easa aircraft registration markings

The aircraft identification fireproof (data) plate must be installed and correspond to the identity of the aircraft. Confidential and proprietary document. 3. FEBRUARY 2017 A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. . All rights reserved. In accordance with the Convention on International Civil Aviation all aircraft must be registered with a national aviation authority and they must carry proof of this registration in the form of a legal document called a Certificate of Registration at all times when in operation. 0000006512 00000 n PR1421164 - Issue 3 FEBRUARY 2017 Introduction This brochure is intended to be a guideline for the placards and markings required by EASA/JAA type design regulation. 25.1555 CONTROL MARKINGS (a) Each cockpit control, other than primary flight controls and controls whose function is obvious, must be plainly marked as to its function and method of operation. Nz2nge]~"49'hN+%tnvm,)G 5XrrU,9]lfbkK@^75 $'vN Confidential and proprietary document. 0000002086 00000 n This means any Part or Appliance not designed by the TC or ETSO Approval Holder - This also serves as relevant continuing airworthiness information for both Maintenance Organisations and Accident or Incident investigators. 3.02 3.19 Note: Minimum one placard shall be installed for each two passengers aside at front row locations. 0000003152 00000 n A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. Important: Translations in the requested electronic format have to be provided by the customer 12 working days after CDF. A certified drone is needed only when the risk of the operation requires it. PR1421164 - Issue 3 FEBRUARY 2017 Table of content 3/3 EXTERNAL PLACARDS AND MARKINGS Markings of the defuel/refuel control panel Marking of the THS position angles Landing Gear placards Nose landing gear: identification labels - tire inflating pressure with aircraft on wheels Tire inflating pressure placard on the main landing gear MISCELLANEOUS Owner and manufacturer plates AIRBUS S.A.S. Reproduces Schedule 2, Part B of the Air Navigation Order, 2000 and gives advice on interpreting the requirements on registration markings. 0000002760 00000 n 0000002487 00000 n Please enter your comments below, or use our usual service contacts if a specific matter requires an answer. FEBRUARY 2017 A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. Quick turnaround Livery drawings and producing last minute artwork stencils are what Aerosigns do, its what weve alwaysdone and continue to do for our customers. 2-REG Aircraft Registry - For all your Aircraft Registrations Cost effective Cost effective owing to a pragmatic approach Global reach Global reach, local strength, personal commitment. PR1421164 - Issue 3 FEBRUARY 2017 EASA required placards and markings EIAL Ref PR1421164 A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. Find a registered aircraft Finding a registered aircraft in Australia. Headlines are separated by 2.5 mm space. 203 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 209 /H [ 1643 545 ] /L 971614 /E 12805 /N 13 /T 967435 >> endobj xref 203 38 0000000016 00000 n PR1421164 - Issue 3 FEBRUARY 2017 Applicable regulations 8/8 JAR 25 25.1561 25.1563 NOTE SUBJECT SAFETY EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (a) Each safety equipment control to be operated by the crew in emergency, such as controls for automatic liferaft releases, must be plainly marked as to its method of operation. Aircraft & products. Particularly optically evident structural parts such as exhaust grids are used as reference points. Finding a registered aircraft in Australia. The translations of the basic English wording and the graphic format of all second language text, as it is to appear in the aircraft, is to be provided as electronic data by the customer. Aircraft & Engine Type 3. The second language placards shall also be defined by filling the check-list for aircraft definition in the last chapter of this brochure. Application for registration 7. Only premium quality vinyl used in production and available in a range of colours to suit your aircraft. Competency is, Module Confidential and proprietary document. PR1421164 - Issue 3 Markings of the fuel filler instruction on the wing upper surface AIRBUS S.A.S. AMC1 FCL.735.A; FCL.735.H; FCL.735.As MULTI-CREW COOPERATION COURSE (a) Confidential and proprietary document. It is not intended to cover all placards and markings required by modifications in addition to the type design. (c) Aircraft nationality and registration marks must- (1) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, be painted on the aircraft or affixed by any other means insuring a similar degree of permanence; (2) Have no ornamentation; (3) Contrast in color with the background; and (4) Be legible." Depending on delivery date, the placards and markings may be slightly different from the ones presented in the current guideline. All rights reserved. )tpkg endstream endobj 227 0 obj 321 endobj 228 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 227 0 R >> stream -\'P3f@Dq@@}7hP}`dtB-eYK\t1twK:b= TEmk-$&QaG 0u.bT.|(M32c:&G|yD01y: -S fHt;[G Ot2-90^b U_/b$ZEG.