UX Expert Evaluation

UX Expert Evaluation
An expert review is an assessment of your product or website by a user experience expert using widely accepted user experience heuristics, usability principles and the individual’s profound industry experience performing the review. Expert reviews are usually a short project that is useful to clients as a supplement to a laboratory study or as part of a broader user-centric design initiative. Most expert reviews at Blink consist of two complementary parts: a heuristic assessment, and a cognitive walkthrough.

Heuristic Evaluation

A heuristic assessment consists of an examination of a product or program against well-established usability criteria, or “heuristics.” The purpose of a heuristic assessment is to define and prioritize areas for improvement. A heuristic assessment can include all or just a part of an application or site.

Cognitive Walkthrough

A cognitive walkthrough analyzes the steps that users take to perform tasks with a product or program. The research team identifies user roles, and target-oriented scenarios and objectives direct the study as testers role play the part of users “walking through” the real or prototyped product or program to complete tasks, recognizing any usability challenges they experience. When paired with a heuristic evaluation, the cognitive walkthrough produces a powerful set of findings that enable the customer to implement dramatic improvements to usability in their product or site.

UX Expert Evaluation

We often find that customers are simply too close to their own software or website to see the things our experts might be able to jump out. Additionally, our experts bring a wealth of different industry experiences and best practices to the table that you might never have considered.

We’ve conducted UX software and website evaluations that are in all different stages of development including:

  • Wireframe screen design stage
  • Software prototype stage
  • Testing stage
  • Alpha / Beta / soft launch
  • Live products and websites
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