my book, The Ultimate Guide to Astrology. Bob acknowledges having eleven children on his website. Pliny said it was because the rainy season brought out the mud which pigs enjoy. Both the male and female will have the bulls raging libido. Regulus (alpha of the Leo (Mercury rules siblings). (Fixed Star Aldebaran Astrology King) Aboriginal. These Royal Stars hold incredibly powerful vibrations and are considered very fortunate and lucky if they are active in your personal birth chart or in our cosmic skies, however, as with all things powerful, they come with great responsibility. Famous for dating models and other famous beauties. Neptune was conjunct Pluto at the time for all these examples which muddies the water a bit. Alpha Tauri D, E and F have apparent magnitudes of 13.70, 12.00 and 13.60. In 2009 he said I call it (the scar) that because it glows sometimes and some people notice itother times they dont notice it at all. Aldebaran can get away with murder because they come across as the knight in shining armour and saviour even if some are quite ghastly underneath. Work with the energies of Aldebaran on these days by clearing your mind, getting your thoughts out on paper, learning something new, using your thoughts for abundant thinking rather than self-limiting behavior, and meditating on the power of your mind. When the Sun crosses this axis between Aldebaran and Antares from May 29-31 and then again from December 2-4, it can open a stargate, allowing us to receive psychic downloads and balance our mental and emotional bodies. Ann says his denial of his homosexuality made him abusive and a sexual deviant. There is potential for great artistic achievement and talent with the ability to create beautiful, harmonious and sumptuous environments. The intelligence that Aldebaran unlocks can also be used to manipulate, outsmart, or overpower others. Women with this placement willbe robust and earthy, not dainty little cherubs. His Archangel counterpart is Michael, the head of all the angels, and a force to be reckoned with. Staying on this path can lead to a fall from grace. Alderbaran is at 9 degrees of Gemini and bestows honor, intelligence, and courage on any part of your astrological chart in which he resides. Due to the Earths axial precession, the star has since moved away. If you have Regulus strong in your personal birth chart, part of your lesson here is to learn to lead from the heart, and not your ego. Novelist. Aldebaran is one of the bright stars whose movement across the sky led to the discovery of proper motion. Loni Anderson (05); Four times married. May 2017, The Traveling Astrologer by Pamela Kokott, FOA Inc. established one of the 1st Astrology Group websites, Royal Stars in Astrology:ALDEBARAN: Watcher in the East By Joe Polise. With an average apparent magnitude of 0.87 it is the brightest star in the constellation and is one of the brightest stars in the nighttime sky. The Four Royal Stars also called Archangel Stars are; Aldebaran (Michael), Regulus (Raphael), Antares (Uriel), and Fomalhaut (Gabriel). These were also called archangel stars; this star Aldebaran was Michael Military Commander of the Heavenly Host. It gives honor, intelligence, eloquence, steadfastness, integrity, popularity, courage, ferocity, a tendency to sedition, a responsible position, public honors and gain of power and wealth through others, but its benefits seldom prove lasting and there is also danger of violence and sickness. Died of AIDS. Recovering alcoholic given to racist, drunken rants. The difference is that Aldebaran knows how to play the game. Aldebaran is an orange giant star located about 65 light years away in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. Jean Jaures (08); French socialist leader who was assassinated. [Robson, p.121. The two are linked in another way; you can find Aldebaran in the sky by using Orions Belt as a pointer. He has seven children by four women. The Hyades, like the Pleiades, were a group of nymphs. It is probably the most famous of the four Archangel stars representing St Michael. Lusty, lecherous, lovely, rich, sensual, smooth-talkers, materialistic, businessmen, winners, insatiable, indulgent, romantic, seducers, pleasure seekers, hedonists, idolizers, textural, lush, dashing, knights-in-shining armour, saviours, robust, strong, meaty, juicy, tough, bold, cheeky, macho, old-fashioned, classic, chivalrous, polite, charmers, diplomats, harmony, earthy, fertile, family-oriented, pro-life, pro-nature, naturists, aesthetic, luxurious, golden, lucky escapes, shining through, artistic, fashionable, iconic, beautiful, musical, sultry voices, softly spoken, strong/silent type, good girls, nice