+5\Ca-SBpeo&sz endstream endobj 229 0 obj 283 endobj 230 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 229 0 R >> stream You register once, independently of how many drones you have operating in the open or the specific category. All rights reserved. (e) Approved survival equipment must be marked for identification and method of operation. PR1421164 - Issue 3 Markings of the passenger/crew doors AIRBUS S.A.S. 1.2 Eligibility for Registration . Mandatory Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 85 A330-200 / A330-300 / A340-300 Crew placards and crew illuminated signs LD-MCR lower deck compartment Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 86 A330-200 / A330-300 / A340-300 Crew placards and crew illuminated signs 2.07 9.06 illuminated sign 8.09 Note: Placards will not be installed if equipment is visible and easily recognised Mandatory Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 87 A340-500 / A340-600 Crew rest BCRC 6.01 3.02 11.03 11.13 stairhouse door Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory 88 A340-500 / A340-600 Crew rest BCRC emergency exit - close position (Text can be read only from one direction) Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 emergency exit - open position (Text can be read only from one direction) 89 A340-500 / A340-600 Crew rest BCRC emergency exit in the close position BCRC emergency exit in the open position 11.04 (scale 1:4) 11.06 (scale 1:4) 11.14 11.05 Mandatory Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 90 A340-500 / A340-600 Crew rest BCRC stairhouse inside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 91 A340-500 / A340-600 Crew rest 11.10 (scale 1:4) 11.03 11.11 11.09 (scale 1:4) 11.12 11.08 (scale 1:4) Note: Placard installed on both sides of the BCRC entrance hatch proximate to the handle. PR1421164 - Issue 3 FEBRUARY 2017 Applicable regulations 5/8 JAR 25 SUBJECT REQUIREMENTS 25.0871 LEVELLING MEANS There must be means for determining when the aeroplane is in a level position on the ground. 110 mm Note: All placards shown in this brochure are of a scale 1:2 when printed at A4 except illuminated signs or when otherwise stated. Confidential and proprietary document. [28] See also [ edit] P&En \k FEBRUARY 2017 A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. Status: Current Review Comment: None Version: 8th edition Date: 5 February 2002 View File: Purchase Copy: TSO (The Stationery Office) English text 2nd language text (translation) Status Pages 1.01 DANGER Do not open door if red warning light is flashing (Cabin pressurized!) Aerosigns are a specialist provider of aircraft interior & exterior markings. Learn who is entitled to apply for the reservation of a registration mark and how. Confidential and proprietary document. MARKING (b) The identity and location of each passenger emergency exit must be recognisable from a distance equal to the width of the cabin. (d) Each liferaft must have obviously marked operating instructions. All rights reserved. 4. Confidential and proprietary document. 29 16 A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. Placards may not be installed if equipment is visible and easily recognized. 44 0 obj <>stream TCDS Number(s): EASA.A.037 Foreign AD: Not applicable Supersedure: None ATA 11 - Placards and Markings - Auxiliary Power Unit Air Intake - Introduction Manufacturer(s): Fokker Aircraft B.V. Applicability: F28 Mark 0070 and Mark 0100 aeroplanes, all serial numbers. $O./ 'z8WG x 0YA@$/7z HeOOT _lN:K"N3"$F/JPrb[}Qd[Sl1x{#bG\NoX3I[ql2 $8xtr p/8pCfq.Knjm{r28?. PR1421164 - Issue 3 FEBRUARY 2017 Table of contents 1/3 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS The applicable regulations at the time of initial certification related to placards and markings are listed. PR1421164 - Issue 3 FEBRUARY 2017 Owner and manufacturer plates Note: The owner plate is not mandatory/ it may answer the ICAO recommendation for identification plate AIRBUS S.A.S. applying for the registration of an aircraft in the Republic of San Marino. transition, legacy or non-class marked).' This move from the UK CAA came into effect on December 23, 2022. [emailprotected] (b) Each aerodynamic control must be marked under the requirements of JAR 25.0677 and 25.0699. Confidential and proprietary document Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Prepared by: The Airbus Program Department Authorized by: The Airbus Program Department Document reference no. At AeroGraphics, we provide you with several options for your registration number. PR1421164 - Issue 3 Markings of leveling points on the fuselage AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. (c) Means must be provided to assist the occupants in locating the exits in conditions of dense smoke. Placard parameters (scale 1:1) The placard parameters (physical size and shape, the letter font, size and colour and the border and background colour) shown within this brochure are not customisable. Change or transfer a registration mark Find out how to apply for a change or transfer a registration mark. It does not cover all customized aircraft definition including: Cabin/ cargo installations Bilingual placards Placard Location National Aviation Authorities Requirements For Cabin placards, please refer to the A330/A340 Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs ref. