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Christina McQueen and Steve Hansen are the survivalists on the Naked And Afraid episode "Rumble In The Jungle. And it merits the strongest of strong response. He led a devoted spiritual life at St. Nicholas of Myra Episcopal Church, in Encino, California. He also coached New Zealand A on their tour to Europe in 2000. Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg and other local leaders are defending City Councilman Steve Hansen against what they called a "smear . Several on-air members of the WDVE staff left in 1973 to join the new free-form station WYDD-FM in New Kensington. . He was then elected to the Iowa Senate from District 1 between 1995 and 2003. Discover today's celebrity birthdays and explore famous people who share your birthday. Jimmy and Steve did not live down to Rick Peters low expectations for bits about the sicker side of life. Early life [ edit] Steven Hansen joins WDVE For the First Time In 1975 program director Jimmy Roach hired Minneapolis native Steve Hansen to be the evening host of WDVE.