chaps, wholesome, butter-wouldnt-melt, holier- than-thou. If you have Fomalhaut active in your chart (within 1-2 degrees of your Sun, Moon, any planet, Rising Sign, or Midheaven), there is a strong possibility that your creative or spiritual talents will bring you notability. The Persian astronomer Al Biruni (973-1048 A.D.) quoted, as titles indigenous to Arabia, Al Fanik, the Stallion Camel; Al Fatik, the Fat Camel; and Al Muhdij, the Female Camel, the smaller adjacent stars of the Hyades (a group of stars on the face of the Bull) being the Little Camels; and it was Tali al Najm and Hadi al Najm, equivalents of the Stella Dominatrix of classical ages, as if driving the Pleiades before it (Pleiades are a group of stars on the shoulders of the Bull). Influences of the 2nd Hindu Moon Mansion Rohini: Ruled by the Moon. Gary Hart (00); Ran for president, but brought down by the press for having an extra-marital affair. With an average apparent magnitude of 0.87 it is the Died aged 36 of cancer, refused to be treated due to his religious beliefs. He had the Sun here, a leader and head of the country but sadly assassinated with a shot to it. The Bull will dower the countryside with honest farmers and will come as a source of toil into their peaceful lives; it will bestow, not gifts of glory, but the fruits of the earth. Its estimated age is 6.4 billion years and its metallicity around 30% lower than the Suns. The V-shape of the bulls face, known as the Hyades, makes it easy to find. In Babylonian astronomy, Aldebaran marked an asterism known as Pidnu-sha-Shame, the Furrow of Heaven. Later married Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis. Aldebaran is a giant star of the spectral type K5+ III. The Taurids of the 20th of November radiate from a point north of, and preceding, this star. Prominent alignments with the Aldebaran / Antares axis can express into the political and global arena. Married twice, numerous mistresses and affairs with his female supporters. Aldebaran has been used or referenced in countless works of fiction. 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She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. Mellowed of late. This is because the left eye, Ain, forms part of the notorious Hyades star cluster. Aldebaran is 44.13 times larger than the Sun, with a diameter of about 61.4 million kilometres. The V-shaped cluster outlines the head of the celestial Bull and Aldebaran appears as its brightest member even though it is not. Her sultry, purring voice shown at its best on Hes A Tramp in the Disney film. WebThis FQM is conjunct fixed star Aldebaran (the right and bright eye of the bull) on the USA's Uranus. Aldebaran marked the Hindu Rohini, a Red Deer, used also for the 2nd nakshatra, or Hindu Moon Mansion. We get fame, notoriety, some wasted talent and a fall from grace, most probably due to over-indulgence of the good life that Aldebaran initially delivers. Her ambitious drive and opportunism led her into questionable alliances. If you dont have a chart, yet get a free one here: FREE HOROSCOPE MAKER. Each of these fixed stars rests in a corner of our night sky, creating an almost perfect square or perhaps, mapping out an energetic portal. The four stars Aldebaran, Regulus, Fomalhaut and Antares were seen as the guardians of the sky. Della Reese; Actress, Gospel singer, game and talk show hostess. Its energy is most active as we cross from Leo Season into Virgo Season. ], With Jupiter: Great ecclesiastical honor and high military preferment. Alpha Tauri B has the stellar classification M2.5 and an apparent magnitude of 13.60. The heart of the lion is courageous, bold, and passionate. Eric Clapton; Ranked as one of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time. Great energy and perseverance, high material honors but danger of losing them, danger from quarrels and the law, honor and riches ending in disgrace and ruin, liable to disease, fevers and a violent death[1]Since the Sun rules the head and Aldebaran is placed in the Bulls head, its not surprising that those with this placement are looked up to as leaders and can become icons. WebAs one of the largest astrology portals WWW.ASTRO.COM offers a lot of free features on the subject. Fomalhaut can activate our spiritual gifts and strengthen our psychic and intuitive abilities. In ancient Greece, the star was known as (Lampadias), which means torch bearer or torch-like.. Bob Marley may have had a long lingering death due to the spread of his cancer. It formed one of the four royal stars of Persia as Watcher of the East. Aldebaran is the Ancestor Karambal, who stole another mans wife. Aldebaran is the brightest star in the zodiac constellation Taurus. (reprint), Pingback: Catching Up on Awards: Versatile Blogger and Epically Awesome LeennasCreativeBox, Pingback: Antares: the scorpions heart WE ARE STAR STUFF, Pingback: Regulus: the Lions Heart We Are Star Stuff, I am the child of earth and starry heaven. Petelia Tablet, We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Oscar Wilde. The Winter Triangle and the Winter Hexagon, image: Wikisky. The Sun here has great responsibility and must act with integrity. Alfred Dreyfus (23); French artillery officer. WebAldebaran, along with Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut retain status as Royal Stars among western astrologers. They mark seasonal changes of the year at the equinoxes and solstices. To work out the exact position of Aldebaran, stars move forward through the zodiac at one degree every 72 years. It is usually slightly fainter than Altair in the constellation Aquila and Acrux in Crux, but just outshines Antares, Spica and Pollux, the luminaries of Scorpius, Virgo and Gemini. Regulas is at 29 degrees of Leo, and his meaning is one of fame, success, honor, and wealth. It is the fourteenth-brightest star in the night sky and it is believed to host a planet nicknamed Aldebaran b. My latest is an analysis of the Njord Skadi myth, from Avalonia Books. LL Cool J; Hip-hop crooner, known for his romantic ballads. VP: Joe PoliseNCGR PAA 4, CMA, is a consulting astrologer with over 20 years experience in counseling and teaching people from every walk of life. It is even very likely that this knowledge was delivered to them by the star beings themselves. The Arabic name reflects its position: the Follower, since it rises after the Pleiades, the stars that make up the bulls shoulder. Size comparison of planets and stars, image: Wikimedia Commons/ Dave Jarvis, Jcpag2012, JoeyPknowsalotaboutthat (CC BY-SA 4.0). They were a part of the Guardian consciousness holders of the 3-6-9-12 Arc Portal system which has been at war between the many races that want control of this access gate out of the Universal Time Matrix. Aldebaran is located in the zodiac constellation Taurus. Wolfgang Borchert; German author who denounced the Nazi regime. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.57, 165-167. [1] There is a great drive and desire for these subjects to make a name for themselves and rise above the limitations or unhappy memories of their upbringing. Wreckless Eric (32); British Punk/New wave singer-songwriter. All things in this life come and go, but with every death, something is reborn. Antares, for the other side in the conflict, went into religious Sagittarius in 1272 AD and showed its superiority, perhaps, since the Crusaders never did dislodge the Saracens. (e in b)&&0=b[e].k&&a.height>=b[e].j)&&(b[e]={rw:a.width,rh:a.height,ow:a.naturalWidth,oh:a.naturalHeight})}return b},t="";h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.getBeaconData",function(){return t});h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run",function(b,d,a,c,e,f){var k=new p(b,d,a,e,f);n=k;c&&m(function(){window.setTimeout(function(){r(k)},0)})});})();pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run('/mod_pagespeed_beacon','','YddRYU7ik1',true,false,'EY8H9CievZo'); Hyadian starseeds are from the star system called Aldebaran, it is a reddish giant star in the constellation of Taurus. ], With Neptune: Connected with science, art, occultism and mediumship, good intellect, loss through fire, electricity or speculation, but gain through metals, military or scientific instruments, especially if Mars is strong; many journeys, obstacles to domestic happiness, unfavorable for children, danger of accidents and sudden death. Based on its findings, a hypothetical planet orbiting Aldebaran would have a mass of at least 11.4 Jupiter masses and orbit the star with a period of 643 days from a distance of 2 astronomical units. John Davies (33); Rugby fullback. 3.53), Omicron Tauri (mag. Our Crown Chakra can also connect us to the divinity that flows within and all around us. [ 1 ] Jackie Kennedy Onassis had Jupiter on Aldebaran, Regulus, Fomalhaut and Antares are two of! Bob Marley ( 07 ) ; Consider the greatest electric guitarist of all the angels and! Military Commander of HMS Bounty when the infamous mutiny took place have apparent magnitudes of,. Seasonal changes of the celestial Bull and Aldebaran appears as its brightest member even though it is not general... But with every death, something is reborn denounced the Nazi regime moved away planets... 4,000 to 1,700 B.C 39 ) ; four times married ( 39 ) ; French socialist leader was. A red Deer, used also for the 2nd Hindu Moon Mansion Pocket Mantras of! 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