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. PR1421164 - Issue 3 Markings of the bulk cargo doors AIRBUS S.A.S. PR1421164 - Issue 3 FEBRUARY 2017 Applicable regulations 2/8 JAR 25 SUBJECT REQUIREMENTS 25.0787 (a) STOWAGE COMPARTMENTS Each compartment for the stowage of cargo, baggage, carry-on articles and equipment (such as life rafts) and any other stowage compartment must be designed for its placarded maximum weight of contents and for the critical load distribution at the appropriate maximum load factors corresponding to the specified flight and ground load conditions and, where the breaking loose of the contents of such compartments could: () 25.0791 PASSENGER INFORMATION SIGNS At least one sign (using either letters or symbols) notifying when smoking is prohibited and one sign (using either letters or symbols) notifying when safety belts should be fastened must, when illuminated, be legible to each person seated in the passenger cabin under all probable conditions of cabin illumination. 0000002188 00000 n on@s}sF+]>$6JAm-^73m71G f4x$CW^g%}s>rmvr]Hcj$+vNTe=J ;|rlj H^g t_:I7#YYfjnuw"D\ 9d'4T=Z,py5y Y]Nr\a!u^+ea1JE$(Vw!zJ}H"L*w} INTRODUCTION . %2]IgJ @b/[[3ptb:=?w4~{H7 All rights reserved. FEBRUARY 2017 A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. REQUIREMENTS (d) If smoking is to be prohibited, there must be a placard so stating, and if smoking is to be allowed: () (2) Where the crew compartment is separated from the passenger compartment, there must be at least one sign meeting the 'No Smoking' sign requirements of JAR 25.0791 notifying all passengers when smoking is prohibited. Relevant regulation: article 21 of EU regulation 2019/947. 0000004108 00000 n PR1421164 - Issue 3 Markings of the centre fuel tank access Note : E and F mandatory for aircraft equipped with Fuel Tank Inerting System (Mod 58723). Confidential and proprietary document. Aerosigns produce a full range of cabin interior placards on the latest flame retardant material Lexedge FR65. F11M10037987. They all are tested, and approved by the certification authorities to be readily recognised against numerous background surfaces and in numerous ambient lighting conditions. (https://www.easa.europa.eu/domains/civil-drones/naa). Confidential and proprietary document. Confidential and proprietary document. FEBRUARY 2017 A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. PR1421164 - Issue 3 Markings of the left wing surge tank access Note : mandatory for aircraft equipped with Fuel Tank Inerting System (Mod 58723). Confidential and proprietary document. (e) The location of the operating handle and instructions for opening exits from the inside of the aeroplane must be shown in the following manner: () (f) Each emergency exit that is required to be openable from the outside, and its means of opening, must be marked on the outside of the aeroplane. Fuel capacity - 72 gals. AIRBUS S.A.S. To have the following solution for bilingual text installed inside the aircraft, a customer specific request shall be risen, and second language wording shall be provided as it is required for common passenger placards. A330-200-300 MARKINGS & PLACARDS - EIALD - Ref. (A 'No Smoking' symbol may be included on the placard). However, you do not need to register yourself if your drone(s): A drone is certified when it has a certificate of airworthiness (or a restricted certificate of airworthiness) issued by the National Aviation Authority. 5) What if,the owner of the airplane is changing (i.e changing of ownership) 6) If the aeroplane is being imported for the first time. (d) For accessory, auxiliary, and emergency controls: (1) Each emergency control (including each fuel jettisoning and fluid shutoff control) must be coloured red; and (2) Each visual indicator required by JAR 25.0729(e) must be marked so that the pilot can determine at any time when the wheels are locked in either extreme position, if retractable landing gear is used. 1) When does the registration of the aeroplane takes place. endstream endobj 102 0 obj <. [PS endstream endobj 225 0 obj 325 endobj 226 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 225 0 R >> stream Learn about aircraft dealer's marks and who can register or change a mark. h|Sn0+(M.IQE+;j%9E>K6 PR1421164 - Issue 3 Identification labels - tire inflating pressure with aircraft on wheels nose landing gear AIRBUS S.A.S. )gdIACLBbcI,f|X@' endstream endobj 221 0 obj 390 endobj 222 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 221 0 R >> stream For the 6 mm typeface different information is separated by 0.5 mm line allowing 2.5 mm space to the text above and below. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Emergency equipment quantities and locations are not required by JAR 25/CS 25 regulations alone but mainly by operational regulations, each operator needs to contact its local Authority. Illuminated exit signs have a warm white background and red printing. PR1421164 - Issue 3 Cockpit placards: flight control markings Trim System AIRBUS S.A.S. 1. Will be installed in conjunction with 4.15 4.12a 4.17 4.15 Not present if requested by customer 4.19 Mandatory Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN Installed only with relevant equipment Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 60 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Lavatories lavatories inside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 61 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities 4.25 4.06 4.20 4.23 4.18 4.24 4.21 4.26 4.24a If bilingual placarding, translation "press" Standard Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN Installed only with relevant equipment FAA requirement Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 62 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Illuminated signs stairhouse Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 9.01 9.03 9.02 vacant 9.02 occupied Mandatory 63 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Illuminated signs 9.04 lower deck Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory 64 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Illuminated signs 9.06 lower deck Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory 65 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Illuminated signs 5.06 lavatories inside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory 66 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Crew placards 10.06 stairhouse Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory 67 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Crew placards 6.02 Lavatory identification lower deck Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Standard 68 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Crew placards 10.01 lower deck Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory 69 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Crew placards 11.17 8.09 10.02 10.03 Inside of pilot area 10.04 Outside of pilot area pilot area Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory 70 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Crew placards galley hatch Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 71 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities 11.04 (scale 1:4) Mandatory Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 72 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Crew placards galley and attendant seat Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 stair and lift 73 A340-600 2.03 Aft lower deck facilities 2.07 6.16 2.05 11.31 6.27 11.29 11.32 2.05a Mandatory Standard Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 74 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Crew placards 2.03 2.05 11.06 (scale 1:4) galley and lift Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory 75 A340-600 Aft lower deck facilities Crew placards 6.24 6.25 6.26 lavatories inside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Standard FAA requirement 76 A330 / A340 Crew rest FCRC 3.01 3.02 11.03 door Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 Mandatory 77 A330-200 / A330-300 / A340-300 Crew rest LD-MCR stairhouse door Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 78 A330-200 / A330-300 / A340-300 Crew rest 3.01 8.09 3.02 6.01 11.03 Note: Passenger placard (bilingual) Note: Crew placard (monolingual) Mandatory Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 79 A330-200 / A330-300 / A340-300 Crew placards LD-MCR emergency exit - close position (Text can be read only from one direction) Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 emergency exit - open position (Text can be read only from one direction) 80 A330-200 / A330-300 / A340-300 Crew placards LD-MCR emergency exit in the close position LD-MCR emergency exit in the open position 11.04 (scale 1:4) 11.06 (scale 1:4) 11.07 11.05 Mandatory Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 81 A330-200 / A330-300 / A340-300 Crew placards LD-MCR stairhouse inside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 82 A330-200 / A330-300 / A340-300 Crew placards 11.03 11.09 (scale 1:4) bilingual passenger placard 11.07 11.10 (scale 1:4) 11.08 (scale 1:4) Mandatory Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 83 A330-200 / A330-300 / A340-300 Crew placards LD-MCR stairhouse inside Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 84 A330-200 / A330-300 / A340-300 Crew placards 11.11 11.12 11.36 Note: Placard installed on both sides of the hatch proximate to the handle. CAP 523: Display of Nationality & Registration Marks on Aircraft, Availability and Reservation of UK Registration Marks, Changes of UK registration marks on LAA aircraft, Exemptions to the requirement to display aircraft marks, UK Civil Aviation Authority launches funding to help deliver airspace modernisation, UK Civil Authority confirms interim Heathrow Airport price control. Confidential and proprietary document. EASA ATPL Principles of Flight | Flight Controls Question with complete solution 2023. PR1421164 - Issue 3 FEBRUARY 2017 Applicable regulations 6/8 SUBJECT REQUIREMENTS 25.1545 JAR 25 AIRSPEED LIMITATION INFORMATION Each air speed limitation established in accordance with JAR 25.1505 to JAR 25.1516 must be stated on a placard installed in clear view of each pilot unless the associated instrument has been colour coded or provided with a limit indicating device. Per ATA 4. endstream endobj 38 0 obj <> endobj 39 0 obj <> endobj 40 0 obj <> endobj 41 0 obj <> endobj 42 0 obj <>stream means, but not the only means, to comply with the requirements for identifying aircraft and aircraft engines with identification plates, identification marking requirements for propellers, and marking aircraft with nationality and registration marks. 01 Confidential and proprietary document. %%EOF PR1421164 - Issue 3 FEBRUARY 2017 Tire inflating pressure placard on the main landing gear AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. 25.0973 (a) FUEL TANK FILLER CONNECTION Each filler must be marked as prescribed in JAR 25.1557(b) (1) 25.1013 (c) OIL TANKS Filler Connection Each oil filler must be marked under JAR 25.1557(b) (2). (b) Each location, such as a locker or compartment, that carries any fire extinguishing, signalling, or other lifesaving equipment must be marked accordingly. = Standard, non mandatory placards provided with the aircraft = Optional equipment requiring specific RFC/SCN = Present only if relevant equipment is installed = Additional mandatory placards, to obtain FAA certification Passenger and crew placards and illuminated signs - Brochure issue 3, October 2010 4 A330 / A340 General Graphic design system Formats Colors The system allows 4 different widths of placards: Placard colors are generally: 37.5 mm 75 mm 110 mm 160 mm for small pictographs for short written information and single pictographs for the regular placard for long written information and pictographs with text text background / pictograph frame: pictograph background: text: grey cloud light grey quartz grey Lettering in vital placards according to FAR 25 is fire red. Each door that must be used in order to reach any required emergency exit must have a suitable placard stating that the door is to be latched in the open position during take-off and landing. Display of Nationality & Registration Marks on Aircraft. The TC automatically becomes invalid by law because there is no one to be in compliance with the TCH responsibilities. Since 2003, EASA is responsible for the certification of aircraft in the EU and for some European non-EU Countries. Coupled with our aviation knowledge and experience we can assist with all types of decal installations. No. Will my registration as drone operator be recognised throughout Europe? There must be: (1) A passenger emergency exit locator sign above the aisle (or aisles) near each passenger emergency exit, or at another overhead location if it is more practical because of low headroom, except that one sign may serve more than one exit if each exit can be seen readily from the sign; (2) A passenger emergency exit marking sign next to each passenger emergency exit, except that one sign may serve two such exits if they both can be seen readily from the sign; and (3) A sign on each bulkhead or divider that prevents fore and aft vision along the passenger cabin to indicate emergency exits beyond and obscured by the bulkhead or divider, except that if this is not possible the sign may be placed at another appropriate location. PR1421164 - Issue 3 Markings of the cargo compartments 2/4 Note : the placard content may vary between the different A330 versions (please refer to the AIPC applicable to the aircraft). Engine Type only 5.Zonal 6.PerCustomer request. PR1421164 - Issue 3 Markings of the standby compass AIRBUS S.A.S. .1 This editorial will summarize some new information concerning the <b . 0000001250 00000 n PR1421164 - Issue 3 Markings of the cargo compartments 1/4 AIRBUS S.A.S. INTERNAL PLACARDS AND MARKINGS: Cabin placards Cockpit placards Flight Controls marking Speed Limits markings Standby compass marking Markings of the Compass Correction Cards Marking of Emergency Equipment/ furnishing Marking of the cargo compartments Markings of the centre fuel tank access Marking of the oil filler of the APU Compartment Oxygen supply in avionic bay AIRBUS S.A.S. Confidential and proprietary document. AIRBUS S.A.S. AIRBUS S.A.S. AIRBUS S.A.S. cabin area, and are green when vacant and red when occupied. Confidential and proprietary document. Typical exteriorplacards & markings provided by Aerosigns include: As standard, exterior decals are fabricated on 3M 220 series clear and white vinyl. 29 0 obj <> endobj The remaining passenger placards and illuminated customer on time the passenger placards remain English only and the signs are in English with space for one other language except for the aircraft will be equipped with placards according to Airbus standard. Confidential and proprietary document. Some A few placards require special sizes due to special geometric pictographs use red or green to indicate restriction or permission. 0000007298 00000 n PR1421164 - Issue 3 FEBRUARY 2017 Applicable regulations 1/8 JAR 25 SUBJECT 25.0671 (b) CONTROL SYSTEM 25.0677 (b) TRIM SYSTEMS 25.0783 (b) DOORS AIRBUS S.A.S. Retardant material Lexedge FR65 ( a 'No Smoking ' symbol may be included on the wing surface! $ 'vN Confidential and proprietary document in Australia apply for a change or a. 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